JLPT N3 Grammar List
~たばかり Verb ta-form + bakari - I have just done something Bangohan o tabeta bakari desu - I have just eaten dinner |
~ようになる indicate a change that has taken place or will take place.become able to, become to Nihon ni kite kara kanji o kakeru youni narimashita - I have become able to write kanji after I came here. |
~ことになる Verb present short form + koto ni naru it has been decided/arranged that discribe certain decision ( it has been decided that) I will work in Tokyo - Tokyo de hataraku koto ni narimashita |
~とても~ない I can't possibly - very strong sense of impossiblity Kanjo no ryori wa mazui node totemo taberaremasen - I can't possibly eat beause my girlfriend's cook is nasty taste |
~らしい it seems that Nihon-jin wa atama ga ii rashii - It seems that Japanese people are all smart |
~て初めて verb te-form +te hajimete for the first time after V nihon ni kite hajimete sushi o tabeta - I ate Sushi for the first time after I came to Japan. |
~ないで Verb negative stem + naide - without doing, instead of doing amari nihon-go o benkyo shinaide monku o iu gaijin wa afo da - The foreigners who complain without studying much are asshole |
~によって - ni yotte - depends on... Hi ni yotte renshu shimasu - I pracrice depending on day |
~のような N, like.. , N, such as Natsu no youna atsui hi - A hot day like summer Nihon-jin no youna kakkoii hito - A cool guy like Japanese |
~ば~ほど The more/less - ,The more/less Use conditional form "ba", short form +hodo Tabereba taberu hodo futorimasu - The more eat, the more u get fat |
N+ばかり nothing but.. Watashi no kanojo wa beer bakari nonde iru - My GF drinks nothing but beer |
~は~で有名(XはYで有名) X is famous for Y Y - noun or phrase Kabukicho wa hentai de yuumei - Kabukicho is famous for it's kinky things Nihon-jin wa yoku ryoko suru no de yuumei desu - The Japanese people are famous for travelling a lot |
N+を始め starting with - , including - Yakyu o hajime sumo, soccor nado ga nihon de ninki ga aru - In Japan, Starting with baseball, sumo, socco etc are popular Nihon wa kurma o hajime game, anime,pc etc o yushutsu shiteiru |
的 type, -ic, -ical Nihon wa rekishiteki na kuni desu -Japan is a histrorical country. America teki na tabemono wa humburger dake desu. A typical American food is just humburger |
~は~くらいです(XはYくらいです) Y is about the only X Igirisu ryori de taberareru no wa fish&chips kurai desu.- About the only food in England I can eat is fish&chips |
~さえ~ば If only you do.. Noun sae Verb ba Verb stem + sae sureba Verb te-form+saeireba Okane sae areba shiawase desu. If only I have much money, I am happy Ne sae sureba genki ni narimasu. If only you sleep, You will be better |
ほど Sentece + hodo -( to the extent) express degree Eigo wa baka demo wakaru hodo kantan desu- English is so easy that even foolish ppl understand. |
まま Situbation is unchanged, as it is Short form + mama Mado o aketa mama nemashita- I slept with the window open sono mama kite- come as you are |
わざわざ (take the trouble to) ( taking the time to do) wazawaza rewrite shinakutemo ii desu yo. wazawaza husband ni ryori o tukueu nowa taihen dakara restaurant ni ikimasho. |
~としたら verb vokitional form + to shitara - when I was about to do something Dekakeyou to shitara ame ga futta - When I was about to go out, it began to rain tabeyou to shitara teberarera - When I was about to eat him, I was eaten |
~たものだ verb ta-form + ta mono da - Used to Verb Nihon ni ita toki wa yoku onna asobi o shita mono da - I used to play around girls when I was in Japan Gaikoku ni ita tok |
~たて verb stem + tate - ( something was just done) Yaki tate no yakitori wa oishii tsukuri tate no ie |
~ぐらい N+gurai - N is the minimum level,degree etc, at least Hiragana gurai kakenai gaijin wa komaru Humberger kurai tsukuremasu |
~かえって On the contrary diet o shisugiru to kaette futoru Nihon-go ga jozu ni naru to kaette Eigo ga wakuru natta |
~には~の~がある(NにはNのーがある) N has its own- Watashi ni wa Watashi no kangae ga aru - I have own idea Nihon ni wa Nihon nari no yosa ga aru |
~っぽい Verb sten + ppoi, adj stem + ppoi, noun + ppoi somthing looks like, someone easily gets negative connotation Onnna ppoi otoko wa kimoi - feminine boy is weird Saikin wasure pppi - recently I feel forgetful |
~に関する concerning, about America no BSE ni kansuru mondaui - problem about American BSE Sensou ni kansuru News - news about war |
まさか <まさか~ない> 信じられない まさか韓国で大地震が起きるとは思わなかった。 |
まい 動詞辞書形+まい、動詞ます形+まい ないつもりだ。 あのまずいラーメン屋にはもういくまい。 たぶん~ないだろう 彼女とケンカしたから、たぶん彼女はこないだろう |
きり |
いったい(一体) |
ふり |
どうやら |
おかげで |
さらに(更に) |
すでに(既に) |
つい |
むしろ |
さえ |
~になれる |
~に違いない |
なかなか |
~ために |
~ず |
~によると |
~代わり |
ようにする |
~始める |
~ても |
~として |
ように |
こそ |
~ないうちに |
どうしても |
~がち |
せいぜい |
限る |
~とともに~ |
~たび~ |
すぎない(過ぎない) |
おいて(於いて) |
~げ |
つもりで |