JLPT N2 Kanji in 8 Weeks(5th Week)

Lean, incline, tilt,, trend
傾ける to tilt/incline(オウ,よこ)
Sideways, side, horizontal
横 side
傾く to tilt/incline横断歩道 pedestrian crossing
傾向(けいこう) trend/tendency
横転(おうてん) overturn
Hot water
湯 hot water(キョウ,おそ.れる,おそ.ろしい)
Fear, dread, awe
恐れ fear
湯のみ teacup恐ろしい fearful/ terrible
湯気 steam
恐れ入ります i beg your pardon,  Excuse me
恐怖(きょうふ) fear
(ゲン,はら)原料 material(イン,よ.る)
Cause, factor, depend on
原因 cause
野原 native要因 factor
原産 field
Placement, put, set, deposit, leave behind
置く to put(シン,ね.る)
Lie down, sleep, rest, bed, remain unsold
寝る to sleep
物置 closet, storeroom寝坊(ねぼう) late riser, sleepyhead
位置 location
昼寝 nap
装置 device
寝室 bedroom
Heat, temperature, fever, mania, passion
熱い hot(ショウ,や.く,や.き,や.ける)
ばけ , burning
焼く to roast, to grill
熱 heat, fever
燃焼(ねんしょう) combustion
熱心な(ねっしんな) enthusiasm, zeal
焼ける to be burnt, baked
熱中 mania, passion, enthusiasm
Contact, touch, feel, hit, proclaim
接触(せっしょく) contact(トウ,ひ)
Lamp, a light, counter of lights
灯油 kerosene
灯台 lighthouse
感触(かんしょく) (the sense of) touch
蛍光灯(けいこうとう) florescent light
触れる to touch, to mention
電灯 electric light
触る to touch
Oil, fat
油 oil(ヨ,あま.る)
Too much, myself, surplus
余る to be left over
石油 oil余分な excess
油断(ゆだん) negligence, inattention余計な excess
余裕 leeway
原油 crude oil
Fur, hair, feather, down
糸 thread
羊毛(ようもう)wool毛糸 wool
毛 fur, hair
Texture, skin, body,
肌 skin(ジュウ,ニュウ,やわ.らか,やわ.らかい)
Tender, weakness, gentleness, softness
柔軟な(じゅうなんな) flexible
肌着 (はだぎ) undershirt
柔道 judo
柔軟体操 flexibility exercises
柔らかい soft, tender
Incense, smell, perfume
香り scent, smell(ナン,やわ.らか,やわ.らかい)
軟らかい soft
香水(こうすい) perfume軟弱(なんじゃく) weak
無香料 without scent
香辛料 spice
Melt, dissolve, thaw
溶かす to dissolve/ melt(セン,あら.う)
Wash, inquire into, probe
洗濯 washing
洗濯機 washing machine
溶ける to dissolve, melt
溶岩(ようがん) lava
Touch, contact, adjoin, piece together
直接 direct(ト,ぬ.る)
Paint, plaster, coating
塗る to paint/spread
間接 indirect
面接 interview
接近 proximity
Thong, beginning, end, cord, strap
一緒に together(コウ,ホウ,き)
黄色 yellow
Mud, mire, adhere to
泥 mud(ト,みち)
Route ,way , road
用途 use
泥棒 thief途中 on the way, part way
中途 midway, unfinished
途端(とたん) just as
Tool, utensil, means, counter of armor
道具 tool(ショウ,とこ,ゆか)
Bed, floor, tatami
起床(きしょう) get up
家具 furniture床 floor
具合 condition床屋 barbershop
Wall, lining, fence
壁 wall(カン,ケン,かわ.く,かわ.かす)
Drought, dry
乾電池 dry cell battery
乾く do dry
乾かす to dry something
Linen, cloth
布 cloth(チュウ,はしら)
Pillar, post, cylinder, support
柱 pillar, post
毛布 blanket電柱 telegraph pole
分布 distribution
布団 futon
Insect, bug, temper
虫 insect(シ,よわい,は,よわ.い)
Tooth, cog
歯医者 dentist
虫歯 decayed tooth歯科 dentistry
防虫剤(ぼうちゅうざい)  insect repellent歯周病 gum disease
歯車(はぐるま)   cog, gear
殺虫剤 insecticide
Ward off, defend, protect, resist
予防 precaution, prevention(マ,みが.く)
Grind, polish, scour, improve, brush(teeth)
磨く polish
歯磨き tooth cleaning
防止 prevention
消防 fire fighting
防ぐ to prevent
Split out, extract, pull out, remove, omit
抜く to れもヴぇ, to extract, to omit(ノウ,なや.む,なやみ)
Trouble, worry, in pain, distress, illness
悩む to worry
悩み worry, distress
抜ける to fall out, to be missing
追い抜く(おいぬく) to leave behind
抜群(ばつぐん) outstanding, unrivaled
Hair of the head
髪 hair(シ,さ.す,さ.さる)
Thorn, pierce, stab, prick
刺す to stab
髪の毛 hair刺さる to be pierced
白髪(しらが) white/gray hair名刺 named card
刺激(しげき) stimulus
肩 shoulder(ヨウ,こし)
Loins, hip, waist
腰 waist, hip
肩書き(かたがき) title腰掛け(こしかけ) chair, seat
腰掛ける to sit
Node, verse, knob, knot, tune, melody
関節 joint(シン,ジン,かみ)
God, mind, soul
神様 god
調節 adjustment神社 shrine
節約 thrift神経(しんけい) nerve
節 knot(in wood), joint神話(しんわ) myth
Pain, hurt, damage, bruise
