Weekly Recap: 12/7 - 12/13 , 2015
Weekly Recap: 11/30 - 12/6 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Featured News
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 12/15: #Warcraft #D3 #SC2 #Hearthstone #Heroes: 07:00 (PST) - 09:00 (PST). #SC2: 07:00 (PST) - 10:00 (PST)
— BlizzardCS (@BlizzardCS) 2015, 12月 13
日本時間12月15日深夜24時(16日AM0時)よりHearthstone Americasサーバーでメンテナンスが2時間にわたり行われる予定です◆ オフィシャル
Hearthstone® November 2015 Ranked Play Season Final Rankings [Battle.net]Winter Veil Comes to Hearthstone [Battle.net]
Bundle Up for Winter Veil! [Battle.net]
The League of Explorers: The Hall of Explorers – Now Live! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone World Championship 2015 Recap [Youtube]
Designer Insights with Ben Brode: Basic Cards [Youtube]
◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
ハースストーン®ランク戦プレイ2015年11月シーズン最終順位 [Battle.net]
冬至祭に備えよう! [Battle.net]
ハースストーンに冬至祭がやってくる! [Battle.net]
リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー、探検家の殿堂がリリース! [Battle.net]
キャンペーン「ハースストーンチャレンジ」がスタート! [Battle.net]
デザイナーの洞察 by ベン・ブロード:基本カード [Youtube]
◆ チーム加入・移籍情報
Jan “Mirrari” Jestribek leaves mYinsanity [Myinsanity]Faramir (ex-Trig) back from retirement, joins Vexed Gaming [GosuGamers]
Powder parts with ManaLight [GosuGamers]
◆ その他のニュース
Winter Veil Comes to Hearthstone (Dec 9th - Jan 6th) - Gameboard, 10 Free Classic Packs Bonus [Hearthpwn]League of Explorers Wing 4 Launches Tomorrow - Boss Info & New Cards, Winter Unveiling Finalist Voting [Hearthpwn]
League of Explorers: The Hall of Explorers Boss Guides - Skelesaurus Hex, The Steel Sentinel, Rafaam [Hearthpwn]
Sigma's Wing 4 Card Analysis - The League of Explorers [Hearthpwn]
Winter Veil List [TempoStorm]
【国内サイト】変態紳士が伝えたい!初心者でも分かるハースストーンの魅力!! [GAME STAR]
【国内サイト】「冬至祭を祝おう!」キャンペーンについて [Hearthstone.exp]
【国内サイト】「Hearthstone」冬季限定イベント「冬至祭」開催。カードパック購入で追加カードパックがもらえる特典も [4gamer]
【国内サイト】「Hearthstone」のユーザー参加型企画が本日スタート。DetonatioNや著名YouTuberたちも参戦 [4gamer]
◆ 今週行われたイベント
Time2Win Decks and VoDs [Liquid Hearth]国内
◆ 来週以降のイベント
ANNOUNCING THE HEARTHSTONE INSOMNIA TRUESILVER CHAMPIONSHIP! [Insomnia]Insomnia’s Truesilver Championship finalizes main event line-up [GosuGamers]
第2回天野一武道会@アジアサーバー 開催のお知らせ [すべ半]
アンケート:第3回 天野一武道会について [すべ半]
オフラインイベントに参加してみよう! [From 0]
◆ Metagame
Power Ranks 12.1: Paladin Hangs On [Liquid Hearth]THE META SNAPSHOT: #40 Is this Real Life, or is this Fantasy? [TempoStorm]
S21 – Part 1 – Top Legend Ladder decks! [sectorone]
Weekly Top Legend Decks #3 [Hearthstone Players]
The Meta Season 21: Fins to the Left [BlizzPro]
◆ クラス共通の解説記事
League of Explorers Card Review: Wing Four [Liquid Hearth]The Best AoE Spells by Class and When to Use Them [TempoStorm]
Time: Hearthstone's Most Valuable Resource [TempoStorm]
5 Common Mistakes Intermediate Players Need To Avoid [Hearthstone Players]
Top Streamer Watch: What are They Playing? [Hearthstone Players]
League of Explorers Weekly Review: The Hall of Explorers [Hearthstone Players]
Streamer Watch! What are they playing? [Hearthstone Players]
The Strategy of Playing With and Against Combo Decks [Hearthstone Players]
thepidgn Visual Matchup Guide for Fighting Demon Zoo Warlock [reddit]
