Weekly Recap: 7/26 - 8/1 , 2015
Headline News
今月解禁される次期拡張版The Grand Tournamentの事前購入が始まりました [◆ Official]
現在36枚公開済みのTGT新カードから次のMetaを占うカードレビュー [◆ Card Review]
秋葉原e-sports SQUAREオフライントーナメント大盛況!特別ゲストも登場した配信は要チェック [◆ Completed events]
今週のTavern Brawlのテーマはe-sports力を問われるUnstable Portalデッキでの対戦 [◆ Tavern Brawl]
ページ内リンク▼ Featured News
・ Official ・ Community & Team Transfers ・ More News
▼ Events
・ Completed events ・ Upcoming events
▼ Strategy
・ Meta ・ General Guide ・ Tavern Brawl ・ Puzzle Time! ・ Deck Spotlight
▼ Fun
・ reddit hot topics ・ VoD Highlight ・ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
・ Fan art , Other Topics ・ Clip Video
Previous news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 7/19 - 7/25 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Featured News
◆ Official
Hearthstone Patch Notes - [Battle.net]The Grand Tournament Pre-Purchase Bundle [Battle.net]
The Grand Tournament: Get Inspired [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® August 2015 Ranked Play Season – The Grand Tournament! [Battle.net]
◆ Community & Team Transfers
Kaldi Joins Tempo Storm [TempoStorm]◆ More News
The Grand Tournament: Arena Impact [Hearthpwn]Popular Decks of the Week, The Grand Tournament Card & Info Recap, Class Design Competition Winners [Hearthpwn]
New Card Reveal: Flame Juggler, Clockwork Knight, Savage Combatant; Card Corrections, Angry Chicken #95 [Hearthpwn]
2 Legendary Card Reveals, Hearthstone Patch 9554 Now Live, Brawl: Too Many Portals [Hearthpwn]
New Card Reveal: Demonfuse, Argent Horserider, Deck Spotlight: Krup's Tempo Mage [Hearthpwn]
◆ The Grand Tournament
HSP reviews TGT: Coliseum Manager [Hearthstone Players]HSP reviews TGT: Flame Juggler [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Savage Combatant & Clockwork Knight [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Fjola Lightbane & Eydis Darkbane [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Spellslinger [Hearthstone Players]
Kripparrian - Ten Extreme Cards We Won’t See In TGT [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The Grand Tournament Release Date! [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Grand Tournament Card Review 3 [Youtube]
Trump - The Grand Tournament Review - Part 3 (Expansion) [Youtube]
Grand Tourney [Round 2 Cards] - Amaz Impression [Youtube]
Grand Tourney [Round 3 Cards] - Amaz Impression [Youtube]
What is your favorite TGT card revealed so far? [reddit]
GvG vs. TGT: **Don't picnic!** [reddit]
Interesting discovery. Possible hint to TGT release date? [reddit]
Some quick data regarding how many good cards to expect from TGT [reddit]
ADWCTA - (The Grand Tournament) Arena Meta Analysis - Part 1 [Youtube]
ADWCTA - (The Grand Tournament) Arena Meta Analysis - Part 2 [Youtube]
日本語訳カードリスト – 拡張セット #2: The Grand Tournament [Hearthstone.exp]
The Grand Tournament Pre-Purchase Available on Amazon (Best Deal) [BlizzPro]
Gear up for The Grand Tournament with The Amazon App store [TempoStorm]
This Week In Hearthstone - Episode 2 [Youtube]
Hearthstone’s Eric Dodds on why new cards need to scare him [PC gamer]
Designing a Hearthstone Card - GG Pocket [Youtube]
