Weekly Recap: 9/27 - 10/3 , 2015

Headline News

待望のHearthstone日本語ローカライズが遂に実現! [◆ Official]

カードテキストはもちろん、カードやHeroのボイスに至るまで全て日本語吹き替えとなっています。日本語版のトレーラームービーは必見 [◆ More News]

NAに先駆けてEUとAsia地区の世界大会代表が決定 [◆ Completed events]

KolentoによるPatron Warriorリーサルパズル。思わず手に汗握ります [◆ Puzzle & Quiz]


▼ Featured News
・ Official・ Community & Team・ More News

▼ Events
・ Completed events・ Upcoming events

▼ Strategy
・ Meta・ General Guide・ Tavern Brawl
・ Puzzle & Quiz・ Deck Spotlight

▼ Fun
・ reddit hot topics・ VoD Highlight・ Tips & Trivia
・ Fan art , Other Topics・ Clip Video

Previous news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 9/21 - 9/27 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ Official

Watch the Collegiate Hearthstone Championship Live [Battle.net]
Hearthstone Patch Notes - [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® October 2015 Ranked Play Season – Highmaulin’ and Brawlin’ [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® Welcomes Japanese Players to the Inn! [Battle.net]
事前登録プロモーションサイト [blizzard.com]
Hearthstone Japanオフィシャルツイッター [Twitter]
Hearthstone: ハースストーン Playlist [Youtube]

◆ Community & Team Transfers

Who Let the Dog Out?: Introducing Liquid`Dog [Liquid Hearth]
G2.Kinguin Signs Nihilum's Roster [Gamers2]
Gamers2 signs Nihilum's Hearthstone Roster [GosuGamers]
ManaLight add Impact to their Hearthstone roster [Dailydot]

◆ More News

New Card Animations - Hearthstone Patch 3.1.0 (September 2015) [Youtube]
Popular Constructed Decks of the Week, The Worst Arena Cards Ever [Hearthpwn]
Closed For Renovations, Last Minute Hearthstone Ladder Climbing Decks [Hearthpwn]
The Mech War Tavern Brawl - New Hearthstone Patch [Hearthpwn]
HearthPwn Goes Mobile Friendly, Deck Spotlight: Mech Warrior, Not-So-Secret, TAC #105 [Hearthpwn]
Deck Spotlight: Silence Druid, European Road to BlizzCon Championships this Weekend [Hearthpwn]

Interview with ShtanUdachi [Starladder]

Blizzard Games on Sale at Amazon [BlizzPro]

Here are your European and Asian Hearthstone World Championship finalists [Dailydot]

I am Disguised Toast, Hearthstone Content Creator and butter addict. AMA! [reddit]

Patron Warrior: EVERYONE...GET OUT OF HERE! [Noxious.blog]

Hearthstone Arena overlay: Blizzard say "we can’t condone or approve of their use" [PC gamesn]

HearthArena Overlay Companion - Preview [Youtube]

Hearthstone重大発表イベント配信映像(Hearth stone Apac Day2) [Twitch]
Hearthstone(ハースストーン)日本語版のリリースが決定! [Hearthstone.exp]
「Hearthstone」の日本語版が発表。10月中にサービス開始予定で,インタフェースはもちろんキャラクターボイスも日本語に [4gamer]
『ハースストーン』日本展開が決定!完全ローカライズ版として10月配信へ [Gamespark]
Blizzardのカードゲーム『Hearthstone』の日本国内サービスが正式発表、事前登録でカードパック1個が手に入る [automaton]
大人気オンラインTCG『Hearthstone(ハースストーン)』の日本語版がやってくる! [famitsu]
世界的カードゲーム『Hearthstone』の日本語化が発表! Blizzard本格的に日本進出か!? [ascii]
Blizzard、「Hearthstone」日本語版を10月末に配信 [game watch]
Hearthstone重大発表イベントレポート! [すべ半]
「Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft」シネマティック [Youtube]
「Hearthstone: ナクスラーマスの呪い」シネマティック・トレーラー [Youtube]
「ゴブリンvsノーム」トレーラー [Youtube]
「ブラックロック・マウンテン」シネマティック・トレーラー [Youtube]
「グランド・トーナメント」トレーラー [Youtube]



