Weekly Recap: 8/2 - 8/8 , 2015
Headline News
新たなゲームメカニクス「Jaust(ジャウスト)」とPlay modeラダーの追加報酬がGamescom会場で発表されました [◆ Official]
redditユーザー達が昨年仕込んでおいたタイムカプセルを覗いてみよう。どこまで希望が叶っているのでしょうか [◆ More News]
TGTの公開済み新カードは現在68枚。プロプレイヤー達がどのように評価しているのか要チェック! [◆ The Grand Tournament]
Savjzと一緒にHearthstoneの知識を確かめよう。あんまり間違えると顔がオークになっちゃうかも? [◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia]
今週のTavern Brawlのテーマは『The Masked Ball』 破壊されたミニオンから一体何がどびだすか?運とデッキ構築が問われます [◆ Tavern Brawl]
ページ内リンクPrevious news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 7/26 - 8/1 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Featured News
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 8/11: #WoW: Rolling restarts at 5:00am PDT, #BNet #D3 #HS: 7:00am PDT - 11:00am PDT
— BlizzardCS (@BlizzardCS) 2015, 8月 8
日本時間11日(火)PM23時より4時間のメンテナンスが予告されていますJoin @Frodan and @bdbrode for The Grand Tournament Live Stream! http://t.co/JnWomBZCbw #Hearthstone pic.twitter.com/sJaNfj2UGw
— Hearthstone (@PlayHearthstone) 2015, 8月 6
配信開始は日本時間15日(土)AM2時からです◆ Official
The Grand Tournament – A Grand Celebration! [Battle.net]The Grand Tournament at gamescom [Battle.net]
The Grand Tournament - Honor! Valor! Knighthood! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone Live Stream: The Grand Tournament [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® July 2015 Ranked Play Season Final Rankings [Battle.net]
Gamescom Live Stream: Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm - August 7, 2015 [Youtube]
◆ Community & Team Transfers
Trig allegedly owes its Hearthstone players thousands, blames problems on 'internal restructuring' [Disguised Toast]Trig loses its Hearthstone team [Disguised Toast]
◆ More News
New Card Reveal: Darnassus Aspirant, Wrathguard & Shado-Pan Cavalry, Top Constructed Decks of July [Hearthpwn]New Card Reveal: Druid of the Saber, Crowd Favorite, Bash, Brave Archer [Hearthpwn]
New Card Reveals From Gamescom, New Mechanic: Joust + New Ranked Rewards [Hearthpwn]
Certain Swedish high schools add 3 hours of eSports classes a week [GosuGamers]
Saturday Hearthstone Roundup #5 – The Grand Tournament is coming! [Hearthpwn]
StrifeCro - How to improve the Hearthstone ladder system [Youtube]
StanCifka: "To learn Hearthstone, I locked myself in my room for half a year" [GosuGamers]
Hearthstone Developer Interview at gamescom 2015 with Mike Donais [Icy-Veins]
/r/Hearthstone "predictions" time-capsule. To be opened Aug. 6th, 2015. [reddit]
/r/Hearthstone "predictions" time-capsule. To be opened Aug. 7th, 2016. [reddit]
[Poll] Worst class in Hearthstone? [reddit]
I won the 45 days tournament!