Bests TGT cards yet? (August 01) [Strawpoll]
Saturday Hearthstone Roundup #4 – The Final Season! [Hearthstone Players]
Test Your Knowledge with this Hearthstone Quiz! #2 [Hearthstone Players]
神TCGゲー!ハースストーンを今すプレイするしかない6つの理由 [hatenablog]
— rikapi (@baratie) 2015, 7月 29
【HS FSG④】HogeiさんとAubrieさんです!これからエキシビジョンマッチ開始!こんな豪華なメンバー滅多にないですよ!http://t.co/APZw5u8UUl pic.twitter.com/JsRG4N0ZKD
— e-sports SQUARE (@e_sports_SQUARE) 2015, 8月 1
◆ Completed events
Decklist spotlight: Download all Assembly decklists from day two [GosuGamers]The playoffs for Assembly Summer are set. These are the eight players who made it through [GosuGamers]
ROOT Gaming Hearthstone Invitational 2 [Liquid Hearth]
Xixo wins ROOT Invitational 2 [GosuGamers]
PVPLive's HPL Week 8 Recap [BlizzPro]
StarLadder Kick-Off Season [Elite Deck]
ASUS ROG SUMMER 2015 VOD [reddit]
世界初『Hearthstone』国際女子大会を密着レポート―日本含め5ヶ国8名の選手が出場! [Game*Spark]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Season2 決勝トーナメント Day1 amanos観戦レポート [JCG]
7月26日のFireside Gatheringでatyamasu1254選手とYukihiro選手が優勝 次回は8月1日(土)予定 [Nemukejp]
カードゲームHearthstoneの大会 「Fireside Gathering Day3」 レポート!! [Game Star]
HearthStone Fireside Gathering (08/01) [niconico]
◆ Upcoming events
Challengestone 3: Right On Target - Day 1: Ro8 !Live Updates! [TempoStorm]Kripparrian - The Challengestone Tournament [Youtube]
Challengestone 3 VOD [reddit]
HP Intel HearthStone Summer Omen Challenge [Liquid Hearth]
8月7日 2015 Season3 グループステージ [JCG]
【お知らせ】HSひとくち新聞で今週から大会情報を簡単にまとめていこうと思っています。オフィシャル or 個人開催を問いませんので、よろしければ情報お寄せください。ちなみに nemuke さんのサイトのアレの情報は一応全てフォロー済でございます。
— ren (@keentoon) 2015, 7月 29
◆ Meta
Power Ranks July Week 3: All About The Beats [Liquid Hearth]THE META SNAPSHOT: #23 [TempoStorm]
Fade2Karma’s Meta Report #1 [Hearthstone Players]
The Meta Season 16: Adapt! [Liquid Hearth]
◆ General Guide
What to Cut: Choosing the Right Neutral 6-Drops [TempoStorm]How to Beat Patron Warrior (With Deck Lists) [Hearth2p]
Arena Stats Distribution Guide [Hearth2p]
Developing your Hearthstone skills: Constructive Goal Setting [TempoStorm]
The Hearthlab Part 3: Put This Apple on Your Head! [TempoStorm]
Playing to Win & Playing to Not Lose [Hearthstone Players]
Which legendary you should craft [reddit]
Improving My Thought Process [reddit]
Lucky or Good? A Mathematical Analysis of the Legendary Grind [reddit]
Hearthstoneの戦い方(5) [スパ帝]
毎月レジェンダリーランクに到達するということ [すべ半]
初心者ガイド: Piloted Shredderについてのアレコレ [Read2Win]
初心者ガイド: アリーナにおけるステータスの違い [Read2Win]
◆ Tavern Brawl
Tavern Brawl 7: Too Many Portals! [Liquid Hearth]Too Many Portals guide [Metabomb]
Tavern Brawl #7: Too Many Portals! [Hearthstone.exp]
The New Tavern Brawl Is... Too Many Portals! [reddit]
Want to see a glimpse of the future? Look inside for the next week of posts on /r/hearthstone! [reddit]
Kripparrian - Tavern Brawl #7: Lucky Portals [Youtube]
Too Many Portals! [ft. Forsen] (Tavern Brawl) [Youtube]
Trump - Portal Randomness - Part 1 (Tavern Brawl) [Youtube]
Trump - Portal Randomness - Part 2 (Tavern Brawl) [Youtube]
Amaz - Spy Mission: Noxious playing Portals [Youtube]
Too Many Portals! [ft. Forsen] (Tavern Brawl) [Youtube]
◆ Puzzle Time!
