Weekly Recap: 11/23 - 11/29 , 2015


▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 今週行われたイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ クラス共通の解説記事・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩
・ アドベンチャー攻略・ パズル・クイズ・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ reddit注目の投稿・ 今週のハイライト映像・ HSのマメ知識
・ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore・ おもしろシーン特集

Weekly Recap: 11/16 - 11/22 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Join Us for the 2016 Hearthstone® Championship Tour! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® November 2015 Ranked Play Season Ending Soon! [Battle.net]

◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
【コミュニティ・インタビュー】 ハースストーン世界選手権ベスト4、Kno選手 [Battle.net]
2016年ハースストーン®選手権ツアーに参加しよう! [Battle.net]

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

◆ その他のニュース

The Explorers of Decks! Popular Decks of the Week, Midrange Hunter, Raptor Rogue, Overload Shaman [Hearthpwn]
No LOE Wing this Week, Mike Donais on League of Explorers & Discover, When Experiments Go Horribly Wrong [Hearthpwn]
Iksar on the Inspire Mechanic "There's a Long Future Ahead", Noxious' Fun Tech Bombs & Spells Mage [Hearthpwn]
Brawl: Battle of Tol Barad, Hearthstone World Championships 2016 Info, Kripp's Arena Fail Compilation #8 [Hearthpwn]

Blizzard: With Discover, we wanted to create more skill-testing options [GosuGamers]

Patron was a weak deck': A Patron-loving pro responds to Blizzard's claims [Dailydot]

Hearthstone Tilt and Tips to Avoid It [Hearthstone Players]

Hearthstone Tour Thoughts and Manners/ Tilt Part 2 [Hearthstone Players]

Mending Specials #4: The Genius of the Hearthstone Ladder [BlizzPro]

Region Locked Finals are a Good Thing! [BlizzPro]

Hearthstone Majors: Are Region Locked Finals a Good Thing? [TempoStorm]

The Benefits for Competitive Players in 2016 [TempoStorm]

【国内サイト】「Hearthstone」2016年度世界選手権の賞金総額は100万ドルに。早くも始まった参加権を巡る戦いに国内プレイヤーも参戦しよう [4gamer]

【国内サイト】来年の鰤コンへの道・HS版 [りかぴ通信]

【国内サイト】Lost in Translation? [りかぴ通信]

【国内サイト】ひとくち新聞登録者、6000名を突破しました!! [すべ半]

【国内サイト】nemukeと佐和子のHEARTHSTONE講座@Openrectv [すべ半]



◆ 今週行われたイベント

Purple is your DreamHack Winter 2015 champion [GosuGamers]
(Vods) DreamHack Winter 2015 [Youtube]

JCG Pro League 2015 Winter CUP 決勝トーナメント [JCG]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Winter CUP 決勝トーナメント Day1 [niconico]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Winter CUP 決勝トーナメント Day2 [niconico]

◆ 来週以降のイベント

SL i-League StarSeries Hearthstone Introduction [Liquid Hearth]
The world division of StarLadder i-League is stacked to bursting [GosuGamers]

A Hearthstone team league with actual open qualifiers is coming in December [GosuGamers]

オンラインカードゲーム「ハースストーン」のharuno氏主催大会 「第2回 春風大会」が12月13日(日)に開催! [GAMESTAR]

第2回天野一武道会@アジアサーバー 開催のお知らせ [すべ半]
第1回 天野一武道会 配信録画 [Youtube]
ユーザー主催のハースストーン大会『第2回 天野一武道会』が12月19日(土)に開催!! [GAMESTAR]

天野記念(グランプリ)開催! [すべ半]



◆ Metagame

THE META SNAPSHOT: #38 There Can Be Only One! [TempoStorm]
The Meta Season 20 Week 3: Reno Week [BlizzPro]

◆ クラス共通の解説記事

Behind the Hype: Reno Jackson [TempoStorm]
the best League of Explorers decks [Metabomb]
Hearthstone Mastery – Studying the Game [Hearthstone Players]
Analysis of Discover Mechanic – Ethereal Conjurer & Tomb Spider [Hearthstone Players]
Weekly Top Legend Decks #1 [Hearthstone Players]
Top Community Decks of the Week [The Irronsmith]
【国内サイト】宝箱を開けよう!(ランク戦の報酬) [From 0]
【国内サイト】英語サイトも利用しよう:Hearthpwn [From 0]
【国内サイト】相手のマリガンから手札を予想する [すべ半]
【国内サイト】ここのプレイング!@ミッドパラVSシクレパラ [すべ半]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

