Weekly Recap: 8/16 - 8/23 , 2015
BlizzCon Virtual Ticketの販売が開始されました
Headline News
8月24日にThe Grand Tournamentが正式リリースを迎えます。日本時間では”最速で”24日16時以降を予定
そしてさらに、今年11月に開催予定のBlizzCon Virtual Ticketの販売が開始されました [◆ Official]
海外トーナメントにて日本人プレイヤーの活躍が続いています。いずれメジャートーナメントにまで招待される人は現れるでしょうか [◆ Completed events]
今週のTavern BrawlはTGT新カードを先行体験できる『Grand Tournament Match』 HunterのJoustデッキとMageのInspireデッキ、感触は如何でしょうか [◆ Tavern Brawl]
TGTカードセットの全てが公開され著名プレイヤー達の事前レビューもこれで最後になります。Power Creepについて懸念を表明している方も目立ちますね [◆ VoD Highlight]
ページ内リンクPrevious news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 8/9 - 8/15 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Featured News
◆ Official
A GLORIOUS Tavern Brawl Begins Wednesday! [Battle.net]Introducing the Power Core Card Back [Battle.net]
Hearthstone Patch Notes – 3.0 – The Grand Tournament Draws Near [Battle.net]
The Grand Tournament Arrives August 24! [Battle.net]
BlizzCon® 2015 Virtual Ticket Now Available [Battle.net]
The North American Fireside Gathering Championship is Coming! [Battle.net]
HearthStone 3.0 — Unofficial Patch Notes [Hearthpwn]
2015/8/19 Patch Notes – 3.0 – The Grand Tournament Draws Near [dojo]
Patch 3.0 バグ・未記載事項 [dojo]
◆ Community & Team Transfers
◆ More News
The Grand Tournament Patch - Animated Cards, Gameboard, New Sounds, New Dailies, Card Flavor Text [Hearthpwn]New eSports Card Back: Power Core [Hearthpwn]
Ladder Ranked Rewards Updates, TGT Deck Spotlight: Beast Mode Druid, Power Creep and Buffing Old Cards [Hearthpwn]
No Free Packs on TGT Launch, Fel Reaver Bug Fixed, This Weekend in Hearthstone ESports [Hearthpwn]
Co-Op Mode Is Coming to HearthStone? [Hearth2p]
Co-opモードの導入もウワサされる「Hearthstone」のカードパック「The Grand Tournament」が8月24日に実装決定 [4gamer]
『Hearthstone』にかねてより噂のCo-opモードが登場か、最新パッチの更新内容から痕跡見つかる [automaton]
Hearthstone Streamer Stats: June & July 2015 - The summer swoon [Goldper]
This Week In Hearthstone: Episode 3 - The Grand Tournament approaches [TempoStorm]
The Daily Ale: Your pint-sized source of Hearthstone news [Aug 17th] [GosuGamers]
Tuesday Night Hype #36 優勝しました!
実際はデッキ相性もクソもなく全部ゴリ押しで勝ちました! pic.twitter.com/MFAlZlVeK3
— ガイアX (@cross7224) 2015, 8月 20
ZOTAC優勝しました!!!!使用デッキは相変わらずMech Paladin,Mech Shaman,Fast Zooのアグロ3デッキです!初めて大会で優勝したぞ!やったずぇ~~~!!!!o(^▽^)o♪
— 天野さとし (@ten_amns) 2015, 8月 23
ZOTAC Hearthstone NA Cup #61にて優勝しました! [すべ半]
◆ Completed events
Relive the epic ATLC redemption match between Nihilum and Liquid [VODs inside] [GosuGamers]StarLadder returns with $15,000 Hearthstone season, offline finals in Kiev [GosuGamers]
The qualifiers for StarLadder Season I are absolutely stacked [GosuGamers]
PVPLive’s HPL Week 10 Recap [BlizzPro]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Season3 決勝トーナメント Part 1. [niconico]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Season3 決勝トーナメント Part 2. [niconico]
JCG大会 アンケートご協力のお願い [JCG]
JCG Pro League Season3決勝戦! [すべ半]
koroneko DxRacer Cup [Strivewire]
◆ Upcoming events
ONOG Summer Circuit: GEICO Brawl #2 [Liquid Hearth]国内
TGTReleaseParty [rakuten calendar]
◆ Meta
Power Rank August 1.0: Warrior's Last Stand? [Liquid Hearth]THE META SNAPSHOT: #26 It's The End Of BRM As We Know It []
The Top 3 Ladder Decks of Season 17 [Hearth2p]
The Meta Season 17: Keeping Focus [BlizzPro]
◆ General Guide
Conquering Conquest with Hoej [Liquid Hearth]The Art of SMOrc: to Face or to Trade [TempoStorm]
Citizen Brewers Beware: The Negatives of Netdecking [TempoStorm]
In-Depth Turn Analysis #13: ‘Playing to Win’ [Hearthstone Players]
Spending Money Efficiently On Hearthstone [Hearthstone Players]
◆ Tavern Brawl
The Grand Brawl [Liquid Hearth]This Week's Tavern Brawl: Grand Tournament Match [TempoStorm]
◆ The Grand Tournament
The Grand Tournament - All New Sounds / Voiceovers [Youtube]The Grand Tournament Gameboard Preview [Youtube]
日本国内プレイヤーによるTGTカードインプレッション [Google+]
