Weekly Recap: 1/4 - 1/10 , 2016


▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 今週行われたイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ クラス共通記事・ プレイガイド・マッチアップ
・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ reddit注目の投稿・ 今週のハイライト映像・ HSのマメ知識
・ ファンアート・Warcraft Lore・ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Weekly Recap: 12/28 - 1/3 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Hearthstone® December 2015 Ranked Play Season Final Rankings [Battle.net]
Hotfix: Arena Card Distribution [Battle.net]
Hearthstone Hotfix - January 5 [Facebook]

Corrected an issue with the number of League of Explorers cards that would appear in Arenas. League of Explorers cards should now correctly appear about 50% more often than other sets when building an Arena deck.

Arena/闘技場におけるLeague of Explorersカード数の問題を修正。現在デッキを構築する際に他セットの約50%以上の確率でLOEセットのカードが表示されます。

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

◆ その他のニュース

Most Popular Decks of the Week, Deck Spotlight: Spark's Anyfin Mrrgglrglr, Dr. Boom and the 7+ Mana Alternatives [Hearthpwn]
Deck Spotlight: Velen OTK Priest, Class Design Competition, Pack Openings = Rigged [Hearthpwn]
LOE Arena Card Distribution Changes, Deck Spotlight: Reno Control Warrior, iPad Crash Workaround [Hearthpwn]
Tavern Brawl: Battle of the Builds, Winterveil Concludes, The Angry Chicken #128 - Pick Your Deck [Hearthpwn]
Deck Spotlight: LOKShadow's OTK Combo Warrior, Feugen & Stalagg Need Friends [Hearthpwn]

Gold Series 2015 GF Interview: Tiddler [Liquid Hearth]

TIddlerCelestial: “The Chinese players are far less professional than the others” [GosuGamers]

GosuAwards 2015: Hearthstone winners [Liquid Hearth]

Hearthstone: December 2015 Card Back Issue [Icy Veins]

Hearthstone Hot Topic: Pity Timer on Pack Openings [Icy Veins]

The best—and worst—Tavern Brawls of all time [Dailydot]

【国内サイト】レジェンド・カードの出現を確定させるカードパックの「救済タイマー」について [Hearthstone.exp]

【国内サイト】amanosと佐和子のHEARTHSTONE講座が公開されました! [すべ半]

Multiboxing Becoming Popular Among Pro Players [Icy Veins]

"Lothar is okay and receiving medical assistance. Please give Lothar all your energy." - Ocelote [Twitter]

Activision Blizzard acquires Major League Gaming [GosuGamers]

Activision Blizzard acquires Major League Gaming [Dailydot]

【国内サイト】Activision Blizzardが『Major League Gaming』の事業を買収、「eスポーツのESPN」構築計画を促進 [negitaku]

【国内サイト】パラディンはどうやって最弱ヒーローから最強の座に上り詰めたのか [Google docs]

【国内サイト】[イベントレポート] 日本初のブリザード・エンターテイメント公認イベント「ハースストーン新年会」 [GAME STAR]
【国内サイト】日本初『ハースストーン』「炉端の集い」に100人以上が参加!―会場レポ [Gamespark]
【国内サイト】日本初の公式オフラインイベント「ハースストーン新年会」レポート [Game Watch]
【国内サイト】100人以上のハースストーンファンが集った Blizzard主催ユーザー向けイベントレポ [Ascii]



◆ 今週行われたイベント

Celestial: 9 Decklists in $163k TeamStory league [Liquid Hearth]

$50k Gold Series Grand Finals [Youtube]

JCG Hearthstone Pro League Winter CUP Finals 大会レポート [JCG]

HS日光杯#8 結果報告及びインタビュー [ミーシャル・アーツ]
HS日光杯#9 結果報告及びインタビュー [ミーシャル・アーツ]

◆ 来週以降のイベント

「Hearthstone」のチーム制大会「Hearthstone Clan Championship Season5」がアフリカTVで独占配信 [4gamer]

第3回 天野一武道会@アジアサーバー 開催のお知らせ [すべ半]
第3回天野一武道会 スペシャルゲストは秦佐和子さん! [すべ半]

1/30に初心者向けのオフラインイベントを開催します! [From 0]

Meepleside gathering #2 ~ハースストーン & ボードゲーム~ [Twipla]



◆ Metagame

THE META SNAPSHOT: #43 Welcome Back [TempoStorm]
Weekly Top Legend Decks Analysis #5 [reddit]

