Weekly Recap: 9/21 - 9/27 , 2015
Headline News
2015 BlizzConバーチャルチケットの購入特典が公開。Hearthstoneは今年も限定Cardbackです [◆ Official]
Regional Tournamentシリーズの予選が終了。来月初旬に開催されるRegional Championshipsによって本大会へ進む16名が選出されます [◆ Completed events]
10月9日(金)よりJCGのトーナメントが再び開催予定 - JCG HearthStone 2015 Winter CUP [◆ Upcoming events]
普段何気なく見ているゲームエフェクトをスローモーションで再生してみると、そこには思いがけず美しい情景が広がっていました [◆ VoD Highlight]
ページ内リンクPrevious news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 9/14 - 9/20 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Featured News
◆ Official
North American Qualifier Tournament Results [Battle.net]BlizzCon 2015 In-Game Goodies Round-Up [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® September 2015 Ranked Play Season – Exodar’s Exodus - Ending Soon! [Battle.net]
2015 European Road to BlizzCon - Watch the Event Live October 3-4 [Youtube]
◆ Community & Team Transfers
◆ More News
Popular Constructed Decks of the Week, Archon Team League Decklists, BlizzCon Opening Week eSports [Hearthpwn]BlizzCon 2015 Card Back Unveiled, Best Arena Cards, Past & Present [Hearthpwn]
How Good is Master Jouster, Hearthstone Americas Qualifiers VoDs, Strength in Numbers [Hearthpwn]
Underdog Rules Brawl, The Angry Chicken #104, CDC #33 Finalist Voting [Hearthpwn]
Deck Spotlight: The Silver Hand, House of Discards Card Design Competition, TwitchCon [Hearthpwn]
「BlizzCon 2015」バーチャル・チケットの詳細と購入方法 [Hearthstone.exp]
Hearthstone's Savjz on RNG, tilt and the mistakes ladder players make [PC GAMER]
adwcta - HearthArena Overlay Companion - Preview [Youtube]
Ben Brode Confirms New Deck Slots to PC Gamer [BlizzPro]
◆ Completed events
Playlist - 2015 North American Hearthstone Qualifier Tournament [Youtube]Meet the 16 players that will compete for the Europe and Americas Championships! [BlizzPro]
The NA regionals qualifier becomes the domain of up-and-comers [GosuGamers]
The line-up for HWC EU regionals is set as Thijs, Lifecoach, Neirea make back-to-back appearances [GosuGamers]
Lineups finalized for HWC Regional Championships [Liquid Hearth]
◆ Upcoming events
SLTV StarSeries S1: Last Chance Bracket [Liquid Hearth]Firebat Swiss Open | Stream Date and Info [reddit]
10月9日(金) JCG HearthStone 2015 Winter CUP 開催 [JCG]
参加するだけで賞金ゲットのチャンス?!天野一武道会とは! [すべ半]
◆ Meta
Power Rank September: Enter the Grand Tournament [Liquid Hearth]Who Brought What to Blizzcon Regional Qualifiers [Liquid Hearth]
THE META SNAPSHOT: #30 Whose Ladder is it Anyway? []
Fade 2 Karma Meta Report #4 [Hearthstone Players]
The Meta Season 18: Haters Gonna Hate [BlizzPro]
◆ General Guide
Sheng’s Budget TGT Decks For All 9 Classes [Hearthstone Players]The Verdict and Analysis of TGT Impact on Rogue [Hearthstone Players]
Arena Matchups: Killing Uther [Hearthstone Players]
Arena Class Tier List [Hearthstone Players]
TGT Hunter Card Review For Arena [Hearth2p]
TGT Mage Card Review For Arena [Hearth2p]
Huge Feedback - current state of Arena in HS [Official forum]
Hearthstone Crafting Tier List (Not Just Legendaries) [reddit]
[Dorgan] S18 Recap: My decks from rank 16 to legend (EU) [reddit]
◆ Tavern Brawl
Rally for the Underdog: A Tavern Brawl Guide [Liquid Hearth]Tavern Brawl: Underdog Rules! [TempoStorm]
Tavern Brawl #15: Underdog Rules [Hearthstone.exp]
The new Tavern Brawl is: Underdog Rules [reddit]
◆ Puzzle & Quiz
The Hearthstone Quiz #6: Are You Smarter than a Leper Gnome? [Youtube]Animated Hearthstone Puzzles - Episode 24 [Youtube]
◆ Deck Spotlight
DruidGrand Tournament Beast Druid Deck Guide [Hearthstone Players]
TGT Midrange Druid - September 2015 [Metabomb]
【デッキガイド】コンボドルイド/Midrange Druid [すべ半]
[Legend - >75% winrate] Recombination [Hearthpwn]
[LEGEND] Torturing Face - Flare Hunter [Hearthpwn]
Tempo Mage - September 2015 [Metabomb]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Metaformose's Rhonin Legend Tempo Mage :forsenGasm: [Youtube]
Hybrid Mage (66% Win Rate 1st TIME LEGEND) [Hearthpwn]
Freeze Mage - September 2015 [Metabomb]
The Silver Hand - Legend against everything [Hearthpwn]
(TGT) So Many RECRUITS Paladin [Hearthpwn]
Daemonflame's Legend Dragodin [Hearthpwn]
EU#1 Control Priest実況解説動画 [すべ半]
Combo Dragon Priest Rank 1 Easy [Hearthpwn]
Dog's Oil Rogue - ATLC Finals [Hearthpwn]
Thijs - Legend Pirate Rogue Guide ARGH! [Youtube]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Irronman's TOP 40 LEGEND HYBRID PIRATE ROGUE [dat burst] [Youtube]
Mech Shaman's Place in the TGT Meta [TempoStorm]
Kolento's Control Shaman [Hearthpwn]
Thijs - High Legend Dragon Shaman Guide [Youtube]
Trump's Handlock - ATLC Finals [Hearthpwn]
Thijs - Legend Budget DemonZoo Guide [Youtube]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Pigenator's TGT Legend Zoolock! [Youtube]
Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Patron Warrior [BlizzPro]
