JLPT N2 Kanji in 8 Weeks(4th Week)

Signature, Government office, police station
署名 signature(イ,エ,よ.る)
Reliant, depend on,
依頼 request/ dependence
部署 post/station
消防署 fire station
税務署 tax office
Trust, request
頼む to request(フ)
Borough, govt. office, urban prefecture, store house
都道府県 prefectures
頼る to depend upon政府 government
頼りない powerless/unreliable京都府 Kyoto prefecture
頼もしい reliable
Arrival, proceed, reach, attain, result in
到着 arrival(キ,ケ,まれ)
Hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, dilute(acid)
希望 hope
Ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect
望む to want/ to hope for(シン,もう.し,もう.す,さる)
Have the honor to, sign of the monkey,
申す to say(humble)
失望 despair申し上げる to say (v.humble)
失業 - unemployment
申し込む application
望遠鏡 telescope
申請 application
姓 family name(レイよわ.いとし)
年齢 age
姓名 full name
旧姓 maiden/formal name
Sex, gender, nature
男性 man(タク)
Home, house, residence, our house, my husband
お宅 house/home
女性 woman自宅 house/home
性別 sex/gender住宅 housing
性質 nature/disposition帰宅 to go/come home
Diligence, become employed, serve
勤務 employment(ブ)
Section, bureau, department, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of news paper or magazine
全部 all/whole
出勤 attendance at work部分 part
通勤 commuting to work部長 department head
勤める to work/to be employed学部 faculty
結婚 marriage(ショウ,まね.く)
Beckon, invite, summon, engage
招待 invitation
婚約 engagement招く to invite
未婚 unmarried
新婚 newly wed
Status quo, conditions, circumstances, form, appearance
状 letter(ケツ,ケン,か.ける,か.く)
Lack, gap, fail
欠席 absence
現状 existing situation欠点 shortcoming
状態 situation出欠 attendance(or absence)
Rejoice, take pleasure in
喜ぶ to be pleased(ジ,チ,おさ.める,なお.す)
Reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt., cure, heal, rule
政治 politician
喜んで gladly自治会 self-govern association
治す to cure
自治体 self-governing body
Committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard
委員 committee member(シュク,シュウ,いわ.う)
Celebrate, congratulate
お祝い celebration/ congratulation
委員会 committee
祝う to celebrate/ congratulate
委任状 letter of attorney
祝日 holiday/festival day
Dance, flit, circle, wheel
お見舞い to visit (hospital)(レイ,ライ)
Salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration
お礼 thanks
失礼 rudeness
舞台 stage
礼儀 etiquette
舞う to dance/flutter
Busy, occupied, restless
忙しい busy(サイ,つま)
Wife, spouse
妻 wife
多忙 busy夫妻 husband and wife
Lengthen, counter of bows and stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up(tent)
頑張る to try ones hardest/do ones best(オウ,オク,おく.まる,くま)
Heart, interior, inmost
奥様 wife(respectful form)
引っ張る to pull
奥 inmost
張る to stretch/tighten
出張 business trip
主張 assertion/claim
Shallow, superficial, wretched, shameful
浅い shallow(クン,きみ)
君 you/honorific appended to names of males younger than oneself
浅草 (place name)
浅ましい shameful/ sordid
Long time, old story
久しぶり long time no see(ゴ,たが.い,かたみ.に)
Mutually, reciprocally, together
お互いに mutually
永久 permanency相互 alteration
交互 mutual/reciprocal
Chase, drive away, follow, pursue, meanwhile
追う to pursue(シン,の.びる,の.ばす,の.べる,の.す)
Expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase
追伸 postscript
追い越す to overtake伸びる to grow/stretch
追い付く to catch up伸ばす to extend/stretch
追加 addition/ supplement伸びをする to stretch out
All, everything
皆 everyone(ボ,く.れる,く.らす)
Livelihood, make a living, spend time
暮らす to live/dwell
皆さん everyone暮れ end of the year
夕暮れ dusk
(夜明け -dawn)
お歳暮 year end gift
Accustomed, get used to, become experienced
習慣 custom/habit(カツ,い.きる,い.かす,い.ける)
Lively, being helped, living
生活 life/livelihood
慣れる to become accustomed to活用 use
活字 type/letter
活発 activity/vivacity
Romance, in love, yearn for, miss, darling
恋 love(コウ)
Ease, peace
健康 health
恋しい homesick/lonely健康保険証 health insurance card
恋人 lover
恋愛 love/romance
Healthy, health, strength, persistence
Pray, wish
祈る pray
健やかな sound/health
祈り prayer
健全 sound/healthy
祈願 prayer
健在 healthy
Blessing, fortune, luck, wealth
幸福 happiness(ハイ,おが.む)
Worship, adore, pray to
拝見 to see
福祉 welfare拝借 to borrow
参拝者 worshipper
拝む to worship
Strike, hit, knock, pound, dozen
打つ to strike/hit(シ,うかが.う)
Pay respect, visit, ask, inquire, question, implore
伺う to visit
打ち合わせ arrangement
打者 batter/hitter
Happiness, blessing, fortune
幸運 good luck(シツ,うしな.う.うせる)
Lose, error, fault, disadvantage,
失礼 rudeness
不幸 unhappiness/ misfortune失業 unemployment
失望 despair
幸せ happiness
失う to lose
幸い fortunately
Stab, thrusting, thrust, pierce, prick
突然 sudden(ゼン,ネン,しか,しか.し,さ)
Sort of thing, so, if so, in that case, well
全然 (not) at all
煙突 chimney自然 nature
突き当たり end of当然 of course
突っ込む to thrust into/ to lunge天然 natural
Various, many, several, together
諸 various(ジョウ,セイ,なさ.け)
Feelings, emotion, passion, sympathy, facts, circumstances
事情 circumstance
諸問題 various problems友情 friendship
諸般 various情け sympathy/mercy
情けない woeful/ disgraceful
Retreat, withdraw, retire, resign, repel, expel, reject
引退 retirement(ショク,ソク)
Post, Employment, work
職業 occupation/ profession
退院 discharge from hospital
職場 work place
退く to retreat /withdraw退職 retirement
退学 withdrawal from a course/school職人 artisan
Introduce, inherit, help
紹介 introduction(カイ)
Jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with
介入 intervention
介護 care/nursing
Next , order, sequence
次 next(ショウ)
Badge, composition, poem, chapter, design
文章 sentence/ composition
一次試験 first examination
章 chapter
次第 as soon as
Vis-à-vis, opposite, even, equal, versus, anti-, compare
対する toward/against(サイ,シュ,もっと.も)
Utmost, most, extreme
最初 first/beginning
反対 opposite/opposition最後 last/end
対 versus最近 recently
対照的な contrast最も most
Suitable, occasional, rare, qualified, capable
適する to suit/ to be fit for(ゴ,あやま.る)
Mistake, err, do wrong, mislead
誤解 – mistake, misunderstanding
適当な correct/ appropriate
誤り mistake
適切な appropriateness
適度な proper/ moderation
Fix, honesty, frankness, straightaway, repair
直ちに immediately(レイ,たと.える)
Example, custom, usage, precedent
実例 example/instance
直す fix例 example
直線 straight line例外 exception
正直な honesty例えば for example
素直な obedient/flexible例える to compare/liken
Part of speech, words, poetry
名詞 noun(ケイ,ギョウ,かたち)
Shape, form, style
形 shape/form
動詞 verb人形 doll/puppet
自動詞 intransitive verb形容詞 adjective
他動詞 transitive verb形式 form/ritual
図形 diagram
Help, rescue, assist
助かる to be saved, to be helpful(フク)
Vice-,duplicate, copy
副詞 adverb
福 vice,assistant
救助 rescue/help
助詞 particle
助手 assistant
助ける to help
Surround, besiege, store, paling, enclosure, encircle, preserve, keep
周囲 perimeter/ neighborhood(ム,ボウ,ゆめ,ゆめ.みる)
Dream, vision, illusion
夢 dream
夢中 to be engrossed
囲む to surround
Specialty, exclusive, mainly, solely
専門 specialty(シ)
History, chronicle
歴史 history
専用 exclusive史 history
専攻 major/specialty
Range, region, limits, stage, level
区域 area/zone(サイ,まつ.る,まつ.り)
Ritual, offer prayer, deify, celebrate, enshrine, worship
お祭り festival
地域 area/region祭日 holiday/festival day
際 festival
審査 review/hearing(セン)
War, battle, match
戦争 war
検査 inspection/test戦 war/tournament
調査 investigation/ inquiry大戦 major war
戦う fight
Contend, dispute, argue
競争 competition(ショウ,ソウ)
Leader, commander, general, admiral, and again, from now on, soon, just about
将来 future
争う to fight/dispute将棋 shogi
橋 bridge(ゾウ,に.くむ,にく.らしい,にく.しみ)
Hate, detest
憎い detestable
鉄橋 railroad bridge憎む to detest
歩道橋 foot bridge憎しみ hatred/enmity
架け橋 bridge/ go-between憎らしい detestable
Kill, murder, butcher, slice off, split, diminish, reduce, spoil
殺す to kill(ヒ,かな.しい,かな.しむ)
Jail cell, grieve, sad, deplore, regret
悲しい sad
自殺 suicide悲しむ to grieve / ()lament
悲観 pessimism
Shame, dishonor
恥ずかしい ashamed /embarrassed
Emotion, feeling, sensation
感じる to feel(カン)
Emotion, feeling, sensation
感情 emotion
感心 admiration/ wonder感動 emotion/ inspiration
Ball, sphere
地球 earth(ワ,オ,カ,やわ.らぐ,やわ.らげる)
Harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan
平和 peace
電球 light bulb和式 Japanese style
野球 baseball
球 ball, sphere

