JLPT N2 Kanji in 8 Weeks(7th Week)

Request, want, wish for, require, demand
求人 Help Wanted(チ,おく.れる,おく.らす,おそ.い)
Slow, late , back, later
遅い slow
請求書 bill, invoice遅れる to be late
要求 demand, request遅刻 tardiness
求める to demand, to request
Simplicity, brevity
簡単 easy(カ,ケ,かり)
Sham, temporary, informal
仮名 Japanese syllabary
振り仮名 pronunciation
仮定 assumption, supposition
仮 temporary, provisional
Simple, one, single, merely
単語 vocabulary(キ,つくえ)
Desk, table
机 desk
単に merely, simply
単位 unit, credit
単なる mere, simple
Permit, approve
許可 permission(サイ,と.る)
Pick, take, fetch, take up
採点 grading, marking
免許 permit, license採用 use, adopt
許す to permit, allow採集 collecting, gathering
採る to adopt(a measure/ proposal)
Salary, wage, gift, allow, grant, bestow on
日給 daily wage(ノウ,こい)
Concentrate, thick, dark, undiluted
濃度 concentration, density
給料 wage, salary濃い concentrate, dark(color)
支給 payment
供給 supply, provision
月給 monthly wage
Bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift
給与 allowance, grant(ヒツ,ふで)
Writing brush, writing, painting brush, hand writing
鉛筆 pencil
与える to give, to present筆者 writer, author
筆記 (taking) notes, copying
筆 writing brush
Apply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept
応募 application(コウ)
Navigate, sail, cruise, fly
航空 aviation, flying
応じる to respond運航 operation(e.g. ship, aircraft)
一応 tentatively
欠航 suspension of service
応用 put to practical use
Chapter, lesson, section, department, division, counter of chapters
課 chapter, section(リク,ロク,おか)
Land, six
陸 land, shore
課長 section chief大陸 continent
日課 daily lesson陸上 land, ground, shore
着陸 landing, touch down
Extent, degree, law, formula, distance, limits, amount
課程 course, curriculum(ソン,そこ.なう)
Damage, loss, disadvantage, hurt, injure
損 loss, disadvantage
過程 process, course損傷 damage, injury
程度 degree, amount損害 damage, injury, loss
日程 schedule損得 loss and gain
System, law, rule
制度 system(コウ,そう,ろう)
Climate, season, weather
気候 climate
制限 restriction, limitation天候 weather
制作 work, production
体制 system, structure
Lecture, club, association
講座 class, course(セン,ふね,ふな)
Ship, boat
船 boat, ship
講義 lecture風船 balloon
講演 lecture造船 shipbuilding
講師 lecturer船便 surface/sea mail
Class, rank, grade
初級 beginning level(ガン,まる,まる.める,まる.い)
Round, full , month, perfection, -ship
丸 circle
中級 intermediate level丸い round, circular, spherical
上級 advanced level
高級 high class/grade
Fundamentals, counter of machines, foundation
基本 foundation, basis(コン,ま.じる,ま.じり,ま.ざる,ま.ぜる,こ.む)
Mix, blend, confuse
混雑 confusion, congestion
基礎 foundation, basisかき混ぜる to stir
基地 base混じる to be mixed
基準 standard, basis混ざる to be mixed
Guidance, leading, conduct, usher
指導 leadership, guidance(ソウ,ソ,おも.う)
Concept, think, idea, thought
予想 anticipation, forecast
導入 introduction感想 impressions, thoughts
導く to lead想像 imagination, guess
理想 ideal
Courtyard, garden, yard
庭 garden(コ,ゆえ)
Especially, intentionally, reason, cause, consequently
事故 accident
家庭 home, family, household故障 break-down, failure
故郷 hometown, birthplace
校庭 playground, schoolyard
Bring up, grow up, raise, rear
教育 education(ラン,ロン,みだ.れる,みだ.る,みだ.す,みだ,おさ.める,わた.る)
Riot, war, disorder, disturb
混乱 disorder, confusion
体育 physical education乱暴 rude, violent, rough
育児 children乱れる to fall into disorder
育つ to grow
育てる to raise, to bring up
猫 cat(カ,かわ)
河 river, stream
運河 canal, waterway
河川 river
Grope, search, look for
探す search(ユ,しゅ)
Transport, send, be inferior
輸出 export
探検 exploration輸入 import
探る to search, to look for輸血 blood transfusion
輸送 transport
Ashes, puckery juice, cremate
Ratio, rate, proportion, co-efficient, factor
率直 frankness, candor
灰 ash
率 rate, ratio
灰色 gray
利率 interest rate
灰皿 ashtray
確率 probability
能率 efficiency
Wheel, ring, circle, link, loop, counter of wheels and flowers
指輪 ring(ウ)
Eaves, roof, house, heaven
宇宙 the universe, outer space
首輪 collar
車輪 (car) wheel
Nightfall, night
今晩 tonight(コ,と)
Door, counter of houses
戸 door
晩御飯 dinner雨戸 sliding storm door
毎晩 every night一戸建て a detached house
Drama, play
劇 drama, play(セイ,は.れる,は.れ,は.らす)
Clear up
晴れる to be sunny
劇団 theatrical company快晴 good weather
劇場 theater, playhouse晴天 fine weather
演劇 (theatrical)play素晴らしい wonderful, magnificent
Public, prince, official, governmental
公園 park(ドン,くも.る)
Cloudy weather, cloud up
曇り cloudy weather
公演 public performance曇る to become cloudy
公共 public, communal
公務員 civil servant, govt. employee
Jump, dance, leap, skip
踊る to dance(セツ,ゆき)
雪 snow
踊り dance大雪 heavy snow
日本舞踊 traditional Japanese dance吹雪 snow storm
Sort, kind, variety, class, genus
種類 type, kind(ケイ,エ,めぐ.み,めぐ.む)
Favor, blessing, grace, kindness
知恵 wisdom
人種 race(of people)恵まれる to be blessed with
雑種 hybrid
種 seed
Equal, head, counter of small animals, roll of cloth
匹 counter for small animals(ヨウ,ひ)
Sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime
太陽 sun
陽気 ① weather ② cheerfulness
匹敵する to compare with, to rival
Transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver
渡る to cross over(ウン,くも,ーぐも)
雲 clouds
渡す to hand over雨雲 rain clouds
渡米 going to America
渡辺 (name)
馬 horse(ギョウ,リョウ,あさ.る)
Fishing, fishery
漁船 fishing boat
乗馬 horse riding漁師 fisherman
Shell fish
貝 shell, shellfish(テイ,そこ)
Bottom, sole, depth, bottom price, base
海底=海の底 sea bottom
貝がら shell
Sake, alcohol
酒 alcohol, liquor(コウ,あらがね)
Mineral, ore
鉱山 mine (e.g coal mine)
酒屋 liquor store
居酒屋 Japanese tavern
Steam, heat, sultry, foment, get musty
蒸発 evaporation(ヒ,かれ,かの,か.の)
He, that, the
彼岸 the week of the equinox
水蒸気 water vapor, steam
彼 he, him, boyfriend
蒸す to steam
彼女 she, her, girlfriend
蒸し暑い humid, sultry
成績 results, record(テキ,しずく,したた.る)
Drip, drop
水滴 water drop
業績 performance, achievement
実績 actual result, achievement
Dry, parch
干す to hang(イ,えら.い)
Admirable, greatness, remarkable, famous, excellent
偉大な greatness
干物 dried food
竹 bamboo(ソク,のっと.る)
Rule, follow, based on, model after
規則 rule, regulation
竹の子 bamboo shoot
Root, head(pimple)
根 root(ソク,はか.る)
Fathom, plan, scheme, measure
測定 measurement
大根 Japanese white radish測る to measure, to weigh
屋根 roof
羽根 shuttlecock
Ovum, egg, spawn, roe
卵 egg(ジュ,さず.ける,さず.かる)
Impart, instruct, grant, confer
授業 class
卵黄(らんおう) egg yolk
The yellow of an egg
Lumber, log, timber, wood, talent
材料 ingredients, materials(レイ,ぜろ,こぼ.す,こぼ,れる)
零下 sub-zero
原材料 raw materials
教材 material properties
材質 teaching materials

