文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ akarui (bright) ]

akarui (bright) - bright

--- Examples ---
Akarui. (plain non-past) 
is bright. (plain non-past)    

Akarui desu.(polite non-past) 
is bright. (polite non-past)    

Akarukunai. (plain neg. non-past) 
isn't bright. (plain neg. non-past)    

Akaruku arimasen. (polite neg. non-past) 
isn't bright. (polite neg. non-past)    

Akarukatta. (plain past) 
was bright. (plain past)    

Akarukatta desu. (polite past) 
was bright. (polite past)    

Akaru kunakatta.(plain neg. past) 
wasn't bright. (plain neg. past)    

Akaruku arimasen deshita.(polite neg. past) 
wasn't bright. (polite neg. past)    

Taro, read somewhere brighter .    

the colour of her dress was bright.    

--- Comments ---
How is this grammar? I think it should be deleted. (contributor: mankind)

It's grammar because is conjugations, hence...grammar! (contributor:

I think mankind is right. It doesnt make sense to dedicate an entry for a
specific I-adj. If someone thinks that akarui is a good example for i-adj
they should add examples that are based on akarui in the section about
i-adj. if we keep adding a specific entry for each non-specialized word we
will end up with an unsearchable polluted database. the point of this
website is to highlight grammatical rules by listing an entry for each
rule. this way the users of this website can directly look-up grammar
points instead of wasting hteir time sifting through entries the content of
which can be deduced in a single mental step once one knows the underlying
rule. I dont think that akarui has such a status as to be listed in a
separate entry. (contributor: gandal)

and that page is here:  so.. should we delete this? i'll wait for a couple
more comments, but this page seems unfocused to me. (contributor: dc)

tho on re-reading, its a nice list of conjugations. be better if those
could be merged onto the adjectives page... (contributor: dc)

akarui is not really helpful as a grammar in JLPT 4, it appears in the
vocab section rather than the grammar section (contributor: elfindo)

I think single word listings like this should be removed. Or atleast have a
seprate section entitled vocabulary that we could group them in. I mean
there are words out there that aren`t found in dictionaries, so group
contributions should be encouraged, but not in the grammar section of this
site.  (contributor: tigert)

if deleting this page depends of how many people vote for it, i'd like to
vote too :-). i'm strongly for moving conjugations to i-adj page and
deleting this one. 'Akarui' isn't a separate grammar issue, anyone knows
that. (contributor: saruwatari)

I think this should be moved. Either my computer is messing up or #6058
doesn't have any Japanese. (contributor: petra)

I second the vote to move this. Yes it contains grammar, but then you may
as well have one dedicated to every adjective, verb, etc. They can all
contain grammar some how. (contributor: calltometal)

I kinda agree with tigert... Either a new vocabulary section should be
created, or all similar single word items should be deleted. (contributor:

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