◆ Completed events

Thijs and Neirea are the first Europeans to qualify for BlizzCon [GosuGamers]
Hearthstone Survival Guide: 2015 European Championship in Prague – October 3 & 4 [reddit]
Hearthstone European Championship 2015 – Group Stage & Semi Final [Youtube]
Vods - 2015 World Championship - Europe [reddit]
Kranich becomes the first player in Hearthstone history to make it to back-to-back Worlds [GosuGamers]

Celestial Championship Series Week #8 Part 1 [Youtube]
Celestial Championship Series Week #8 Part 2 [Youtube]
Celestial Championship Series Week #8 Part 3 [Youtube]

協力しあって海外へ!まッつんさんが優勝しました! [すべ半]


◆ Upcoming events

Oct 2-4th eSportsArena $25K Invitational [Liquid Hearth]

ASUS ROG Play it Cool Hearthstone Marathon Oct 17 [Dreamhack]

10月9日(金) JCG Open 2015 Winter CUP Day1 [JCG]

10月10日(土) 21:00 ~ Wikiリーグ予選決勝トーナメント [Twitch]



◆ Meta

Power Rank September 9.3: Patron, Druid, Handlock [Liquid Hearth]
THE META SNAPSHOT: #32 The Accomplishments and Heroes of Ladder [TempoStorm]
The best Hearthstone decks - October 2015 [Metabomb]
The Meta Season 18: Just Play [BlizzPro]
Decklist spotlight: The top 13 decks of the end-of-season meta [GosuGamers]

◆ General Guide

My Lessons from the Regional Qualifiers [Liquid Hearth]
TGT Post-Release: The Overhyped and Underrated [TempoStorm]
Arena Matchups: Killing Jaina [Hearthstone Players]

◆ Tavern Brawl

Mech Madness: A Brawl for the Most Tilting Mechs [Liquid Hearth]
Taven Brawl: Boom Bot vs. Annoy-o-Tron! [TempoStorm]
Tavern Brawl #16: Boom Bot vs. Annoy-o-Tron! [Hearthstone.exp]
Annoy-o-Tron's Tavern Brawl Deck (Week 16 - Mech Wars) [Hearthpwn]
Boom Bot's Tavern Brawl Deck (Week 16 - Mech Wars) [Hearthpwn]

◆ Puzzle & Quiz

Kolento Lethal Puzzle (#2) [Youtube]

◆ Deck Spotlight

Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Token Druid [BlizzPro]
[S19] #5 EU Legend Cursed's Aggro Druid [Hearthpwn]
Legendary Beast Druid [Hearth2p]
[Easy Ranks] Sigma's Silence Druid! (Short guide inlcluded!) [Hearthpwn]

Face Hunter Rank 7 to Legend (first time) | Stats included [reddit]
Hybrid Hunter, rank 6 to legend (first time!) [reddit]
Spider Balls [Hearthpwn]

Top 100 Cancermage [Hearthpwn]
Kibler's Fireworks Mage [Hearthpwn]
Using Mech Mage to destroy Secret Pal/Combo Dru/Hunter [reddit]
Tempo Mage in the Post-TGT Meta [reddit]
Managarn's Legendary Tempo Mage [Hearth2p]

Ysera Midrange Paladin Legend Guide [Hearthstone Players]
Top 4 EU Legend in depth Secret Paladin guide [Hearthpwn]

First time legend with Dragon Priest. Stats + Insight [reddit]
Thijs - Legend Combo Control Priest Guide [Youtube]
*TGT* Confessor Priest by RegisKillbin [Hearth2p]