Top 40 EU Patron Warrior [Hearthpwn]
Duo of Destruction [Hearthpwn]
[S18 2#LEGEND] Mech Warrior [Hearthpwn]
Bonus Deck: Tincho's Mechwarrior [B:]
◆ reddit hot topics
Blizzard, please do something about Frothing berserker or warsong commander [reddit]Meta Snapshot Spreadsheet. [reddit]
What are the Hearthsone Murphy's Laws? [reddit]
Gaara's rant on balance and world championship [reddit]
Zetalot just hit #1 Legend EU with a non-dragon old school control Priest [reddit]
I talked about Hearthstone with Daniel Negreanu on ESPN tonight [reddit]
Am I doing Christmas tree right? [reddit]
Nexus-Champion Saraad to the rescue [reddit]
I now enjoy more time watching Hearthstone than actually playing it... [reddit]
My favorite brawl, by far, was the first one (Rag vs. Nef). I'd love to see more brawls of that style (crazy heroes with brand new cards), or at least for that one to make a comeback. [reddit]
TIL that the crowd on the TGT board gives scores for comboes [reddit]
I got a hilarious combo in this Tavern Brawl. [reddit]
HS is pretty boring to watch lately [reddit]
Ostkaka vs. Surrender Grim Patron mirror match was the most boring game of Hearthstone I have ever watched [reddit]
It upsets me that the dragon wrapped over the top of legendary cards is blurry =[ [reddit]
Grim Patron vs the times they broke Magic: the Gathering. [reddit]
Need Feedback from color blind players! [reddit]
Face hunter ruined 2015 [reddit]
Why is ESL still allowed to run the qualifiers? [reddit]
ESL Admins with another blunder [reddit]
His luck is off the charts... [reddit]
I just got killed by a Poisoned Blade Rogue and it was absolutely amazing. [reddit]
TIL Light's Champion can silence Jaraxxus [reddit]
I will never forget the day that I had to face my greatest foe. [reddit]
Blizz likes RNG so much, they made a rule 50% chance to NOT see your Last Played. [reddit]
100 HEALTH PRIEST! BEST GAME EVER! Control Priest vs Patron Warrior on ladder! [reddit]
Is the Warrior class getting too much armor? [reddit]
We are the HearthSim community: Simulator developers and the team behind Hearthstone Science. Ask us anything! [reddit]
I feel like you may have some flawed logic there, Hearth Arena... [reddit]
Dragon Eggs should be Dragons [reddit]
Shouldn't there be an autosquelch option? [reddit]
Mysterious Challenger in a nutshell [reddit]
◆ VoD Highlight
Kripparrian - Is Patron Warrior Really That Broken? [Youtube]Kripparrian - The Worst Arena Cards Ever [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Handlock Never Goes Away [Youtube]
Amaz - Attention to Detail [Full Arena Game vs. WallSpiders] [Youtube]
(ditto) Amaz Dance (ditto) [Youtube]
Amaz - Zoo Players Shall Confess [Full Game vs. Ced] [Youtube]
Best of Kibler - Hearthstone - Funny Plays Moments 2015 - Top Deck Montage Compilation [Youtube]
Trump Reacts to Things While Listening to Ronald Jenkees [Youtube]
Hafu vs. Trump (Tavern Brawl) [Youtube]
Hafu - Turn One Astral Communion [Youtube]
Forsen Reacts To The Scamaz Track (feat. Twitch Chat) [Youtube]
Best of TotalBiscuit | Hearthstone Funny Lucky Random Moments | Hearthstone TotalBiscuit Montage [Youtube]
Thijs - Secret Warlock to top 50 Legend! [Youtube]
Noxious - Miscellaneous Matches - EMBRACE THE MRRGLGLGL! [Youtube]
Noxious - Randuin Wrynn Highlight #148 - CONFESS! [Youtube]
Dtwo - Thanks for the Patron [Youtube]
Dtwo - Danksteed off Unstable Portal [Youtube]
Eloise vs MaSsan BO5 Part 1 [Youtube]
Eloise vs MaSsan BO5 Part 2 [Youtube]
The funnest way to beat patrons! [Youtube]
Old People Play Hearthstone Ep. 1 [Youtube]
When you feel sorry for your opponent [Youtube]
Hearthstone in Slow Motion [Youtube]
twisting nether slow motion [Youtube]
◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
[Hearthstone Science] Silence Ice Block Immunity (using Light's Champion) [Youtube]Hearthstone Experiments: SILENCING JARAXXUS? [Youtube]
Hearthstone Mythbusters 11 [Youtube]
◆ Fan art , Other Topics
Physical Trading Cards of Every Card in Hearthstone. [reddit]Abertura de Hearthstone [Facebook]
My magic will tear you apart! My Jaina Proudmoore fan art [reddit]
Dr. Boom Bust 3D Printed [reddit]
Kingdom Hearthstone - Mash Up ft. TB, Jesse Cox, LDShadowLady, Trolden, wowcrendor, Michele Morrow [Youtube]
◆ Clip Video
5 RIDICULOUS Patron Combos at a Tournament [Youtube]Effigy Hearthstone TGT Moments | Hearthstone Funny Best Lucky Plays Moments [Youtube]
Sylvanas Hearthstone Moments | Hearthstone Funny Best Lucky Plays Moments [Youtube]
Best of Unstable Portal - Hearthstone - Amazing Funny Epic Plays - Montage Compilation [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 129 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 130 [Youtube]