Weekly Recap: 6/7 - 6/13 , 2015
2015/6/7 ~ 6/13
HunterとMageの新Heroが公開。馬じゃなかった?! [◆ Official]
Battle.net appのフレンド登録数が最大200人へ増加 [◆ Official]
TempoStorm新メンバーは1万2000年に一人の美少女 [◆ Community & Team Transfers]
Youtubeがゲーマー向けの新たなストリーミングサービスを開始予定 [◆ More News]
TempoStormのカートゥーンアニメとSMOrcソングのクオリティは必見 [◆ Fan art , Other Topics]
▼ Featured News
・ Official ・ Community & Team Transfers ・ More News
▼ Events
・ Completed events ・ Upcoming events
▼ Strategy
・ Meta ・ General Guide ・ Puzzle Time! ・ Deck Spotlight
▼ Fun
・ reddit hot topics ・ VoD Highlight ・ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
・ Fan art , Other Topics ・ Clip Video
Previous news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 5/31 - 6/6 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Hearthstone® May 2015 Ranked Play Season Final Rankings [Battle.net]
Champion's Corner: PHONETAP [Battle.net]
BlizzCon 2015 Contests Introduction [Youtube]
New Hearthstone Hero: Magni Bronzebeard [Youtube]
New Hearthstone Hero: Alleria Windrunner [Youtube]
New Hearthstone Hero: Medivh [Youtube]
Join your friends by the hearth! The Battle.net friends list limit has been increased to 200! [Official facebook]
The Battlenet friend list limit has been increased to above 100 [reddit]
Kripparrian Made Some New Hearthstone Friends [Youtube]
中国最強の女性プレイヤーEloise(元アイルー/哀绿)選手がTempo Stormに加入 [Nemukejp]
Tarei Joins ROOT Hearthstone! [Root gaming]
New Main Button Being Added to Hearthstone [Hearthpwn]
ESL Legendary S2 Finals Decklists, Deck Spotlight: Elemental Spirit, Angry Chicken #86 [Hearthpwn]
Tavern Brawl - Hearthstone's New Gamemode! [Hearthpwn]
Medivh - New Mage Hero, Alleria Windrunner - New Hunter Hero, Tavern Brawl [Hearthpwn]
Medivh - New Mage Hero Video, Non-Obtainable Cards in Tavern Brawl Decks, Deck Slot Statistics, DreamHack Grand Prix [Hearthpwn]
Ben Brode & Kripp On Bad Cards [Youtube]
Ben Brode on Buffing Bad Cards, Popular Decks of the Week [Hearthpwn]
Hearthstone Patch 9166 - Tavern Brawls, New Heroes - Animated, New Card Backs [Hearthpwn]
YouTube Gaming announced, new streaming service [Youtube]
YouTube,ゲーマーにターゲットを絞った新サービス「YouTube Gaming」を発表 [4gamer]
These were the best players in Hearthstone last month [Dailydot.com]
Why 'free-to-play' is a blessing and a curse for Hearthstone [Dailydot.com]
Welcome to Archon's new website! [Archon]
Hearthstone does not have a presence at E3. [Twitter]
ESLJapan日本公式Twitter [Twitter]
カスタムルールで対戦する新ゲームモード「Travern Brawl」が6月中旬に実装 [Nemukejp]
新モード’Tavern Brawl’専用カード? [Read2Win]
Tavern Brawl [Hearthstone.exp]
Brawl Info Thread (constantly updated). [reddit]
Album with all brawl cards datamined today [reddit]
[Kripparrian] Tavern Brawl New Play Mode! [Youtube]
With the upcoming new game mode. It would be awesome to have a weekly sticky thread discussing that week's Tavern Brawl meta: General thoughts/questions as to what is better than/counters what. [reddit]
New Heroes Shop UI, Collection Manager, and Hero Picker - Hearthstone Patch 9166 [Youtube]
Tavern Brawl - Main Theme Background Music [Youtube]
Tavern Brawl - Main Title Background Music [Youtube]
Tavern Brawl - Victory Background Music [Youtube]
Magni Bronzebeard - Hero Background Music [Youtube]