頭痛(ずつう) headache(ヨク,あ.びる,あ.びせる)
Bathe, be favored with, bask in
浴衣 yukata
痛い sore, painful入浴 bathing
痛む to ache, to hurt浴室 bathroom
腰痛 back ache海水浴 sea bathing
苦痛(くつう) pain, suffering浴びる to shower, to soak up
Bull’s eye, mark, target, object
目的 aim, purpose(カン,あせ)
Sweat, perspire
汗 sweat
具体的な concrete, specific
~的 like/ in the manner of
的確な(てきかくな) accurate, exact
Expert, teacher, master
医師 doctor(ダン)
Discuss, talk
相談 consultation
教師 teacher会談 conference, dialogue
技師 technologist
冗談 joke
Parch , dry up
乾燥(かんそう) dryness(セツ,お.る,おり,お.れる)
Fold, break, fracture
折る to break, fold
折れる to break
bone fracture
Prize, reward, praise
賞 prize(コ,ク,くら)
Ware house, storehouse
金庫 safe deposit
賞金 prize(money)車庫 garage
賞品 prize(good)冷蔵庫 refrigerator
賞味期限 use by date
Create, make, structure, physique
製造 manufacture(ヒ)
Expense, cost, spend, consume, waste
費用 expense, cost
改造 adaptation, conversion~費 expense, cost
消費 consumption
造る to make
Can, possible
可 possible(ビョウ)
秒 second
不可 impossible
可能な possible
Wine glass, glass, toast
~杯 cups(シン,み)
Somebody, person
刺身 sashimi
乾杯 cheers中身 content
杯(さかずき) cup, wine glass自身 oneself
出身(しゅっしん) come from
身体 body
身長 height
Boil, ferment, breed
沸く to boil(マツ,バツ)
End, close, tip, powder
月末 end of the month
沸かす to boil something末 the end
末っ子 youngest child
沸騰(ふっとう) boiling
Flour, powder, dust
粉末 powder(エイ,ヨウ,さか.える,は.える)
Flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor
栄養(えいよう) nutrition
粉 powder, flour
繁栄(はんえい) prosperity
小麦粉 wheat flour
栄える to flourish/ prosper
Chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk
鳴る to ring(ホウ,おとず.れる,たず.ねる)
訪問 (ほうもん) visit
鳴らす to ring , chime(a bell)訪ねる to visit
訪れる to visit, to come
怒鳴る to shout
鳴く to chirp, croak, bleat
Call, call out to, invite
呼ぶ to call(ケイ)
Admonish, commandment
警官 police officer
呼び出す to call, to summon警備 security
呼吸 breath, respiration
Report, news, reward, retribution
予報 forecast(リ,うら)
Back, amidst, in, reverse, inside,
裏 reverse, back
警報 warning, alarm裏口 back door
情報 information裏返す to reverse
電報 telegram裏表 both sides
Distinction, difference, variation, balance
交差点 intersection(ゾク,ショク,コウ,キョウ,つづ.く,つづ.ける)
Continue, series, sequel
接続 connection
手続き(てつづき) procedure
続く to continue
人差し指 index finger
差 difference
Resign, word, term, expression
辞書 dictionary(メン,ベン,おも)
Mask, face, features, surface
画面 screen
辞典(じてん) dictionary, encyclopedia方面 direction
正面 front
辞表(じひょう) resignation
面積(めんせき) (surface) area
辞める to resign, to retire
Maneuver, manipulate, operate, steer, virginity, fidelity
操作 operation, manipulation(ジツ,シツ,み,みの.る)
Reality, truth
実行 practice, action
実験 experiment
体操 exercise, gymnastics
事実 fact
実 fruit
File, row, rank, tier
列 line, queue(ボウ)
Rod, stick, cane, pole, club, line
泥棒 thief
行列 procession
列車 train
列島(れっとう) archipelago
Wither, die, dry up
枯れる to wither(シュウ,ふね)
Boat, ship
舟 boat
Poverty, poor
貧しい poor(セキ,シャク,むかし)
Once upon a time, old times
昔 long ago, past
Boulder, rock, cliff
岩 rock(キュウ,なく)
Cry, weep, moan
泣く to cry, weep
岩石 rocks
Blossom, bloom
咲く to bloom(シ)
Director, official, gvt.office, rule
司会 moderation, facilitation
Wish, sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention
残念 regret, disappointment(リョウ,すず.しい,すず.む)
Refreshing, nice and cool
涼しい cool
Blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke
吹く to lack(ボウ)
Boy, priests residence, priest
赤ん坊 baby
Angry, be offended
怒る to be angry(チク)
家畜 livestock
Genius, years old
才能 ability, talent(チン,めずら.しい)
Rare, curious, strange
珍しい rare
Seduce, call, eat, drink
召し上がる to eat


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