Weekly Recap: 12/14 - 12/20 , 2015


▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 今週行われたイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ クラス共通の解説記事・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩
・ アドベンチャー攻略・ パズル・クイズ・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ reddit注目の投稿・ 今週のハイライト映像・ HSのマメ知識
・ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore・ おもしろシーン特集

Weekly Recap: 12/7 - 12/13 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Tavern Brawl Time Change [Battle.net]
So You Think You Can Cast: Hearthstone Edition [Battle.net]
The Gift Exchange Tavern Brawl is Coming [Battle.net]

◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
Amazon Storeにおける価格設定更新のお知らせ [Battle.net]
「酒場の喧嘩」開始時間変更のお知らせ [Battle.net]
まもなく「酒場の喧嘩: 冬至祭の贈り物」が開幕 [Battle.net]

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

◆ その他のニュース

Top Decks of the Week, Winter Unveiling Competition Results, So You Think You Can Cast? [Hearthpwn]
Winter Veil Tavern Brawl Launches Today, Tavern Brawl Release Time Change [Hearthpwn]
Ben Brode on Value Town, Gift Exchange Tavern Brawl, The Angry Chicken #125 - Rafaam Cheats [Hearthpwn]
Deck Spotlight: Curse of Fists Warlock, Deck Spotlight: Midrange Hunter, Kripparrian Steals Gifts [Hearthpwn]

【国内サイト】ニュース – 酒場の喧嘩(Tavern Brawl)の開始時間変更 [Hearthstone.exp]

Sick of Conquest? A Few Ideas On How To Mix Up The Tournament Format [Enter the Hearth]

9 saltiest esports moments of 2015 [Dailydot]

【国内サイト】映画「ウォークラフト」の2016年日本公開が決定。ゲームシリーズの世界設定はそのままに,オークとヒューマンの闘争を描く [4gamer]

【国内サイト】「Hearthstone」YouTuberによるキャンペーンムービー第1弾が公開。トップバッターは“ろあ”氏 [4gamer]

【実況】ミラクルが起こった??!プロと一緒にハースストーン!【ろあ】 [Youtube]

【ハースストーン】プロゲーマーの強さがわかりました [Youtube]

【#ハースストーン】プロゲーマーとコラボ! スマフォでカードゲーム!! ハースストーンチャレンジ【コラボ】 [Youtube]



◆ 今週行われたイベント

(Vods) Truesilver Championship [reddit]
Rdu back in winning form with victory at Truesilver Championship [GosuGamers]

ハースストーンのイベント「HSたまり場」に行ってきた! [GAMESTAR]

第2回 天野一武道会 結果発表 [すべ半]

◆ 来週以降のイベント

JCG Pro League Winter CUP Finals 決勝トーナメントの詳細を公開! [JCG]

2016年・HearthStone新年会 @ Three Monkeys Cafe AKIBA [e-sports SQUARE]
2016年1月9日(土)に「ハースストーン新年会」が開催!!参加者には特製のハースストーングッズが貰えるぞ! [GAMESTAR]



◆ Metagame

THE META SNAPSHOT: #41 The End of LoE - Or the Beginning of the LoE Meta [TempoStorm]
Where each class stands after the League of Explorers expansion [Dailydot]

◆ クラス共通の解説記事

Countering The Net Deck Series Part 6- Deck Building 101: The Wrap Up [Hearthstone Players]
5 Common Mistakes Experienced Players Need To Avoid [Hearthstone Players]
Weekly Top Legend Decks #4 [Hearthstone Players]
Why Hearthstone Needs More Control Enabling Cards [TempoStorm]
Hearthstone Top 5 Impactful Minions [TempoStorm]
Entomb: Just what Priest Needed? [TempoStorm]
Winning the Mindset Game – Turning a losing streak around [The Irronsmith]
Understanding Ladder and Why Teching Your Deck Against Control is Wrong! [reddit]
The state of Midrange Hunter post LoE [reddit]
The State of Control Warrior [reddit]
A Blurb About Meta Game Theory [reddit]
【国内サイト】ZOTAC SEA Cup#22 優勝しました!@ZOTAC攻略法 [すべ半]
【国内サイト】レジェンダリカードランク [From 0]
【国内サイト】[ハースストーンTIPS] 最初に作るレジェンダリーカードは? [GAMESTAR]
【国内サイト】[翻訳]Hoej’s thoughts on consistency and RNG [Heidrun]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

Tavern Brawl: Gift Exchange! [TempoStorm]
Tavern Brawl Week 50 [Hearthstone Players]
【国内サイト】酒場の喧嘩 #27: 冬至祭の贈り物 [Hearthstone.exp]

◆ アドベンチャー攻略

League of Explorers: Heroic Hall of Explorers Guide [Hearthstone Players]
Dtwo - The Ruined City (廃墟の都市) - Normal, Class, and Heroic [Youtube]
Dtwo - Hall of Explorers (探検家の殿堂) - Normal, Class, and Heroic [Youtube]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#10: スケルサウルス・ヘックス [Hearthstone.exp]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#11: スティール・センチネル [Hearthstone.exp]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#12: 大怪盗ラファーム [Hearthstone.exp]

◆ パズル・クイズ

◆ 今週の注目デッキ

Separating the Good from the Great: Midrange Druid [Liquid Hearth]
Malygos Miracle Raven Idol Druid [Constructed Gameplay] [Youtube]
Egg Druid - December 2015 [Metabomb]
[Top 10] Idol + Finley combo Druid [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: YoYoMyHeart's Idol Finley Combo Druid [Top 10] [Youtube]

[Legend Top 30] Midrange Hunter [Hearthpwn]
JHUS' Naga Hunter [in-depth guide] [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: JHUS's Naga Hunter!!! [Youtube]
Legend with Trap Hunter (guide) [reddit]