1st, HearthKings Competitive League - Season 2 Playoffs
— koronekoHS (@koronekoHS) 2015, 8月 6
◆ Completed events
GEICO Feature Tournament 3: EU Open Decklists [Liquid Hearth]Read all about who won the final round and find out which decks/classes were dominant! [CSL]
Challengestone 3: Right On Target Vods are now Available [TempoStorm]
Challengestone 3: Day 2 - Semi Finals and Final round - Live Report and Discussion [TempoStorm]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Season2 決勝トーナメント Day2 amanos観戦レポート [JCG]
JCG HearthStone Pro League Season3 グループリーグ 配信録画 [Youtube]
◆ Upcoming events
ONOG Summer Series Feature Tournament 3 [Liquid Hearth]ONOG Summer Circuit EU Qualifier #7 - August 10th [Liquid Hearth]
ONOG Summer Circuit NA Qualifier #7 - August 10th [Liquid Hearth]
ONOG Summer Circuit EU Qualifier #8 - August 12th [Liquid Hearth]
ONOG Summer Circuit NA Qualifier #8 - August 12th [Liquid Hearth]
08/07(金)開催 JCG Pro League グループステージ レギュレーションを発表! [JCG]
08/21(金)JCG Pro League Season3 Finals Day1 [JCG]
08/22(土)JCG Pro League Season3 Finals Day2 [JCG]
◆ Meta
Tempo Storm's Meta Snapshot #24: Aggro, Aggro, Aggro [TempoStorm]The Meta Season 17: Take Your Time [BlizzPro]
◆ General Guide
Breaking Down Hate Cards [Liquid Hearth]The Fundamentals of Playing Around Secrets [TempoStorm]
Season 17 Legend: Mech Priest, Nerubian Egg Paladin, & Combolock [reddit]
How to Beat Face Hunter (With Deck Lists) [Hearth2p]
Arena Matchups: Warlock Guide [Hearth2p]
毎月レジェンダリーランクに到達するということ [すべ半]
【ひとくち新聞】レジェンドになるために必要な時間 [すべ半]
◆ Tavern Brawl
Tavern Brawl 8: So I Hear You Like Shredders [Liquid Hearth]The Masked Brawl [TempoStorm]
Tavern Brawl #8: The Masked Ball [Hearthstone.exp]
This weeks Tavern Brawl is... The Masked Ball! [reddit]
◆ The Grand Tournament
Grand Tournament Spoiler Evaluation Round 2 [Liquid Hearth]CLASSES WITH THE MOST TO GAIN FROM THE GRAND TOURNAMENT [Archon]
Trump - The Grand Tournament Review - Part 4 (Expansion) [Youtube]
Trump - The Grand Tournament Review - Part 5 (Expansion) [Youtube]
Trump - The Grand Tournament Review - Part 6 - JOUSTING (Expansion) [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Grand Tournament Card Reveal 4 [Youtube]
StrifeCro's The Grand Tournament Card Review #1 [Youtube]
Grand Tourney [Round 3 Cards] - Amaz Impression [Youtube]
Grand Tourney [Round 4 Cards] - Amaz Impression [Youtube]
Reynad Reviews the Grand Tournament - Part 2/3 [TempoStorm]
[ADWCTA] Joust in the Arena, Class Convergence + Warrior RIOT! [reddit]
The Grand Tournament – First Card Impressions Part 2 [Hearthstone Players]
The Grand Tournament – First Card Impressions Part 3 [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Darnassus Aspirant & Wrathguard [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Shado-Pan Cavalry & Master of Ceremonies [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Druid of the Saber & Crowd Favorite [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Gamescom megathread [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Grand Crusader & Confuse [Hearthstone Players]
Hearthstone's The Grand Tournament: Paladin Versus Mage - Gamescom 2015 [Youtube]
◆ Puzzle Time!
Forsen Reacts To His Lethal Puzzle (WE DID IT REDDIT 4Head) [Youtube]Animated Hearthstone Puzzles - Episode 17 [Youtube]
◆ Deck Spotlight
Druid[S17] Mech Druid To Legend [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: PsionicHS's Mech Druid [S17] :3 [Youtube]
[S17] GoToTheSatan's 71% Winrate Ramp Druid [Hearthpwn]
[S17] 1st EU Legend MidFace Hunter + guide [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Jara Vyskocil's #1 EU Legend MidFace Hunter [Youtube]
Trump Deck Teachings - 13 - Face Hunter (Hunter) [Youtube]
#1 EU Mech mage 08.08.15 [reddit]
Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Tempo Mage [BlizzPro]
[rank 5 NA S17] Korean Mage the climber [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: TSASWARE's Korean Mage "THE CLIMBER" [S17] [Youtube]
Thijs - High Legend Tempo Mage Guide [Youtube]
(S17) Hybrid Paladin!! New Idea [Hearthpwn]
Kolento Combo Priest [Hearthpwn]
Kolento plays combo priest (#24) [Youtube]
Kolento plays combo priest (#25) [Youtube]
Kolento plays combo priest (#26) [Youtube]
Kolento plays combo priest (#27) [Youtube]
Nostam’s Legend Aggro Rogue [reddit]
Season 17 Deck Guide: Mryagut's Aggro Rogue [Hearth2p]