Tavern Brawl: Battle of Tol Barad [TempoStorm]
【国内サイト】酒場の喧嘩 #24: トル・バラドの戦い [Hearthstone.exp]

◆ アドベンチャー攻略

【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#5: トロッコ野郎・爆走一番星 [Hearthstone.exp]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#6: アーケイダス [Hearthstone.exp]

◆ パズル・クイズ

◆ 今週の注目デッキ

[89%] 17-2 ComboDruid [koroneko]@マリガンガイド [Hearthpwn]
【国内サイト】[89%] 17-2 ComboDruid [koroneko]@マリガンガイド [すべ半]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Koroneko's 17-2 Combo Druid [89%] [Youtube]
[S20] 60% WR F2P To Lege [Hearthpwn]
Miracle Malygos Druid [LOE] [Hearthpwn]

Hearthstone deck guide: Spark's Beast Master Hunter [Metabomb]
Midrange Hunter Top 50 NA Legend Guide [reddit]
[Legend] "The face is the place" -SMOrc [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Zephyr's Midrange Hunter [Youtube]

Reno Freeze 84% Easy legend? [Hearthpwn]
Ultimate RenoMage Complete Guide [Hearthpwn]
LBYS’ Aggro Freeze Mage – #1 Legend Asia [ViciousHS]

【国内サイト】11月22日 フェイスパラディンの配信録画 [すべ半]
[S20] Legend Midrange Paladin In Depth Guide [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Zardock's Legendary Secredin [Rank 20 to Legend S20] [Youtube]

[Legend] Brann Dragon Priest [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Legendonger's Brann Dragon Priest [Legend S20] [Youtube]
Dragon Control Priest of Confusion (Priest Concept) [Youtube]
LoE Deck Guide: Djinni Dragon Priest [Hearth2p]

[TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Doktorrrr's Raptor Rogue TOP 5 LEGEND REAL VERSION [Youtube]
Thijs - Legend LoE Raptor Rogue Guide, LoE Expansion [Youtube]
Raptor Rogue [LEGEND] [Hearthpwn]
Decklist spotlight: Kripp's raptor rogue zoo [GosuGamers]
Unearthed Raptor Tempo Rogue [Metabomb]
Legend Spider (Deathrattle) Rogue Guide & Update [reddit]

Top 500 Legend LOE Overload Shaman deck [reddit]
Decklist spotlight: Sottle’s Brann Bronzebeard Battlecry Shaman [GosuGamers]
【国内サイト】Reynadメックシャーマンの実況解説プレイ! [すべ半]
【国内サイト】mech aggro shaman簡単なガイド [メモ帳]
[Top 5 NA] Reynad's Aggro Overload Mech Shaman [Hearthpwn]
Five Minute Guide: Aggro Shaman [Liquid Hearth]
Guide to Top 50 NA Face Shaman [reddit]

Decklist spotlight: Purple’s Brann Malylock [GosuGamers]
Thjs - Legend LoE Malygos Warlock Guide [Youtube]
【国内サイト】【レノウォーロック】プレイング実況解説プレイ! [すべ半]
Decklist spotlight: StanCifka’s Renolock Highlander [GosuGamers]
[Top 5 Legend] Rase RenoLock [Hearthpwn]
Thjs - Reno Jackson + Brann Bronzebeard Legend Warlock Guide [Youtube]
Rank 6 Legend with Enhance-O Mechano Zoo [reddit]
NA Rank 6 to Legend Guide for Dark Peddler Zoo [reddit]
Flood Warlock Deck Tech [Hearthstone Players]
Reno Handlock - November 2015 [Metabomb]

Grim Patron Warrior - November 2015 [Metabomb]
How To Master Control Warrior [The Irronsmith]
The Power of Reno Jackson: A Warrior Deck Tech with Gaara [TempoStorm]
Legend Reno Warrior Tech Deck [Hearthstone Players]