Quadrant Theory: How to Evaluate Cards [Enter the hearth]
In defence of aggro in Hearthstone [PC GAMER]
【国内サイト】プレイ解説 ~次以降のターンを考えよう~ [ハースストーンの闘技場攻略ブログ]
【国内サイト】ハースストーン、初心者向けデッキの作り方 [ダル♪の趣味ブログ]
◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩
TAVERN BRAWL ENCOUNTER AT THE CROSSROADS [Topdecks]http://hearthstone-dojo.blogspot.com/2015/12/weekly-recap-127-1213-2015.html酒場の喧嘩 #26: 運命の出会い頭 [Hearthstone.exp]
◆ アドベンチャー攻略
Heroic Guide: The Staff is Complete [Liquid Hearth]Hall of Explorers: Heroic Deck Lists and Videos [BlizzPro]
LoE: A decklist for each Heroic boss (easy wins) [reddit]
Back again, this time with the Final Wing of the League of Explorers using Basic Cards! [reddit]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#8: ジャイアントフィン [Hearthstone.exp]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#9: レディ・ナズジャール [Hearthstone.exp]
◆ パズル・クイズ
◆ 今週の注目デッキ
DruidThijs - Legend Sir Finley Midrange Druid Guide [Youtube]
[T100 Legend] In Depth Guide to Aggro Druid (goYugiohPro) [Hearthpwn]
J4CKICHAN's Legendary Egg Druid [Hearth2p]
15 Winstreak to Legend-featuring Sir Finley Mrglton [Hearthpwn]
Thijs - Legend LoE Mech Mage Guide [Youtube]
StrifeCro - Mech Mage #1: Channeling the Gorilla Man [Youtube]
Top 25 NA/Asia - Standard/Aggro Freeze 12/11/15 [Youtube]
Aggro Mage - December 2015 [Metabomb]
GameKing Rank #1 Legend Aggro Pala [Hearthpwn]
[#3 legend EU] 80%+ winrate secret paladin [Hearthpwn]
Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Midrange Paladin [BlizzPro]
*Murloc OTK* Anyfin Paladin by Thijs [Hearth2p]
【マーロックパラディン】12/6 Twitch配信録画/ハースストーンプレイング実況解説プレイ-Hearthstone [Youtube]
Zetalot’s Entomb Priest [Hearth2p]
Entomb Control Priest [Hearthstone Players]
Mechbane: Attack of the Holy Spare Parts [pHearthstone Players]
The Resurrection of Miracle Rogue [reddit]
[Top 10 Legend] Talion's Horserider Oil Rogue [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Sigma's Stalagg & Feugen Rattle Rogue! [Youtube]
Mill Rogue - December 2015 [Metabomb]
Where Does Unearthed Raptor fit in Rogue? [TempoStorm]
Midrange Shaman - December 2015 [Metabomb]
[Legend NA] Token Shaman (63% Winrate) [Hearthpwn]
アグロシャーマン@マリガンガイド / ハースストーンプレイング実況解説プレイ-Hearthstone [Youtube]
[S21 Asia #1] 100% win rate 21WIN-0LOSE [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Peter's #1 Legend Asia 21-0 Winstreak Warlock [S21] [Youtube]
P4wny's Brann Zoo [Top 20 Eu] [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Forsen's Golden Monkey Warrior [Youtube]
Thijs - Legend LoE Midrange Warrior Guide [Youtube]
Why Elise will become a staple in control warrior [reddit]
◆ reddit注目の投稿
My friend told me to show you this custom HS board [reddit]All 23 hero powers in one turn [reddit]
Is there a lore reason why Anduin steals everything that isn't nailed down? Kleptomania or something? [reddit]
Does the Anyfin Can Happen pun work in other languages, or is it just a card with a senseless name if you're not an English speaker? [reddit]
this bothers me more, than it should [reddit]
LOE was easily the most fun adventure, if not the most fun hearthstone (outside of a brawl) I've ever played. (Spoilers) [reddit]
I just realized that HS Entomb is practically the exact opposite of Magic:TG Entomb [reddit]