Malylockのリーサルパズル! [すべ半]Animated Hearthstone Puzzles - Episode 16 [Youtube]
Karma - Lethal Puzzle w/ Grim Patron [Youtube]
Hafu - Reversing Switch + Silence Puzzle [Youtube]
◆ Deck Spotlight
DruidHonker Combo Druid: For Whom the Bell Gnolls [Liquid Hearth]
Top 100legend ysera ramp Druid 70%winrate with guide[NA] [Hearthpwn]
Thijs - High Legend Ramp Druid Guide [Youtube]
Legend Midrange Druid: Countering the Meta and Forethought in Card Selection [reddit]
I made it to Legend with Mech-Bear-Cat, Gadgetzan and Wild Pyromancer. [reddit]
Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Midrange Hunter [BlizzPro]
S16 Deck Guide: JAB's Midrange Hunter [Hearth2p]
Mid range Hunter Statistics rank 3 to legendary w/ commentary about match-ups. [reddit]
First Time Legend - Hybrid Hunter. Sharing detailed thoughts. [reddit]
It's Magic! Malygos Hunter [Hearthpwn]
Murloc Hunter - July 2015 [Metabomb]
Season 16 Deck Guide: ErA's Control Mage [Hearth2p]
Trump Deck Teachings - 10 - Freeze Mage (Mage) [Youtube]
Mastering the Echo Giant Mage: Beginner Guide [Hearthstone Players]
KRUPS Legend Tempo Mage [Hearthpwn]
[Legend] Midrange Counterspell Mage [Hearthpwn]
StrifeCro - Mech Mage - Fel Reaver! Inspiration from the Chinese server #1 [Youtube]
Aggro Paladin: Where the Face is Usually the Place [Liquid Hearth]
From Rank 4 to Legend w/ Aggro Paladin in 3 Hours: Deck Discussion, Stats & Educational Gameplay Videos [reddit]
Legend Control Paladin: Putting Aggro In Its Place [Hearthstone Players]
Midrange Paladin (top 100 legend EU) [Hearthpwn]
The Light and Dragons Shall Burn You - Dragon Priest [TempoStorm]
First time legend with Deathlord Priest. Deck explanation and matchups inside. [reddit]
Top 20 NA with Eversiction's priest (-mind blast +1 shrinkmeister) [reddit]
Fiabat Freeze Priest [Twitter]
[S16 Legend] Sigma's OTK Shadow Art Crusher! [Hearthpwn]
Day[9] Hearthstone Decktacular #131 - Miracle Priest P1 [Youtube]
MrYagut Oil Rogue [Twitter]
Tempo Naxx Rogue [Hearthstats]
Shaman Only(LEGEND) to Legend(Bloodulust/Deathlords) [Hearthpwn]
미그모(A.K.A Korean reynad)'s mech shaman deck [hearthbuilder]
[Legendary] Murloc/Aggro shaman best for this meta [Hearthpwn]
TOP 100 ZOO GUIDE [Archon]
Legend 21 zoolock [Hearthpwn]
Mastering the Malygos Warlock Deck: Beginner Guide [Hearthstone Players]
Trump Deck Teachings - 11 - Handlock (Warlock) [Youtube]
Finished rank 58 w/ Dragon Handlock ft Ysera and Chromaggus [reddit]
Top 100 with Midrange Demonlock [reddit]
First Time Legend w/ Control Demon Warlock - Reflecting on What I Did Well and What I Didn't [reddit]
Top8Patron [Hearthpwn]
Season 16 Patron Warrior Legend /w Brawl [reddit]
[Guide] Rend Blackhand and Deathwing Control Warrior to Legend [68% win rate between rank 3 and legend] [reddit]
Xzirez: Dragon Warrior(#1 Asia) [Hearthpwn]
— Keaton Gill (@Chakki_HS) 2015, 7月 29
◆ reddit hot topics
a Korean found an evolutionary method to improve Hearthstone AI [reddit]Why do we have to count our own cards but can see how many the enemy has? [reddit]
Made some caricatures of some HS streamers [reddit]
Please, Blizzard, let Wilfred Fizzlebang have an interaction with Jaraxxus. [reddit]