◆ reddit注目の投稿

r/Hearthstone in 10 years [reddit]
Blizzard we need a better casual. [reddit]
When you really want that booty [reddit]
Stop it Mr. Freeze Mage, you're only making this harder on yourself... [reddit]
Professional poker player gets asked to design a Hearthstone card in his AMA, and actually delivers. [reddit]
No amount of armor will save you... [reddit]
I just lost because a taunt minion was so small I couldn't attack it [reddit]
Blizzard wants to alleviate the high price entry for Hearthstone, yet every Blizzard game has a Black Friday sale...except for Hearthstone [reddit]
I've been a huge fan of keywords, new and old, in Hearthstone and I've been working on a custom project to expand on them [reddit]
This week's Tavern Brawl finally gave me a use for Bolf Ramshield [reddit]
Wouldn't it be cool if we could discover our daily quests? [reddit]
What's so hard about giving us notice if we have disconnected while playing on PC? [reddit]
I just had an orgasmic Sacred Trial in Arena [reddit]
Fanart: Hearthstone Meta Late November 2015 [reddit]
Wispmaster Overspark [reddit]
I almost conceded... [reddit]

◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - The MOST INSANE Arena Game [Youtube]
Amaz - Dire Ace [Youtube]
Amaz - Pain is Subjective [Youtube]
Amaz - Fiery Wheel of Fortune [Youtube]
Amaz - Warlock Trials [Youtube]
Brian Kibller - Now you feel pain! [Youtube]
Dane - Reasons To Discover [Youtube]
Dtwo - LoE Uldaman Wing - Normal, Class Challenge, and Heroic [Youtube]
Eloise vs Savjz (BO5 Pirate Tavern Brawl - Part 1) [Youtube]
Best of Eloise Tempo Storm - Funny Plays Moments 2015 [Youtube]
Forsen Playing BrotherBrann Mill, Happy Accident [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Unearthed Raptor & The New Rogue?! [Youtube]
Kripparrian - When Experiments Go Horribly Wrong [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Arena Fail Compilation 8 [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Taunt Is Cheating! [Youtube]
MaSsan - Spooky Scary Hunter [Youtube]
MaSsan - Inspirational Gameplay [Youtube]
Noxious - BOMBS N' SPELLS! [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #34 [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Mimiron's 4Head. [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Digging for Victory [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Esportal [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Perspicacity [Youtube]
Savjz's best Hearthstone moments [Youtube]
Savjz - How to counter Reno (Constructed Highlight) [Youtube]
Savjz - And you thought only priests could steal your cards? (Constructed Highlight) [Youtube]
Trump's Thanksgiving Piano Performance [Youtube]
Trump on Hearthstone Championship 2016 [Youtube]
Having BIG BALLZ on Hearthstone - Pro Juggernaut Mecanics [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Challenges] #50 - The Giants Challenge! [Youtube]
Accidental lethal in this week's Tavern Brawl [Youtube]
Extreme Hard Mode [Youtube]
Majordomo executus MVP [Youtube]
That's how you sax , bro [Youtube]

◆ HSのマメ知識

TIL Loatheb can cause summoning stone to summon deathwing on turn 5 [reddit]
TIL that Far Sight gets countered by Beneath the Grounds [reddit]
Hearthstone Mythbusters 14 [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Laboratory] Divine Favor vs 11 Card Hand [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Science] Make a Twilight Drake 4/39 with its Battlecry [Youtube]
Sacred Trial vs. Jaraxxus while Mal'Ganis is in play [Youtube]
New bug: When a Fel Reaver is on the board Overload doesn't trigger! [Youtube]
Brann Bronzebeard vs. Loatheb [Youtube]

◆ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore

Illidan wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving! [reddit]
[Fan Art] Gul'Dan Your soul shall suffer! [reddit]
Hearthstone | Lore of the Cards | Rhonin (Part 1) [Youtube]

◆ おもしろシーン特集

Hearthstone plays - DAT MISPLAY [Youtube]
Blingtron 3000 Moments [Youtube]
Brann Bronzebeard Moments [Youtube]
Best Moments 10 [Youtube]
Amazing Plays #14 - Funny Lucky Epic Plays Moments [Youtube]
Best RNG Funny Moments Lucky Plays Episode 2 [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #90 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 139 [Youtube]


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