The Grand Tournament - Get Inspired! [Patreon]
Final TGT Card Evaluation [Liquid Hearth]
Even more new Hearthstone cards reviewed, from Aviana to Tuskarr Jouster [Dailydot]
Constructed Power Levels: Evaluating The Grand Tournament Part 1 [TempoStorm]
Constructed Power Levels: Evaluating The Grand Tournament Part 2 [TempoStorm]
New Cards and Decklists from The Grand Tournament Expansion – With Deckslists for You to Try! [Hearthstone Players]
Top Ten Constructed/Ranked Cards from The Grand Tournament! [Hearthstone Players]
The Grand Tournament Deck Ideas/Updates #1 Dragon Edition [Hearthstone Players]
The Grand Tournament – First Card Impressions Part 6 [Hearthstone Players]
The Grand Tournament – First Card Impressions Part 7 [Hearthstone Players]
TGT - Cheatsheet for Everybody! [reddit]
[TGT Updated] Secret Cheat Sheet [reddit]
TGT Pack Opening Animation [reddit]
A reminder that /r/HSPulls is looking forward to your TGT pack openings! [reddit]
TGT Clickables - The Grand Tournament - Hearthstone [Youtube]
Theorycraft decklist
Sjow's Dragon Warrior for The Grand Tournament [Liquid Hearth]
◆ Puzzle & Quiz
Animated Hearthstone Puzzles - Episode 19 [Youtube]Quantifying Advanced Hearthstone Knowledge - PVP Live Stats Series Part 3! [BlizzPro]
◆ Deck Spotlight
DruidBonus Deck: Mr.Yagut's Aggro Druid [BlizzPro]
Trump Deck Teachings - 15 - Ramp Druid (Druid) [Youtube]
IBioOrMech’s - Top 25 Legend - Ramp Druid [Hearth2p]
Deck Tech - Fast Druid with Gaara (Powered By G2A) [Youtube]
[S17 LEGEND EASY!] Double Combo Druid [Hearthpwn]
Face Hunter - August 2015 [Metabomb]
[S17 LEGEND] 80% winrate Hybrid Midrange Hunter [Hearthpwn]
[Season 17] 76% Winrate Midrange Hunter [Hearthpwn]
JAB Midrange Hunter [Twitter]
19-0 win streak, Top 10 Legend Freeze Mage by Laughing [reddit]
Kibler Dragon Mage [Twitter]
Legendary Tempo Mage - Get Your Legend! [Hearth2p]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Marshee's #2 NA Legend Tempo Mage! [Youtube]
Chinese Fel Reaver Mech Mage [Hearthpwn]
レジェ到達!勝率74% cross Mech Paladin!! [すべ半]
Eboladin (Firebat F2P) [Hearthpwn]
[Top 100] Control Paladin - with video guide! [Hearthpwn]
[S17] Mid Range Priest to Legendary TOP 100 [Hearthpwn]
Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Oil Rogue [BlizzPro]
Oil Rogue - August 2015 [Metabomb]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Simply Al's Legend Oil Rogue [S17] [Youtube]
Getting legend with Navioot's midrange Shaman - #ShamanPower [reddit]
Try it! "TROGGS EVERYWHERE" by Khris :) [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: JokeTagg's "TRY IT!" Warlock D3CK [TROGGS EVERYWHERE :Kreygasm:] [Youtube]
RDU's ZOO LOCK - from rank 14 to rank 5 = 2 hours [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Sjoesie's Dragon Control Warlock [Youtube]
Fade2Karma’s Control Warrior Guide [Hearthstone Players]
Control Warrior - August 2015 [Metabomb]
Thijs - Legend Grim Patron Guide vs Portals [Youtube]
1 Minute Guide - Grim Patron Warrior [Youtube]
◆ reddit hot topics
Hello, I come from the Future and am here to tell you about the future of Hearthstone. [reddit]Seems like twisting nether got buffed in this patch [reddit]
Why Mistcaller is better than you think [reddit]
Hearthstone: An Adventure Across Azeroth [reddit]
Ok, time for bed [reddit]
So the legends are true [reddit]
Tier List of the Hero Emote Meta [reddit]
[Discussion] How much of your own mama is your opponent's mana worth? [reddit]
What just occurred to me about TGT [reddit]
Polymorph: Boar has the best Flavour Text tbh. [reddit]
Silver Hand Recruits are ready for TGT! [reddit]
Opened a ranked chest [reddit]
Getting gold for milestones was fun when I started, it should go on. [reddit]
If Kripp were a card. [reddit]
My dad tried to talk me out of dusting golden Hemet Nesingwary [reddit]
Introducing the Power Core Card Back [reddit]