Man, Doomsayer sounds so sad when he attacks [reddit]
I don't ever really speak up in this community, but I just want to say. [reddit]
Piloted shredder is one of the reasons we have such a fast tempo meta [reddit]
Blizzard: Please put an orange highlight around Mind Control Tech when my opponent has four or more minions [reddit]
Guide to GM (Good Manners) [reddit]
Blizzard should make a tavern brawl featuring the new cards. [reddit]
Apparently they already nerfed King's Defender... [reddit]
Why is Edward VanCleef not a pirate? [reddit]
How card packs should work in The Arena (mockup). [reddit]
It bothers me that Tavern brawl always says "back in 1 day" when really it's always a 48 hour period. [reddit]
This is going to be AMAZING [reddit]
Those Patron decks are getting out of control [reddit]
A list of Priest Cards I would like [reddit]
I regret pre-ordering the 50 packs so early [reddit]
Hey blizz, could we spectate our friends opening packs? [reddit]
The titles on the "finding opponent spinner" should be unlockables that you can choose. [reddit]
This was so painful in the current meta [reddit]
This community's negativity about the GT card reveals so far is irritating. [reddit]
Blizzard please include a "low quality" option for mobile devices. [reddit]
How to make demonfuse live up to its name [reddit]
The Glowing Yellow post to end all posts [reddit]
Opponent got a Malygos as Warrior in this week's Tavern Brawl. Mistakes were made. [reddit]
Dev. Yong Woo Asks For Our Brawl Ideas: Share Yours! [reddit]
I think Uther is trying to tell me something. [reddit]
Who will concede first? [reddit]
Kripp just had the craziest game in brawl [reddit]
◆ VoD Highlight
Kolento shows us how to play patron warrior [Youtube]Eloise Talks About Frozen Yogurt In America [Youtube]
Noxious - FIXING HEARTHSTONE: Glowing Cards [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #21 [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #22 [Youtube]
MaSsan - WolfSsan Eats Ek0p [Youtube]
MaSsan - Copying Alexstrasza = BM? [Youtube]
Amaz - Interactive and Fun (?) [Youtube]
Amaz - Let's have a Bomb! [Youtube]
The Chakki Deathlord Interview, UNCENSORED, ORIGINAL EXTD. CUT [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Challenges] #30 - Legendaries ONLY (LEGEND Rank) [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Challenges] #31 - Community Deck Challenge! [Youtube]
Malygos Multiplier - Shaman spell power [Youtube]
Lord Victor Nefarius Heroic CRAZY tacti [Youtube]
Infinite Damage, Unlimited Armor, ALL THE HUGS! Heroic Kel'Thuzad done fun (revisited) [Youtube]
【BO3】crossさんとの対戦動画! 1/2 [すべ半]
【BO3】crossさんとの対戦動画! 2/2 [すべ半]
◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
Card Origins: Kel’Thuzad [Disguised Toast]Hearthstone Heroes in World of Warcraft - Part 2 [reddit]
TIL You can see the shadow of Juraxxus in the golden Summoning Portal [reddit]
◆ Fan art , Other Topics
Seal Of Approval [Nerf Now!]I will hunt you down! [Everyone get in here.com]
After investing $400 and approximately 60 hours, I present to you...paper Hearthstone! [reddit]
◆ Clip Video
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 120 [Youtube]TỪ VỰNG N5, TỪ VỰNG N4,TỪ VỰNG N3,