Weekly Recap: 11/9 - 11/15 , 2015
Weekly Recap: 11/2 - 11/8 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Featured News
◆ オフィシャル
BlizzCon Trophies and Medals [Battle.net]Hearthstone Patch - The League of Explorers [Battle.net]
Decklists of Champions! [Battle.net]
The League of Explorers is Now Live! [Battle.net]
◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
BlizzCon 2015でのハースストーンを振り返ろう! [Battle.net]
ハースストーンパッチ ―リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラーに加わろう! [Battle.net]
これが王者のデッキリストだ! [Battle.net]
リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラーがリリース! [Battle.net]
◆ チーム加入・移籍情報
A Legend Returns: Introducing Liquid`Elky [Liquid Hearth]Cloud 9 down to four players as Gnimsh departs [GosuGamers]
Luminosity release Cifka and Ignite, sign Darkwonyx [GosuGamers]
Luminosity signs Darkwonyx as StanCifka and Ignite depart [Dailydot]
◆ その他のニュース
League of Explorers Adventure Voiceovers [Youtube]Orsis - League of Explorers Hearthstone Music [Youtube]
Mine Cart Chase - League of Explorers Hearthstone Music [Youtube]
Front Menu - League of Explorers Hearthstone Music [Youtube]
League of Explorers Gameboard #1 [Youtube]
League of Explorers Gameboard #2 [Youtube]
League of Explorers Adventure UI [Dialog / Animations / Spoilers] [Youtube]
BlizzCon 2015 Hearthstone Recap - The League of Explorers, Tavern Brawls, Dev Interview, and More! [Hearthpwn]
Hearthstone Patch 4.0: The League of Explorers - Adventure Bosses, Mirror Start Emotes, Flavor Text, Card Backs [Hearthpwn]
Developer Interview: Art Director Ben Thompson and Balance Designer Dean Ayala [BlizzPro]
Hearthstone vs. Magic: The Gathering [TempoStorm]
The BlizzCon Caster Experience with Frodan [TempoStorm]
Hearthstone: 10 Bits Of Design Wisdom [Youtube]
Kibler Interview - Secret Paladin is Fine, What Hearthstone Needs, & Casting HWC [Hearthhead]
Blizzard: Conquest likely to remain the official competitive format of Hearthstone [Dailydot]
Hearthstone World Championship 2015: Full photo gallery [GosuGamers]
Blizzcon 2015: Cosplay and Blizzcon halls gallery [GosuGamers]
Hearthstone World Championship 2016 will likely have a multi-major circuit, similar to Dota 2 [GosuGamers]
ESL majority owner MTG acquires 100% of DH [GosuGamers]
Swedish media giant MTG now effectively owns both DreamHack and ESL [Dailydot]
【国内サイト】Nemuke氏がハースストーンの公式スタッフに / 「BlizzCon 2015」ハイライト・ニュース [Hearthstone.exp]
◆ 今週行われたイベント
SuperJJ’s freeze mage 5-0’s StanCifka for the SeatStory championship [Decklists inside] [GosuGamers]VoDs - SeatStoryCup IV [reddit]
【国内サイト】ユーザー主催のハースストーン大会『第1回 天野一武道会』でvoid選手が優勝!! [GAMESTAR]
【国内サイト】ハースストーンの大会『JCG HS Pro League 2015 Winter CUP』の決勝トーナメント進出選手が決定! [GAMESTAR]
◆ 来週以降のイベント
Time2Win 5k Invitational [Liquid Hearth]国内
【国内サイト】Koroneko Team Cup#2 [Cyac]
【国内サイト】From 0 Cup #5 開催のお知らせ [from 0]
【国内サイト】ゆるふわハースストーン会@代々木オールナイト! [ATND]
◆ Metagame
THE META SNAPSHOT: #37 Goodbye BlizzCon, Hello League of Explorers [TempoStorm]The rise of midrange and control [sectorone]
The Meta Season 20: Week 1 [BlizzPro]
◆ クラス共通の解説記事
【国内サイト】LoEカードレビューと期待値 [Lunashade]【国内サイト】初心者が限られた資産で強いデッキを組む [Starhs]
【国内サイト】新ギミック“発見”はゲームチェンジャーになり得るか。「Hearthstone」の新拡張セット「探検同盟」を紹介 [4gamer]
【国内サイト】Hearth stoneの闘技場で勝つ [Chomosh]
Analysis of the New Discover Mechanic [BlizzPro]
Top 5 Cards from The League of Explorers [TempoStorm]
The Hidden power in The League of Explorers [TempoStorm]
Complete Guide to League of Explorers Cards [Hearth2p]