[21 WIN STREAK RANK 6 TO LEGEND IN 6 HOURS] Mazbaz's Cutpurse Aggro [Hearthpwn]
[Legend] Spare Parts Rogue - New TGT Deck - Complete Guide - MatGagne [Hearthpwn]
New Tempo Rogue Deck Archetype - Spare Parts Rogue - Complete Deck Guide [reddit]
Thoughts on Oil Rogue after 150 games at R4-Legend ~ 64% winrate, Stats and Match-up guides! [reddit]


HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Senbonzakura's Easy Legend ZOOLOCK DECK [Youtube]
Rankedmin - DEMON HANDLOCK (The Grand Tournament) [Youtube]
*TGT* Fizzlebang Warlock by RegisKillbin [Hearth2p]

HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: KitKatz's TOP 10 LEGEND Saraad Control Warrior [Youtube]
[High Legend] Quadra-brawl Control Warrior [Hearthpwn]
First Time Legend With Control Warrior-September Season [reddit]
Mech Warrior – September 2015 [Metabomb]
Thijs - Legend Mech Warrior Guide [Youtube]
Mechanizing Garrosh: Mech Warrior Deck Tech with Gaara [TempoStorm]



◆ reddit hot topics

Back when we were voting for TGT card reveals, Ben Brode told us to vote for Dreadsteed over Mysterious Challenger. [reddit]
ball of spiders is pretty good... [reddit]
The card rogue really needed in TGT. [reddit]
Now that I can put the screw back in on the GVG board, I'm frustrated I can't unscrew it back out. [reddit]
The ladder resets and so my grind begins... [reddit]
So... I had a nightmare about current meta last night. (small imgur gallery) [reddit]
Does anyone else sometimes concede because they made an awful mistake and were to embarrassed to continue? [reddit]
Met the ultimate Dennis at ten wins in arena. [reddit]
Controversy during HWC Asia Finals [reddit]
Friendly reminder from Nefarian [reddit]
Tavern Brawl Concept No. 1: The Battle of the Aspects [reddit]
Rexxar now knows why Hearthstone is so successful [reddit]
Dr. Boom is now self aware [reddit]
DIE, INSECT! [reddit]
That deciding missplay in the European Championship [reddit]
I just can't watch tournaments anymore. [reddit]
HS matchmaking at its finest .... [reddit]

◆ VoD Highlight

Brian Kibler - Effigy Gone Wild [Youtube]
Reynad: Blizzard in 2016 "Finally Going to Take Esports Seriously and Do It the Right Way" [Youtube]
Savjz - Burgle OP! (Constructed Highlight) [Youtube]
Savjz - Epic Zeus Shaman (Constructed Highlight) [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Too Much RNG? [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Bots Will Always Exist [Youtube]
Forsen Thug Life Compilation [Youtube]
Noxious - Miscellaneous Matches - RUSTY DAGGERS! [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #30 [Youtube]
Noxious - Patron Warrior: EVERYONE...GET OUT OF HERE! [Youtube]
Amaz - Ultimate Lockdown [Youtube]
Amaz - A Clash of Currents [Youtube]
Amaz - Fresh Miracoli in the House [Youtube]
MaSsan - Where's your consecrate now? [Youtube]
MaSsan - Quadruple eSports [Youtube]
Turn 1 Fatigue [Youtube]
85 Mana Pyroblast [Youtube]
Hearthstone Asia Pacific Championship DJ show ! [Youtube]
The 100,000 Pyroblast (100K Subs Special) [Youtube]
How to Summon 25 Voidcallers... [Youtube]
Hearthstone New Players vs sliders [Youtube]

◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia

◆ Fan art , Other Topics

New Meta in Hearthstone (Rick and Morty Parody) [Youtube]
Some more honest hearthstone cards. [reddit]
Behold, the armies of stormwind!(Wallpaper) [reddit]

◆ Clip Video

Today in Hearthstone Ep. 1 The Beginning [Youtube]
Hearthstone TGT Best Moments 3 [Youtube]
OldSchool OTK Decks Best Moments [Youtube]


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