Verb in Japanese

Important verb (Kanji)
AudioEatto eat
AudioDrinkto drink
AudioBuyto buy
AudioSeeto watch, look, see
AudioAnd showto show
AudioWriteto write, draw, paint
AudioSendto send
AudioMaketo make, produce, cook
AudioUseto use
AudioYou see I match /to meet / to match, fit
AudioGoto go
AudioCometo come
AudioKaerimasuto return
AudioThereto have, be at, exist (inanimate)
AudioThere areto have, be at, exist (animate)
AudioTalkto talk, speak
AudioWill translateto translate
AudioGo to bedto lie down, go to bed
AudioHappensto get up, wake up, happen, occur
AudioBrokento be broken
AudioYou fixto repair, fix
AudioRaiseto give, present / to raise, lift up
AudioYou gotto receive, be given
AudioBorrowsto borrow, rent
AudioGoes upto go up, rise
AudioDecreasesto go down, drop
AudioIncreasesto increase
AudioDecreasesto decrease
AudioYou learnto learn
AudioYou rememberto memorize, learn, master
AudioI will tell youto teach, inform, notice
AudioCheckto check, investigate
AudioForgetto forget
AudioBeginsto begin, start, open
AudioEndsto finish, end
AudioOpento open
AudioCloseto close
AudioWinsto win
AudioYou loseto lose (a game)
AudioAnd turnto turn, curve
AudioIt stops you stay /to stop / to stay (the night)
AudioRidesto get on, ride
AudioGet offto get off
AudioWill sitto sit, have a seat
AudioWashto wash
AudioBaketo grill, bake, roast, toast
AudioOffto cut
AudioWearsto wear, put on (clothes)
AudioTake offto take off (shoes, clothes)
AudioTakes / Taketo take, get / to take a picture
AudioAndto do, play (something)

Important to each other (kana)

AudioEatto eat
AudioYou onlyto drink
AudioYou buyto buy
AudioYou onlyto watch, look, see
AudioYou showto show
AudioWriteto write, draw, paint
AudioWill sendto send
AudioCreateto make, produce, cook
AudioWe useto use
AudioImusto meet / to match, fit
AudioGoto go
AudioYou canto come
AudioReturnedto return
AudioThereto have, be at, exist (inanimate object)
AudioThere areto have, be at, exist (animate object)
AudioReleaseto talk, speak
AudioWill translateto translate
AudioYou sleepto lie down, go to bed
AudioPlaceto get up, wake up, happen, occur
AudioYou brokento be broken
AudioYou healto repair, fix
AudioRaiseto give, present / to raise, lift up
AudioYou gotto receive, be given
AudioBorrowsto borrow, rent
AudioGoes upto go up, rise
AudioDecreasesto go down, drop
AudioIncreasesto increase
AudioDecreasesto decrease
AudioYou profilingto learn
AudioYou rememberto memorize, learn, master
AudioI will tell youto teach, inform, notice, let somebody know
AudioCheckto check, investigate
AudioYou forgetto forget
AudioBeginto begin, start, open
AudioEndsto finish, end
AudioDrillto open
AudioTightento close
AudioWinsto win
AudioYou loseto lose (a game)
AudioAnd turnto turn, curve
AudioStopsto stop / to stay (the night), lodge
AudioYou glueto get on, ride
AudioYou foldto get off
AudioYou sitto sit, have a seat
AudioWashto wash
AudioBurn itto grill, bake, roast, toast
AudioOffto cut
AudioYou canto wear, put on (clothes)
AudioTake offto take off (shoes, clothes)
AudioTakesto take, get / to take a picture
AudioAndto do, play (something)

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