Arena Matchups: Rogue [Hearth2p]
Steps to Becoming a Legend Player [Hearthstone Players]
The Beatdown Advantage – Why Control Has to Cheat to Compete [Hearthstone Players]
How to Deceive Your Opponent [Hearthstone Players]
Comprehensive Guide to Mulligan [Hearthstone Players]
How to Tech – Guide to Tech Cards [Hearthstone Players]
LoE Community Review - Results! [reddit]
[Shitty Infographic] League of Explorers - Let's Explore! [reddit]
◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩
TAVERN BRAWL WEEK 22 – SHOWDOWN AT BLACKROCK MOUNTAIN [Topdecks]【国内サイト】酒場の喧嘩 #22: ブラックロック・マウンテンの決戦 [Hearthstone.exp]
◆ アドベンチャー攻略
Decklist spotlight: Chakki’s world first decks for LoE wing #1 heroic [GosuGamers]Temple of Orsis: Heroic Deck Lists and Videos [BlizzPro]
Temple of Orsis guide [Metabomb]
I’m the guy who did the Free to Play/Basic Heroic Naxx/Blackrock decks, and I’m back with the first wing of League of Explorers! [reddit]
League of Explorers: Temple of Orsis Boss Guides - Zinaar, Sun Raider Phaerix, Temple Escape [Hearthpwn]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#1: ジナール [Hearthstone.exp]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#2: サンレイダー・フェリックス [Hearthstone.exp]
◆ パズル・クイズ
◆ 今週の注目デッキ
Druid[Top 10 Legend] Crush the meta with Tempo Druid [Hearthpwn]
【国内サイト】Aggro Druid [HearthBLUE]
【国内サイト】アグロドルイド デッキ Tier1は伊達やない!! [Trio-ws]
(LoE) Deathattle [Hearthpwn]
Refresh the Meta Rank 5 Legend with Feign Death Hunter [reddit]
Thijs' Forgotten Torch Freeze Mage [Hearthpwn]
Freeze Summoning Stone Mage (Coldstone Creamery) discussion [reddit]
【国内サイト】シークレットパラディン デッキ やはり強い [Trio-ws]
Heal you to Legend [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Golaieth's Heal You To Legend [Youtube]
thepidgn Visual Matchup Guide - Aggro/Hybrid Secret Paladin [reddit]
*Anti-Meta* Weblord Priest by Zetalot [Hearth2p]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: CyprusDE's Meta Crusher Combo Priest [Youtube]
【国内サイト】ゆるふわオイルローグガイド? [ganen blog]
Oil Rogue - November 2015 [Metabomb]
In Depth Oil Rogue Guide (Top 20 Legend EU) [reddit]
[NA Legend] Aggro Oil Rogue (fast climb, pretty favored to beat secret pallies and other meta decks on ladder atm) [reddit]
Legend NA Control Rogue [reddit]
New Tempo Rogue Theorycrafting [reddit]
Bloodlust Shaman - November 2015 [Metabomb]
Battlecry Shaman [Hearthpwn]
LOE Battlecry Shaman: A "Package" Guide and Discussion. [reddit]
Loyan's Scarab Control Shaman [Hearthpwn]
League of Explorers Handlock Theorycraft Deck [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Dwayna's Top 4 Legend Demon Zoo!!! [Youtube]
Rank 4 Legend Dwayna's Demon Zoo!! [Hearthpwn]
Dark jeweled demon zoo [Hearthpwn]
[S20] LEGEND EU- Fatigue KING [Hearthpwn]
Dragon Warrior - November 2015 [Metabomb]
(絵)はーすすとーん!(カードゲームで悪事をたくらむ組織から世界を救う感じの少年マンガ) pic.twitter.com/eetFtaBA5r
— 7010 (@7010_hakoniwa) 2015, 11月 10
◆ reddit注目の投稿
Captain's Parrot should be changed to "Discover a Pirate" [reddit]I can't wait until Hearthstone has 29 expansions and Challengestone can be: "Play a deck with one card from each set" [reddit]
I call a raven idol class challenge. [reddit]
Easter Egg: Hearthstone Box Says "Team 5" [reddit]
33 out of the 45 new upcoming cards have some kind of effect we've never seen before. What's your favourite new effect? [reddit]
Thanks to my son, I found fun again! [reddit]
Where did all the negativity go? [reddit]
I feel for the Anubisath Temple Guard [reddit]