[S16 LEGEND] Shut Up Rogue (mid range) [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Waspeon's SHUT UP! Rogue :3 [Youtube]
Shaman Only(LEGEND) to Legend(Bloodulust/Deathlords) [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Volatility's Bloodlust-Deathlord Shaman [Youtube]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: UnbreakableHS's DemonHandlock! [Youtube]
Mastering the Control Warlock: Beginner Guide [Hearthstone Players]
Legend 6 Demon Zoo [Hearthpwn]
First time Legend with Handlock. Thoughts and Match-ups. [reddit]
PAIN Warlock - Full Guide [75% Winrate] [reddit]
S17 MrYagur Control Warlock [Twitter]
コラボ企画(?)【Summoning Portal大名】実況解説! [すべ半]
Chicken Warrior [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Zardium's Chicken Warrior XD [Youtube]
Top8Patron [Hearthpwn]
Trump Deck Teachings - 12 - Control Warrior (Warrior) [Youtube]
◆ reddit hot topics
The reason why TCGs introduce subpar cards: an answer from MTG senior designer [reddit]The biggest buzzkill I've ever experienced in my life. [reddit]
Ball of Spiders has been a year in development [reddit]
Sacrificial Pact's interaction with Jaraxxus is likely to be removed [reddit]
Finally, I got The Combo in brawl [reddit]
Blizzard Should Allow Us to Buy Packs for Friends [reddit]
Simple suggestion: After the release of an expansion, change the ranked ranks to that expansion's cards. [reddit]
Hearthstone has the best dev team [reddit]
Public Apology and Gratitude to a Hearthstone Dev. (Hamilton Chu) [reddit]
Next Month's Top r/hearthstone Posts [reddit]
New Legendary Cards - Aviana and Anub'Arak [reddit]
Theres going to be 9 new class cards each, with an exception for hunter (10 class cards) [reddit]
Is it just me or does today feel like Hearthstone Christmas? [reddit]
Deck building of my 4 year old daughter [reddit]
Mukla's Champion is a Monkey riding a hippo while holding a bamboo lance [reddit]
Most used legendaries, this time based on Tempo Storm's Meta Snapshot! [reddit]
According to the stats provided by hearthpwn.com, these are the legendary cards you should be crafting/aiming to get. [reddit]
With TGT coming up, it's made me think: Piloted Shredder is/will be harming the design space of future 4-drops (and possibly 2-drops). Does it need a nerf? [reddit]
Well that explain the skin color of Jaraxxus in the Fist of Jaraxxus' art. [reddit]
That new shaman weapon feels wrong. [reddit]
Face Hunters make us better [reddit]
How is this balanced... wheres the counterplay? [reddit]
◆ VoD Highlight
Eloise & Reynad Play Hearthstone...Again! [Youtube]Reynad Explains How To Play at Hearthstone to ChrisG (Hunter) [Youtube]
LegendaryLea - My best Win ever! | Druid 12 Win Arena Top Deck [Youtube]
LegendaryLea - Tavern Brawl | The Masked Ball [Youtube]
MaSsan - Standard 6 molten giants play [Youtube]
MaSsan - MaSsan is so Lucky (or not?) [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The Most Amazing Game Ever Played [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The First Time You Ever Get Rekt [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Blingtron Lock Humiliation [Youtube]
Amaz - Misplays = Optimal Plays? [Youtube]
Amaz - Heart of the Cards #7: Foreshadowing [Youtube]
Amaz - The Masked Ball Brawl, w/ Savjz (Warning: Exciting Game) [Youtube]
Amaz - The Masked Ball Brawl, w/ Forsen (Warning: Dominating Game) [Youtube]
Hafu - Warlock Draft ft. ADWCTA [Youtube]
Daniel Negreanu Hearthstone Moments - Funny Lucky Best Moments Plays Montage [Youtube]
Thijs - ESPORTALS! [Youtube]
Miscellaneous Highlights! NOXIOUS, PLZ GET GUD [Youtube]
Forsen Revealing His True Identity, Jesse Pinkman. [Youtube]
120 Ragnaros in One Turn [Youtube]
Knife Juggler, Grim Patron Insanity [Youtube]
OTK murlocs... Warleader and old Murk eye [Youtube]
Old Murk-Eye : One turn kill 38 HP ! [Youtube]
◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
Card Origins #15 - Bolvar Fordragon [Youtube]Test Your Knowledge w/ Savjz: A Very Smorc Day [TeamLiquidPro]
Golden card "nerfs" confirmed as a bug! [reddit]
Monetary value of cards. [reddit]
◆ Fan art , Other Topics
WILFRED FIZZLEBANG HEARTHSTONE WALLPAPER [Topdecks]Hearthstone Card! [Pennyarcade]
My new mousepad finally arrived [reddit]
◆ Clip Video
Epic Hearthstone Plays #75 [Youtube]Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 121 [Youtube]
Trolden's Top 5 Plays - Hearthstone - Ep. 3 (With Ben Brode) [Youtube]