Weekly Recap: 10/18 - 10/24 , 2015
Headline News
Patch 3.2が適用されました。ついに完全ローカライズの日本語版が言語オプションに追加、そしてWarsong Commanderがnerf調整となりました [◆ Official]
来月に迫ったBlizzConの出演アーティストが決定。今年はなんとLinkin Parkがライブを行います! [◆ Official]
日本語化と同時に国内のプロゲーミングチームに所属するプレイヤーが続々登場 [◆ Community & Team Transfers]
ついにnerfされたPatron Warrior。これからのMetagameはどのように変化していくのでしょうか [◆ Meta]
ページ内リンクPrevious news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 10/11 - 10/17 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Featured News
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 10/27: #D3, #Heroes, #HS, #SC2, #WoW: 6-11am PDT https://t.co/UP6mVXhlco
— BlizzardCS (@BlizzardCS) 2015, 10月 25
◆ Hearthstone Official
BlizzCon 2015 Viewing Parties [Battle.net]2015 Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest [Battle.net]
Linkin Park LIVE at BlizzCon® 2015! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone Patch Patch Notes [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® is Now Live in Japan! [Battle.net]
The Hearthstone World Championship Approaches! [Battle.net]
Where to Watch - World Championship Esports [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® October 2015 Ranked Play Season – Highmaulin’ and Brawlin’ - Ending Soon! [Battle.net]
Linkin Park live at #BlizzCon! [Official Facebook]
◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト Hearthstone®、日本サービス開始! [Battle.net]
New Hearthstone Hero:マグニ・ブロンズビアード [Youtube]
New Hearthstone Hero:メディヴ [Youtube]
New Hearthstone Hero:アレリア・ウィンドランナー [Youtube]
◆ Community & Team Transfers
【新部門】オンラインカードゲーム部門(OCG)設立。Hearthstone・Shadowverse等、幅広くチャレンジ。 [Detonation]【HS】DeToNator Hearthstone部門 メンバー加入 [Detonator]
◆ More News
Popular Constructed Decks of the Week, ASUS ROG Play It Cool Marathon Decks [Hearthpwn]Warsong Nerfed, More Co-Op Tavern Brawl, Cards that Didn't Make the Cut, Linkin Park, Pumpkin Contest [Hearthpwn]
Power Core Card Back Hand Outs, Boss Hero Power Brawl, TAC #112 [Hearthpwn]
Curse BlizzCon Party, Hearthstone World Championships Approaches, HS-Arena Invitational [Hearthpwn]
Popular Constructed Decks of the Week, Challengestone 4 Starts Today, Let's Nerf Some Cards! [Hearthpwn]
Southeast Asia dominates the WCA Asia pro qualifier, leaves Korea behind [GosuGamers]
Mending Mondays #20: Charge Forward! [BlizzPro]
Hearthstone Datamining Drops a Hint About Two-Player Co-op Tavern Brawl [Hearth2p]
The Grand Tournament's 10 Best Cards [Hearth2p]
Activision Blizzard creating dedicated esports division headed by ESPN, MLG executive [Dailydot]
EEDAR Interview on Hearthstone’s Position In the eSports Scene [TempoStorm]
The Patron Problem: Solved? [TempoStorm]
Hearthstone Top 5: The Entertainers [TempoStorm]
Why Skill Matters in Hearthstone [Hearthstone Players]
Neilyo Interview: "Asia will win Blizzcon 2015" [Liquid Hearth]
Casting Call #1: The Power of Positive Energy Casting [Frodan blog]
Reynad: RNG in Hearthstone is "the reason that people are celebrities" [PC GAMER]
ハースストーン・スターターガイド #1: 酒場にようこそ! [Hearthstone.exp]
アジア地域移行促進の特別措置 / 日本の主流地域の行方は [Hearthstone.exp]
[顔出し]iDragon緊急記者会見 [Youtube]
「Hearthstone」アジアサーバー以外で遊んでいたプレイヤーに対する補償内容を発表。過去に購入および獲得したカードパックをアジアサーバーで順次配布 [4gamer]
◆ Completed events
Congratulations to the StarLadder winner! [Liquid Hearth]On VODs: StanCifka on the way to StarLadder championship [GosuGamers]
Decklist spotlight: Sjow’s victorious line-up from EIZO Cup #2 [GosuGamers]
Tired of Conquest? This $5,000 tournament brings back the Last Hero Standing days [GosuGamers]