◆ クラス共通記事

I Am Ready to Learn: A Guide to Self-Improvement [Enter the Hearth]
Ethereal Conjurer Infographic [BlizzPro]
Understanding Hearthstone's Ladder [TempoStorm]
Streamer Watch! Start of a New Season [Hearthstone Players]
Secret Paladin: Is it Overpowered? [Hearthstone Players]
Stonekeep’s Best of 2015 Awards [Hearthstone Players]
Hackbyssus #2 – Reno Odds [Abyssus]
【国内サイト】LOE新カード座談会@koroneko,ルネ,まッつん [すべ半]
【国内サイト】闘技場で速いデッキが安定して勝てる理由 [ハースストーンの闘技場攻略ブログ]
【国内サイト】探検同盟追加による闘技場ヒーローへの影響 [RNG it!]
【国内サイト】レジェンド・プレイヤーへの8つのステップ(by Senbonzakura) [the Cat's Pajamas]

◆ プレイガイド・マッチアップ

Beginner's Guide to Hearthstone's Meta: Aggro [TempoStorm]
Decks to Play – Evolutionary Leap [Hearthstone Players]
【国内サイト】ドラフトガイド:ドラフトにおけるクラス毎のピックの方向性 [ハースストーンの闘技場攻略ブログ]
プレイ解説 基礎編 ~盤面のアップグレード~ [ハースストーンの闘技場攻略ブログ]
【国内サイト】闘技場におけるミニオン配置 [RNG it!]
【国内サイト】闘技場におけるシュレッダーの配置について [RNG it!]
【国内サイト】闘技場メイジの対策ポイント [RNG it!]
【国内サイト】闘技場シャーマンの対策ポイント [RNG it!]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

Hearthstone Tavern Brawl: Battle of the Builds [Icy Veins]
Tavern Brawl: Battle of the Builds [TempoStorm]
【国内サイト】酒場の喧嘩 #30: ビルド大合戦 [Hearthstone.exp]

◆ 今週の注目デッキ

Midrange Druid after the Reset [Liquid Hearth]
#1 Legend Combo Druid! 80% winrate [Hearthpwn]
Thijs - Midrange Druid #1: For the Wild! [Youtube]
Hybrid Druid - Innovating But Still Innervating [reddit]
Tech Checks #3 – Kodo Druid [Abyssus]
[pwny] [EU] S22 Legend #5 Aggro Druid [Hearthpwn]
Mech Druid [reddit]

Control Hunter? What?! (JHUS' Control Naga Hunter) [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: JHUS's Control Hunter? WHAT!?! [Revenge of Naga!] [Youtube]

The Complete Tempo Mage Guide [Liquid Hearth]
Tempo Mage [reddit]
[#1 LEGEND S22] TEMPO MAGE [Hearthpwn]
【国内サイト】【最速レジェ】crossさんのテンポメイジ 実況解説プレイ! [すべ半]
Thijs - Freeze Mage #1: Bottomdecked [Youtube]
【国内サイト】heidrun流フリーズメイジ教室!その1 [すべ半]
【国内サイト】heidrun流フリーズメイジ教室その2! [すべ半]
【国内サイト】cross7224安価(?)メックメイジ プレイング実況解説プレイ! [すべ半]
StrifeCro - Reno Mage #1: A Divine Calling [Youtube]

[S22 Fast Legend!] Talion's Aggrodin (with budget friendly options) [Hearthpwn]
S22 Garifar aggro secret paladin [Hearthpwn]
Top 100 Legend with Midrange Paladin [reddit]
Murloc Paladin - January 2016 [Metabomb]

Shadow Priest by Senfglas [Hearth2p]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Lyme's TOP 50 LEGEND OTK Priest [Youtube]
Control Priest - January 2016 [Metabomb]

[Top 50 NA Legend] Oil Rogue Comeback! [Hearthpwn]
Mech Gorilla Rogue - Always Close or Death! [Constructed Gameplay] [Youtube]
Raptor Rogue Guide [reddit]
Mill Rogue - January 2016 [Metabomb]

LoE Super Budget Battle Mech Shaman [Hearthpwn]
Trump - Battlecry Shaman (Shaman Constructed) [Youtube]

HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ghtL TwoBiers's Zoolock with Brann [TOP 15 LEGEND] [Youtube]
【国内サイト】Branzoo ランクマッチ 022 / Rank 18 → 11 [ハースストーン動物園/園長日記]
Thijs - Hobgoblin Zoo Guide [Youtube]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Trump's Renolock 1.7 [Legend] [Youtube]
Thijs - Reno Warlock #1: No Riches for the Thieves [Youtube]
MalyLock - January 2016 [Metabomb]
【国内サイト】マリロック小ネタ集:メイジ [Luna Side Base]
【国内サイト】マリロック小ネタ集:ウォーリア [Luna Side Base]

【国内サイト】和訳:[S22 #1 Legend] World First Legend Patron (70% winrate) [Hearthstoneの日記]
Fibonacci's Rank One Legend Deck [Icy Veins]
[Legend] LOKShadow OTK Warrior [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: LOKShadow's OTK Warrior [Legend] [Youtube]
Top 10 Legend Dragon Warrior Guide [reddit]