砂糖 sugar(ジュツ,の.べる)
Mention, state, speak, relate
記述 description
砂漠 desert口述 verbal statement
砂 sand前述 afore-mentioned, above-mentioned
述べる to state, to mention
植物 plant(コウ,かま.える,かま.う)
Posture, build, pretend
結構 splendid, nice
植木 to plant, to grow構成 composition
植える potted plants, garden shrubs構内 campus, grounds
構う to mind, to care about
田植え rice planting
Charcoal, coal
炭水化物 carbohydrate(シ,こころざ.す,こころざし)
Intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes
志望 wish, desire
石炭 coal意志 will, volition
炭鉱 coal mine, coal pit
炭 charcoal
Fat, grease, tallow, lard, gum, tar
脂肪 fat, grease(サツ,サク,ふみ)
Tome, counter of books, volume
冊 counter for books
脂質 lipids, fats冊子 booklet, pamphlet
油脂 fats and oils
脂 fat, lard
Milk, breasts
牛乳 milk(ロン)
Argument, discourse
論文 thesis, treatise
乳製品 dairy products議論 argument, discussion, debate
乳児 suckling baby
結論 conclusion
乳 milk, breast
論じる to argue, to discuss, to debate
Include, bear in mind,
含む be included
含める to include
Cylinder, pipe, tube, gun barrel, sleeve
封筒 envelope
水筒 canteen, water bottle
筒 pipe, tube
Graduate, soldier
卒業 graduation
卒業証明書 diploma


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