Forsen wins in yet another controversial Play it Cool marathon finish [Dailydot]
Announcing Challengestone 4! [TempoStorm]
Everyone’s favorite deck building tournament returns October 24th [GosuGamers]
Challengestone 4: The Grand Battle [Twitch]
◆ Upcoming events
Hs-arena Opening Tournament Survival Guide [Hearthpwn]国内
オンラインカードゲーム「ハースストーン」のユーザー主催大会 「第1回 春風大会」が11月8日(日)に開催予定! [Gamestar]
「Hearthstone」Team FireSide主催のオフラインイベントが渋谷で11月14日に開催 [4gamer]
Team FireSideオフラインイベント協力者募集のお知らせ [すべ半]
天野一武道会のお知らせ [すべ半]
◆ Meta
Power Ranks 10.2: The Throne is Empty [Liquid Hearth]THE META SNAPSHOT: #34 Ask And Ye Shall Receive [TempoStorm]
Breaking Down the Post Warsong Meta with Gaara [TempoStorm]
The Meta Season 19: RIP Patron [BlizzPro]
◆ General Guide
5 Tips for Hearthstone Beginners [Hearthstone Players]Ladder Timing – Balancing Efficiency, Having Fun and Getting Better [Hearthstone Players]
Deck Construction Series: Breathing New Life into Stagnant Net Decking [Hearthstone Players]
MUA: Freeze Mage vs Oil Rogue (Both Perspectives) [Hearthstone Players]
TGT Which Shaman Cards You Should Or Shouldn't Pick [Hearth2p]
TGT Arena Which Warlock Cards You Should Or Shouldn't Pick [Hearth2p]
TGT Arena Which Warrior Cards You Should Or Shouldn't Pick [Hearth2p]
◆ Tavern Brawl
Tavern Brawl: Who’s The Boss Now? [TempoStorm]TAVERN BRAWL WEEK 19 – WHO’S THE BOSS NOW? [Topdecks]
酒場の喧嘩 #19: 退屈したボス達の遊戯 [Hearthstone.exp]
◆ Puzzle & Quiz
◆ Deck Spotlight
DruidMastering the Midrange Druid: Beginner Guide [Hearthstone Players]
In-depth Legend Midrange Druid Guide with Matchups and Mulligans [Hearthstone Players]
Legend with no-combo, heavy ramp, Aviana druid [reddit]
Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Midrange Hunter [BlizzPro]
[Spark] Beast Master (TGT Legend EU) [Hearthpwn]
*TGT* Dreadmaw Hunter by RegisKillbin [Hearth2p]
Illuminator Freeze Mage -- Rank 1 legend with the power of science [reddit]
S19 Legend Casino Mage ! [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: LuckHearthstone's LEGEND Tempo Mage [Youtube]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: TheVejvyk's MALYMAGE [LEGEND S19] [Youtube]
ReAwakening of the Dragodin! [Hearthpwn]
Silentstorm's Midrange Paladin [Twitter]
Midrange Paladin Deck Tech [Hearthstone Players]
Fight with honor, not secrets - Top 10 Legend NA with midrange Paladin [reddit]
Just hit legend with dragon priest with explanations on how I countered fatigue warrior! [reddit]
Marshee's Legendary Dragon Priest Deck [Hearthpwn]
I just hit legend with a cool rogue deck! [reddit]
[Legend] Pirates and Wrenches! [Hearthpwn]
[S19 Top 100 Legend] Assassin's Blade Oil Rogue [Hearthpwn]
*TGT* Budget Aggro Rogue by RegisKillbin [Hearth2p]
[Spark] Elemental Spirit (TGT Legend EU) [Hearthpwn]
[71%] Xyrronlock [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Xyrron's Xyrronlock! [Y:]
Savjz's "My little golden pony" warlock [dreadsteed's warlock] [Hearthpwn]
Xixo's Patron Warrior [Twitter]
New Patron Warrior [reddit]
[LEGEND] Patron warrior isn't dead [Hearthpwn]
Top 1 SilverName`s control warrior 20/10/2015 [Hearthpwn]
TGT Fatigue Warrior Guide [reddit]
Fatigue Warrior - October 2015 [Metabomb]
Mastering the Fatigue Warrior: Overview, Card Choices, Tips & Tricks [Hearthstone Players]
◆ reddit hot topics
Ready for the new meta [reddit]Hearthstone was originally designed to both be its own game and to cross promote WoW. They are missing a huge opportunity there... [reddit]