◆ reddit注目の投稿

The subreddit's censorship about Hearthstone drama needs to go. [reddit]
Abusing of Hearthstone World Championship Points is being done at the moment [reddit]
Blizzard, can u make it so in the collection, when we type "golden," our golden cards show up? [reddit]
Chose one: + 5 health and Taunt; or lose the game [reddit]
A moment of silence for the BM meta [reddit]
1000 wins with a class should get you platinum border. Ending rewards at 500 wins is kind of boring. [reddit]
Secret Paladin Bots on the rise [reddit]
How would you play this situation [reddit]
Mana Wyrm is not Balanced [reddit]
All the legendaries of LoE are perfect examples of what legendaries should be. [reddit]
My first experience with Gorillabot A-3 went okay. [Arena] [reddit]
Do you think Fan of Knives drawing Backstab sucks? [reddit]
Blizzard could tell us which "buff choice" had the highest winrate at this Tavern Brawl when it ends. [reddit]
Do you ever examine the art work of a card more carefully and realize you had the wrong picture in your head all along [reddit]
Does the Golden Monkey change a Burrowing Mine into a Legendary? [reddit]
When ever I do this I always say, "There you go little leper gnome you are cured now". [reddit]
Could we please see the discounted mana costs of enemy cards again? [reddit]
Opened 71 packs to test the pity timer. It worked.. kinda. [reddit]
So i decided to play Cursed Blade in my aggro warrior.. [reddit]
Why does Armor Smith give you armor from other minions getting damaged if she dies in an AOE, but Cult Master does not draw if he and other minions die at the same time? [reddit]
I love Neptulon. [reddit]
Blizzard, please make the sarcophagus opening code in the hall of explorers board randomize every time [reddit]
[arena] my opponent had a good start but not as good as this turn 3 play [reddit]
Blizzard, it's time to fix your quest system [reddit]

◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - Limited Choices [Youtube]
Amaz - Scamaz getting Scamaz'd? [Youtube]
Amaz - Crushed Hopes and Shattered Dreams [Youtube]
Amaz - MY FACE! [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Golden Monkeys Just Wanna Have Fun [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - He chose... poorly. [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - This Guy's Shadow Priest Deck Is Sweet! [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - Hearthstone is Silly - Episode 4 - HE HAD THE PERFECT CARDS [Youtube]
DTwo - Kinda Crazy Game [Youtube]
Hafu - One Off Lethal [Youtube]
Hafu - Grocery Shopping [Youtube]
Hafu - Cursed Blade Bomber Fail [Youtube]
Hafu - Smart Ogre Ninja [Youtube]
Kolento - 100k sub special! Thank you guys for everyfin! [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The Pity Timer & Card Management [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Arena Fail Compilation 9 [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The Search For The Golden Monkey [Youtube]
Noxious - Fun Tech! — DJINNIS AND TIGERS! [Youtube]
Noxious - HEARTHSTONE AMINO - Mobile Hearthstone Community ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ [Youtube]
P4wnyhof - Impossible Prediction - A dream comes true! [Highlight] [Youtube]
Reynad - The Inn Crowd - Episode 2.5: Behind the Inn Crowd By Tempo Storm [Youtube]
Savjz - MAJORDOMO or we go homo (KappaPride) [Youtube]
Savjz - Majordomo Fatigue/Value Mage (GOTD #4) [Youtube]
Savjz - How Good is Sylvanas Finrunner? (Anyfin Can Happen Switcheroo) [Youtube]
Savjz - Thijs vs Savjz (Constructed Encounter #2) [Youtube]
Thijs - 3 Server Grinding on stream! [Youtube]
Day9 experiences The Golden Monkey [Youtube]
Hunter's greatest enemy [Youtube]
Lucky Arena Draft [Youtube]
Malygos Shenanigans: The 29 Spell Deck [Youtube]

◆ HSのマメ知識

Tip: When searching for new cards simply type "new!" Instead of "new" [reddit]
TIL: Mistcaller effect survives the Golden Monkey [reddit]

◆ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore

Those Clay Made Hearthstone Card Backs Are So Real! [Hearth2p]
Flavor Text and Lore: Notable Priest Cards [Hearthstone Players]
Flavor Text and Lore: The Rogue Hero, Valeera Sanguinar [Hearthstone Players]
League of Explorers - Piano Cover w/ Sheets + Tutorial [Youtube]

◆ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Gahz'rilla Moments [Youtube]
Best Moments 18 | Funny Lucky Epic Plays [Youtube]
Madder Bomber Moments [Youtube]
Best of Summoning Stone - Funny Plays Lucky Moments [Youtube]
Amazing Plays #18 - Funny Lucky Epic Plays Moments [Youtube]


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