Love, affection, favorite
愛 love(チュウ,なか)

Go-between, relationship
仲 relation/terms
愛する to love仲間 friend/circle of friends
愛情 love/affection
Good, pleasing, skilled
良い good(ツウ,いた.い,いた.む)
Pain, hurt, damage, bruise
腹痛 stomach ache
改良 improvement/ reform痛い ache
Stature, height, back, behind, disobey, defy
背中 back(ソク,いき)
Breath, respiration, son, interest (on money)
息 breath
休息 rest
息子 son
高血圧 high blood pressure(アツ,エン,オウ)
Pressure, overwhelm, push, oppress, dominate
圧力 pressure
Fluid, liquid, juice, sap, secretion
血液 blood(ゾウ)
Entrails, viscera, bowels
心臓 heart
内臓 internal organs
Nose, snout
鼻 nose(キュウ,す.う)
Suck, imbibe, inhale, sip
吸う to breath/inhale
鼻水 snivel/snot吸収 absorption
呼吸 respiration
Longing, covetousness,
Greed, passion, desire
欲しい want(ミン,ねむ.る,ねむ.い)
Sleep, die, sleepy
眠い sleepy
欲張り greed眠る to sleep
居眠り doze
睡眠 sleep
Exhausted, tired, weary
疲れる to get tired/to exhaust(イ)
Stomach, paunch, crop, craw
胃 stomach
胃腸 stomach and intestines
Bosom , chest, breast, feelings
胸 chest/breast


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