Dreadsteed's new flavor text refers to /u/Crescendo1909, the Hearthstone fan that passed of cancer four months ago [reddit]
Jousting is too slow [reddit]
Thank you Blizzard for letting us concede without regard to client animations. It's nice to keep up the tempo of the game going. [reddit]
Can we change Molten Giant's text from "damage taken" to "health missing"? [reddit]
Target dummy got some dental work done for the Grand tournament [reddit]
Spellslinger into Unstable Portal into Majordormo...it happened in my brawl! [reddit]
I love Spellslinger [reddit]
I feel bad for ruining his rank [reddit]
What a pack voucher from arena will look like... [reddit]
TGT ranked chests make me so much more excited [reddit]
CONFIRMED: Legend Ranks get better bonus chests! [reddit]
Lothar cosplays Forsen today [reddit]
◆ VoD Highlight
Kripparrian - Best & Worst of The Grand Tournament [Youtube]Kripparrian - Exact Lethal [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Power Creep & Buffing Bad Cards [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The Deck Tracking Advantage [Youtube]
Amaz - When SMOrc kills you...twice! [Youtube]
Amaz - Where's Your Madder Bomber NOW?! [Youtube]
Amaz - Intelligent Destroying [Youtube]
Amaz - For the Glory of Lock and Load!! [Youtube]
Trump Talks - Card Design, Power Creep & The Grand [Youtube]
Trump Is Inspired to Joust (Tavern Brawl) [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Both Teams Played Hard [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Tree of Nef [Youtube]
StrifeCro - Top 10 Grand Tournament Cards that will change the game [Youtube]
StrifeCro - Hearthstone Malygos Warlock returns - with new tech #1 [Youtube]
StrifeCro - The Grand Tournament Cards in Tavern Brawl [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Brotherman Bill [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Winner Winner Deathwing Dinner [Youtube]
Dtwo - TGT Card Talk with Impact and Joeysc2 - Part 1 [Youtube]
Dtwo - TGT Card Talk with Impact and Joeysc2 - Part 2 [Youtube]
Dtwo - TGT Card Talk with Impact and Joeysc2 - Part 3 [Youtube]
Dtwo - TGT Card Talk with Impact and Joeysc2 - Part 4 [Youtube]
Hafu - The Grand Tournament: It Can't Be Bad [Youtube]
LegendaryLea - Thank you Ragnaros [Youtube]
LegendaryLea - Believe in the Missiles [Youtube]
Chakki Mad Being BM [Youtube]
Hearthstone - 3200 armor in 1 turn [Youtube]
everyjuan get in here [Youtube]
◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
Hearthstone Mythbusters 8 [Youtube]TIL: Playing knife juggler and then dark wispers replays the DW animation 5 times [reddit]
TIL hearthstone is listed in Google play under "stress relieving" [reddit]
TIL what happens when Vaporize and Freezing Trap are played together [reddit]
Bug: Commanding shout doesn't work when using "Polymorph: Boar" on a friendly minion [reddit]
LightBomb Bug? [reddit]
◆ Fan art , Other Topics
Loatheb cut out of paper [reddit]Honest TGT first impressions. [reddit]
Drafted another 0-3 Warrior? Let me show you how it's done, son. [reddit]
Dirty Eric's Sex Dungeon [Hearthpwn]
◆ Clip Video
DIGUISED TOAST PRESENTS: ATLC MISSED LETHALS! [Archon]Hearthstone Best Funny Lucky Salty Moments | (Feat. Savjz,Amaz,Forsen,Firebat,Neviilz,Destiny,Thijs) [Youtube]
Hearthstone Top 5 Best Bluffs (Mind Games) | Funny Lucky Plays Moments | Montage Compilation [Youtube]
Hearthstone Funny Subscribers Plays (subs) #1 - Amazing Lucky Epic Moments [Youtube]
Best of Amaz (Team Archon) - Hearthstone - Funny Plays Moments 2015 - Montage Compilation [Youtube]
Hearthstone Amazing Plays #5 - Funny Lucky Epic Moments [Youtube]
Best of Leeroy Jenkins - Hearthstone - Amazing Funny Epic Plays - Montage Compilation [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #77 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 123 [Youtube]