Beating the Current Meta with Tempo Mage [Hearthstone Players]
Casino Animated Armor Mage! Wait what? [Constructed Gameplay] [Youtube]
Thijs - Legend LoE Reno Freeze Mage Guide [Youtube]

【国内サイト】まだ鯛罪算で消耗してるの? [空洞]
Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Aggro Paladin [BlizzPro]
GameKing Rank #1 Legend Aggro Paladin Deck [reddit]
Odemian : Number 2 EU Rafaam+Reno Paladin (credits to Lifecoach) [Hearthpwn]
#Top3 OTK Murloc by Neviilz [Hearthpwn]

Insane Entomb Control Priest ! (81% win rate!) [Hearthpwn]
Thijs - Control LoE Priest Guide [Youtube]
Road to Perfection – Control Priest, Playtesting Results [Hearthstone Players]

HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Dog's Pillager Miracle Rogue! [DEATH TO PRIESTS] [Youtube]
Lifecoach Playing Malygos Rogue [Youtube]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: NeroOne's 90% WinRate Rank 5 [S21] [Youtube]
Pirate Rogue - December 2015 [Metabomb]

From rank 5 to legend with Tempo Shaman [reddit]
Thijs - Legend LoE Aggro Shaman Guide [Youtube]
Legend With Aggro Shaman: A Detailed Look at the Grind & Statistics [reddit]

Flood Zoo Warlock - December 2015 [Metabomb]
[LEGEND] Fist + Curse Warlock [Hearthpwn]
79%win rate Curse of Rafaam (new Cancer deck) [Hearthpwn]
Legend with RenoLock: Matchups and Stats [reddit]

【国内サイト】Eloise Aggro Warriorの実況解説動画! [すべ半]
[S21 Legend] Aggro Warrior ft. dragons (Full Guide) [Hearthpwn]
Rank 5 to legend with Raging Patrons [reddit]
Gorilla Warrior - Infinite Monkey Army! [Constructed Gameplay] [Youtube]
Elise Warrior Fatigue S21 [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Mordred h's Elise Fatigue Warrior [S21] [Youtube]



◆ reddit注目の投稿

I really like the size of the hearthstone android app [reddit]
The buff Captain's parrot needs [reddit]
If a Tavern Brawl has us create a deck, it seems like a good idea to let us choose one of our constructed decks if we want. [reddit]
A ventriloquist walks into the tavern... [reddit]
this brawl would have been AMAZING with predetermined decks. [reddit]
Blizzard is treating EU like trash [reddit]
Entomb Priest doing some laddering [reddit]
Where does Miracle Rogue get its name from? [reddit]
Wouldn't it be more flavorful and balanced if Timepiece of Horror dealt 12damage? [reddit]
Can we get a fart sound effect after the animation when failing a Reno? [reddit]
Rafaam should be the new Priest hero [reddit]
Can we get a cardback for achieving 12 wins in arena? [reddit]
Had Deathwing since turn 1. Then this happened... [reddit]
Elise Starseeker is Dora the Explorer, she has both a Map and a Monkey. [reddit]
What if Animal Companion DISCOVERED a Huffer instead of putting one randomly? [reddit]
My girlfriend is studying for goldsmith, as one of her exercises she had to make a keychain... [reddit]
Why does nobody complain about how the cards move when youre playing spells? [reddit]
Move over Rafaam, there's a new arch-thief in town [reddit]
I want a board buddy. [reddit]

◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - A Hot Mess [Full Arena vs. KCLawed] [Youtube]
Amaz - Arena Swings [Full Game vs. andyng] [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Missed Lethal or the most Extended BM? [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Epic Golden Monkey Comeback [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Got REKT in Golden Monkey Showdown [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Legendary Golden Monkey Deathmatch [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - The Many Emotes of Winter Veil [Youtube]
Day9 - next-level Miracle Rogue play [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - STREAMERS REACT TO RAFAAM (ft. Kripparrian, Amaz, Day9, Kibler, Savjz, Forsen) [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - League of Explorers in Slow Motion... [Youtube]
Pro Player Spotlight: DOG [Youtube]
DTwo - What a f***er (DTwo is salty part 2) [Youtube]
Hafu - Triple Bolster! [Youtube]
Hafu - Triple Power Overwhelming! [Youtube]
Hafu - Gaming Philosophy With Hafu [Youtube]
Kolento - Down to the wire [Youtube]
Kripparrian - How Good Is Blizzard AI? [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The Most Insane Arena Deck Ever [Youtube]
Kripparrian - A Shared Emotional Rollercoaster Arena [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Learning How To Ladder Again [Youtube]
MaSsan - This deck is cheating! [Youtube]
Noxious - Fun Tech! — FOR THE RWLRWLIGHT! [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #36 [Youtube]
Savjz - Mill Rogue Madness (GOTD #3) [Youtube]
Trump - High Level Mill Plays (Rogue Constructed) [Youtube]
BM Fail [Youtube]

◆ HSのマメ知識

【国内サイト】偶像で10回スペル発見してみた。 [すべ半]
【国内サイト】偶像で10回ミニオン発見してみた。 [すべ半]

◆ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore

Flavor Text and Lore: The League of Explorers [Hearthstone Players]
Hurtstone Ep 2 Secrets [Youtube]

◆ おもしろシーン特集

Best Moments 13 [Youtube]
Leeroy Jenkins Moments [Youtube]
Best Moments 14 [Youtube]
Hearthstone Best of Djinni of Zephyrs [Youtube]
Hearthstone League of Explorers OTKs [Youtube]
Hearthstone Amazing Plays #16 [Youtube]
Hearthstone Top 6 Lucky Plays on Tournaments! 2015 [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #93 [Youtube]


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