JLPT N2 Kanji in 8 Weeks(8th Week)



州 state

電波 Electromagnetic wave

強盗 robbery
逃走 escape, fight
盗む to steal
逃がすto release
盗難 theft
逃げる to escape,

逃す to let slip,
疑問 question, doubt

捕まえる to arrest, to catch
疑うto doubt, to suspect
捕まる to be arrested, to be caught
容疑 suspect
捕らえる to seize, to grasp, to arrest

逮捕 arrest, capture
捕る to take, to catch(fish)

絶つ to sever, to cutoff, to suppress

政党 a political party
絶対 absolutely, definitely
与党 the ruling party

野党 the opposition party

候補() candidate

児童 children, juvenile
補足 supplement, complement童話fairy tale
補助 assistance, support

補う to compensate, to supplement

爆発 explosion
暴走 running wildly
乱暴 rude, violent

暴れる to act violent

航空 aviation, flying
死亡 death
亡くなる to die
有罪 guilty
なくす to lose someone
無罪 innocent
(オウ)欧米 Europe and America

大型 large, jumbo
欧州 Europe
model, style, shape
日課 daily lesson
典型的() typical, model, ideal
(ロウ)厚生労働省 course, curriculum(ノウ)
苦労 troubles, hardships農家 a farmer, farm family
ご苦労様 Thank you very much農産物 agricultural produce
貿易 trade
容易 easy, plain, simple
安易() easy-going

易しい easy, pain, simple
sign, omen, trillion(America), billion(British)

命じる to order, to command

生命 life, existence

一生懸命 very hard, with most effort

いのち life
命令order, command
被害 damage

被害者 victim
injury, harm, damage
権利 right, privilege
公害public nuisance, pollution
人権 human rights, civil liberties
水害 water damage, flood disaster
authority, right
()hundred million(セイ,ほし)star

星印 star, asterisk

星座 constellation(sitting in the former Japanese manner)
武器 weapon, arms
(キョ)巨大 huge, gigantic
武力 weapon or military power巨額 a great sum
武士warrior, samurai

競争 competition, contest
失敗 failure, mistake
競う to emulate, to compete with連敗 a serious of defeats
競馬 horse racing
敗れる to be defeated
投手 pitcher(baseball)
reverse, opposite
投書 letter to the editor
逆転 (sudden)change, reversal
投資 investment
逆さ upside down, inversion
投げる to throw
逆らう to oppose, to defy
優勝 overall victory, championship(グン)
suffix for military force
勝敗 victory, defeat
勝負a mach, contest, game
軍隊 army, troops

兵士 solider
捜査 search
suffix for solider
捜す to search, to seek
兵隊 solider, sailor

(トウ,なお.れる,なお.)転倒 falling down, upset, turn over(コツ,ほね)
面倒 trouble, difficulty
骨折 bone fracture
倒す to throw down, to beat

倒れる to collapse, to seek

方針 principle, policy
叫ぶ to shout, to cry out
針路 course, direction
叫び shout, scream

針金 wire

頭脳 brain, intellect
抱く to embrace, to hold
首脳 head, brains(of a group of people
抱く to embrace, to hold

抱える to hold, to have(a responsibility, problem)
双方 both
尊重 respect, esteem
双子 twins
尊敬 respect, esteem
雇用 employment(long term)
条件 conditions, terms
解雇 dismissal

雇う to employ, to hire


改善 improvement
(リツ,リチ)法律 law, legislation
善悪 good and evil, right and wrong
規律 order, discipline, rule
親善 friendship, goodwill

(セイ,いきお.)情勢 condition, situation(こわい,)恐怖 fear
大勢 a crowd, a great number of people
怖い scary
姿勢 posture, attitude

勢い momentum, force, might

荒い rough, rude, wild
耕地  arable land
荒れる to be stormy, to be rough休耕地 land out of cultivation
荒らす to devastate, to damage耕す to farm, to till, to cultivate
風景 scenery
掘る to dig
光景 scene, spectacle
掘り返す to dig up
景気 business climate/condition

景色 scene, landscape
批判 criticism, judgment(ハン,バン)
判断 judgment, decision
批評 criticism, review, commentary
評判 fame, reputation
大臣 cabinet minister

賢明() wisdom, prudence
総理大臣 Prime minister
賢い wise, clever, smart
外務大臣 Minister of Foreign Affairs

勇気 courage, bravery
He, that, the
敬意 respect, honor
勇ましい brave, valiant警護 honorific style of speech
蒸す to steam
敬う to show respect, to honor
評価 valuation, estimation
似る to resemble
評論 criticism, critique
似顔絵 portrait
似合う to suit, to match
犯人 offender, criminal
犯罪 a crime
孫娘 grand daughter
犯す to commit, to perpetrate

覚える to remember
帽子 a hat
感覚 sense, sensation

覚める to wake up

目覚まし時計 alarm clock

環境 environment, circumstance(キョウ,ケイ,さかい)
境界 boundary
環状線 belt line, loop line国境 national or state border

border, boundary

県境 prefectural border
suffix for government office, agency(カン)
長官 director, chief
県庁 prefectural office
警官 Police officer
社会保険庁 Social Insurance Agency

(,つと.める)努力 effort
削減 cut, reduction
努める to try
増減 increase, decrease
加減 adjustment, modification, extent

減る to decrease, to reduce
宇宙 the universe, outer space
独自 original, peculiar

独身 single, unmarried

日独Japan and Germany

独り言  speaking to oneself, a monologue
技術 technique, technology, skill
財政 fiscal and financial affairs
技師 engineer, technician政治 politics, government
競技 game, match, contest
政党 political party
演技 acting, performance
技 art, technique
政府 government, administration
(キョウ)状況 situation, circumstances
腕前 ability, skill
不況 recession, depression
腕力 physical strength

上昇 rising, ascending
width, breadth
昇る to rise
大幅 full width, large scale
著者 author, writer
占める to compromise, to make up
著しい remarkable, considerable
占う to forecast, to predict
著す to write, to publish
比べる to compare
比較 comparison

比較的 comparative
並ぶ to stand in a line

並べる to line up, to set up

平年並みan average year

並木 row of trees


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