Had a great idea for a new card while playing Tavern Brawl. [reddit]
Rank 20 is a scary place... [reddit]
Ryan Reynolds is Argent Protector. [reddit]
The last patch effectively broke the playing experience for Mac players. [reddit]
ASUS 24 marathon. Savjz and Forsen situation. What is your opinion? [reddit]
Firebat's Ysera was left up for 7 turns....and he got Dream from her 7 turns in a row [reddit]
Congratulations to the StarLadder winner! [reddit]
I lost. Obviously. [reddit]
Why is Shaman so horrid right now? [reddit]
HSPT: Use 'new!', with the !, when searching for your new cards to leave Noble Sacrifice and Spellbender out of the search. [reddit]
Dear Blizzard: Please add filters for "extra", "missing", and "golden" for our card collections [reddit]
I guess my Arena opponent just learned something [reddit]
With the current state of shaman, I think I'll keep my normal hero power thank you very much. [reddit]
There are two types of freeze mage players, one that frost nova first then doomsayer, and doomsayer first then frost nova [reddit]
Game duration analysis for ~600games [reddit]
PETITION: power of the horde should be able to summon ALL horde members. [reddit]
Similarities between trying to pick up chicks and Hearthstone [reddit]
You should be able to message a friend when you're battling him when you've chosen a deck but they haven't yet. [reddit]
◆ VoD Highlight
Kripparrian - Arena Swing Cards Statistics [Youtube]Kripparrian - What Goes Into A 12-Win Deck? [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Let's Nerf Some Cards! [Youtube]
Dtwo - Implications of the Japanese Hearthstone Client [Youtube]
Kolento - How to destroy a freeze mage [Youtube]
Reynad almost conceded and then this happened [Youtube]
Forsen Takes The Cancer Music Test [Youtube]
Forsen Hearthstone Montage [Youtube]
Amaz - Amaz showing off his Rogue skills [Youtube]
Amaz - ARE YOU MOCKING ME?! [Youtube]
Amaz - Amaz, Brawl Master [Youtube]
Amaz - When Fatigue Takes a Wrong Turn [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Adventures of Dragon Mage: The Bodyguard [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #31 [Youtube]
StrifeCro - Battlefields of Armor and Magic [Youtube]
LegendaryLea - Wanted! Dead or Alive - Spellslinger BM [Youtube]
Hafu - Top Deck Wars [Youtube]
MaSsan - Bolster Warrior Counter Echo Mage [Youtube]
MaSsan - Don't we just love Misclick Fails? [Youtube]
Every Hearthstone Video Ever [Youtube]
When a combo doesn't go as planned [Youtube]
Lothar establishing boar control (ChallengeStone spoilers) [Oddshot]
◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
Hearthstone Mythbusters 13 [Youtube]◆ Fan art , Other Topics
Legend of the Warsong Commander [Hearthpwn][Honest cards] TGT Neutrals [reddit]
"My magic will tear you apart!" Art by: Andrew D. Tran [andrewtranart.com]
◆ Clip Video
Hearthstone is Silly - Episode 2 - NOZDORMU! [Youtube]Hearthstone is Silly - Episode 3 - EPIC COMEBACKS? [Youtube]
Hearthstone Missed Lethals #9 - NO MORE PATRONS! [Youtube]
Murloc Knight Hearthstone Moments [Youtube]
Saraad Hearthstone Moments [Youtube]
Piloted Shredder Hearthstone Moments [Youtube]
Top 5 Best Top Decks #2! [Youtube]
Funny Subscribers Plays (subs) #7 [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #85. Hearthstone is... [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 133 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 134 [Youtube]