The Stairs Became Ragnaros [reddit]
Hatrattle Hunter is some of the most fun I've had playing Hearthstone in ages [reddit]
Please more cards like Reno Jackson [reddit]
Reno Jackson is a Hearthstone original character... and I just realized the source of his design. [reddit]
TIL Dont use Facless manipulator on buffed Flesheating Ghoul [reddit]
That's not the sun you see, Reno! [reddit]
Why are daily quests so competitive? [reddit]
Class Cards 420% more likely to be discovered by Jeweled Scarab than Neutral Cards. [reddit]
I probably shouldn't have drafted so many Murloc knights [reddit]
Easy heroic Maexxna win using Reno infinite [reddit]
LoE Interactions [will update] [reddit]
Making Reno Jackson highlighted is much harder than other highlighted conditions, and the devs are not working on it as of now [reddit]
Lived the Jeweled Scarab dream today. [reddit]
Why is Murloc Knight a Paladin card? [reddit]
◆ 今週のハイライト映像
Amaz - Blue Magic Freeze Mage [Youtube]Amaz - A PewPew Story [Youtube]
Amaz - A Girl's Dilemma [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Reno Jackson Mage Action [Youtube]
Dtwo - The League of Explorers Card Review with Lorinda [Youtube]
DTwo completes the Temple of Orsis (in Japanese) [Youtube]
Eloise's League of Explorer's Adventure review ._. / [Youtube]
FrodanK vs Ignite [oddshot]
Kripparrian - How Good Is BlizzCon? [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Arena In The League of Explorers [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Tavern Brawl #22: Ragnaros Rises [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Reno Jackson Is A Superhero! [Youtube]
MaSsan - Unstable Portals Gone Bad [Youtube]
MaSsan - EU Server is so BM [Youtube]
Noxious - Miscellaneous Matches: A VERY HUMBLE PALADIN WAR! [Youtube]
Pro Player Spotlight: PURPLEDRANK!! [Youtube]
Reynad - Never lucky [oddshot]
Reynad - Djinni New Meta! [oddshot]
StrifeCro - Hearthstone Game of the Week #5 - Hypothetical Clutch [Youtube]
Thijs - Blizzcon Semi Final Thijs vs Ostkaka review by Thijs [Youtube]
Thijs - Rekt by Blizzard [Youtube]
Trump Clearly Showcases Reno Jackson's OPness (Paladin Constructed) [Youtube]
Vlps gets pretty good Reno value [oddshot]
Who's That Hearthstone Card?! [Youtube]
◆ HSのトリビア知識
[Hearthstone Science] League of Scientists #01: Djinni of Zephyrs [Youtube][Hearthstone Science] League of Scientists #02: Steal a Discover Battlecry?! [Youtube]
Highest Damage Possible With Infinite Mana [Youtube]
Deathrattle vs. Secret :Trigger order [Youtube]
Varian Wrynn vs. Beneath the Grounds [Youtube]
New Angry Chicken Enrage bug ! [Youtube]
[BUG?]Aldor Peacekeeper always counters Grommash Hellscream ! [Youtube]
Reno Jackson vs. Auchenai Soulpriest [Youtube]
Temple Escape vs. Sideshow Spelleater [Youtube]
Djinni of Zephyrs: Why the first one die? [Youtube]
The Stairs Became Ragnaros [Youtube]
Temple Escape vs. Blingtron 3000 [Youtube]
◆ ファンアート・創作
Korean Hearthstone Comic Ch.1 [Eng] [reddit]◆ おもしろシーン特集
PLAYING SACRED TRIAL AGAINST JARAXXUS?! [Youtube]5 WEIRD BUGS/INTERACTIONS Introduced by League of Explorers! [Youtube]
Hearthstone RNG Saltage - Episode 4 [Youtube]
Mad Bomber Hearthstone Moments [Youtube]
Wisp Hearthstone Moments [Youtube]
Hearthstone | Best Moments 8 [Youtube]
RNG Funny Moments Lucky Plays Episode 1 - Top Deck [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #88 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 137 [Youtube]