Big shoutout to Blizzard. LoE has been amazing, and I'm excited for the future of Hearthstone. [reddit]
A Merry Christmas to you too Hearthstone! [reddit]
How I feel about Hearthstone class card design [reddit]
Android app takes too much space, but there's really quick fix for this! [reddit]
Turn 5 Elise, 6 Map, 7 Monkey, 8 Win [reddit]
5100 people responded to the survey on emotes. Here are the results. [reddit]
When pillaging tombs goes wrong [reddit]
Off to a great start in the new adventure wing... [reddit]
Just a normal Hearthstone game post LoE [reddit]
Can we get a cardback for achieving 12 wins in arena? [reddit]
◆ 今週のハイライト映像
Amaz - Amaz can't Multitask [Youtube]Amaz - You thought Paladins beat Druids? [Youtube]
Amaz - The Girl [Youtube]
Amaz - Amaz Outsmarting the Boss [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Why Entomb is Awesome [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - In the Hall of the Murloc King [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Discovering Discover [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - The Light Shall Burn You! [Youtube]
Day[9] has a learning moment with new cards [Youtube]
Day[9] The Most Pathetic BM [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - BLIZZARD FIXING BUGS?! [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - FUNNY INTERACTION - Magma Rager vs Rafaam [Youtube]
DTwo - Cool Play (Taro vs YouLove, Hearthstone Team Story Week 10) [Youtube]
Firebat - Any BM can happen [Youtube]
Kolento - ladder highlight - Kolento vs Sjow [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Yo ho ho! A Tempo Life For Me [Youtube]
Kripparrian - 30 Legendary Deck: Pay To WIN?! [Youtube]
Lothar - The second time im using Tinkmaster afternerf. [Youtube]
MaSsan - 100K Special [Youtube]
MaSsan - Strangest Arena Synergy [Youtube]
Noxious - Fun Tech! — FOR THE RWLRWLIGHT! [Youtube]
Reynad - Funny Reynad Stream Highlights - A Game of Skill [Youtube]
Savjz - Cheeky little mage [Youtube]
Trump - Someone Cast Stupify on Trump (Shaman Constructed) [Youtube]
Ancient Mage Combo [Youtube]
Highest Damage Possible With Thaurissan Combos [Youtube]
Lock and Load Kill on turn 2 [Youtube]
Jarraxus? [Youtube]
Hobgoblin Rage [Youtube]
Fun with Arch-Thief Rafaam! [Youtube]
Steel Sentinel Face Reconfiguration [Youtube]
◆ HSのマメ知識
TIL Giantfin doesnt play any minions if u have baron geddon in play [reddit][Hearthstone Laboratory] Animated Armor vs Ice Block, Bolf Ramshield [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Science] Malorne Madness! (Cast Spells at your Deck) [Youtube]
◆ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore
Flavor Text and Lore: Garrosh, The Warrior Hero [Hearthstone Players]Flavor Text and Lore: Magni and Notable Warrior Cards [Hearthstone Players]
Flavor Text and Lore: The Hunter Hero, Rexxar [Hearthstone Players]
Still Go Face [Nerf Now!!]
◆ おもしろシーン特集
RNG Saltage - Episode 5 [Youtube]Best Moments 12 [Youtube]
Best New Murloc Moments [Youtube]
Best Nefarian Moments [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 141 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 142 [Youtube]