Alleria Windrunner - Hero Background Music [Youtube]
Medivh - Hero Background Music [Youtube]
ベトナム人選手初の国際大会優勝か 「ESL Legendary Series Season 2 - Finals」でPHONETAP選手が優勝 [Nemukejp]
The ESL Hearthstone Legendary Series Finals: A Song of Meta-gaming and Players [ESL]
ESL Legendary Series S2 Finals Decklists [Hearthpwn]
Legendary Series Season 2 - Finals [Liquipedia]
The Nvidia Pro/Am tournament ends with a battle of unknowns as ViktorStay takes the trophy [GosuGamers]
06/12(金)開催 JCG Pro League グループステージ レギュレーションを発表! [JCG]
06/12(金)同日開催JCG HearthStone Open Season2 開幕!! [JCG]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Season1 グループステージ [Twitch]
DreamHack Hearthstone Grand Prix Survival Guide [Hearthpwn]
Stream : DreamHack Hearthstone Grand Prix [Twitch]
ONOG Summer Circuit NA Qualifier #2 - June 16th [Liquid Hearth]
Hearthstone紅白戦#7 [niconico]
AfreecaTV International College Championship [afreecatv]
AICC Hearthstone Invitational Tournament [cstarleague]
Countering the Flavor of the Week #11 – Tempo Mage [Hearthstone Players]
Tournament Snapshot #4: WCA Finals, Viagame 3, ESL Legendary Finals [TempoStorm]
The 10 Blackrock Mountain Cards with the Biggest Impact on the Meta [Hearth2p]
あなたが相手ターン中にするべき事 [すべ半]
ガイド : シナジーを活かしたデッキの作り方(前編) [Read2Win]
Advanced Arena Guide: Achieving the Dream [Hearthstone Players]
An Introduction to Hearthstone Tournaments [Hearthstone Players]
Understanding Match-up Theory, Part Two: ‘Recognition’ & ‘Adjustment’ [Hearthstone Players]
クイズタ~~~~イム!!Majordomo VS LETHAL! [すべ半]
Trump may have created the hardest hs puzzle so far. [reddit]
Kolento - Lethal puzzle [Youtube]
Animated Hearthstone Puzzles - Episode 9 [Youtube]
In Defense Of: Drakonid Crusher [Archon]
Hybrid Druid is new meta (Combo/Taunt) [Hearthpwn]
Koroneko - How to play No Combo Druid [Youtube]
Jab's Midrange Hunter - June 2015 [Metabomb]
Revenge of the Mech-Hunter: Top 50 Legend with a strange build. [reddit]
EU Legend Mryagut's Mech Hunter [Hearthpwn]
Trig Dtwo Tempo Mage Guide [Youtube]
Echo Giants Mage [Liquid Hearth]
Fun Deck: Hobo Echo Mage [Archon]
Kibler's Dragon Mage - June 2015 [Metabomb]
Rank 1 EU Echo Giants Mage ! Info + Guide [reddit]
StrifeCro's Aggro Paladin [Hearth2p]
Dominating the Ladder with Vigil Paladin [TempoStorm]
{Rank 5: Easy Climb} Troggzor Stick-a-din [Hearthpwn]
*Legend* Repair Priest by Emogirly [Hearth2p]
Rank #1 Legend EU Priest! [Hearthpwn]
StrifeCro - Tidesoftime's crazy Priest deck #1 [Youtube]
Superjj102's Malygos Rogue [Hearthpwn]
Malygos Rogue SEEMS more than viable [reddit]
Chinese Mech Rogue [Twitter]
[Spark] Elemental Spirit (S15) [Hearthpwn]
#4 Eu Loyan Shaman Deck. [Hearthpwn]
[S15] Top12 EU Argent Demonlock (Guide in progress) [Hearthpwn]
WWLOS Handlock Decklist [viciounshs]
Malygos Warlock - What is this deck's win condition? #3 [Youtube]
Just made legend rank 1 NA [reddit]
Patron top 20 eu [Thornstaff] [Hearthpwn]
Mech Warrior (s15 Legend) [Hearthpwn]
Fun Tech! — NO HEALTH, NO WORRIES! [Youtube]
Trump - Patron Boot Camp - Part 1 (Warrior Constructed) [Youtube]
Trump - Patron Boot Camp - Part 2 (Warrior Constructed) [Youtube]
Trump - Patron Boot Camp - Part 3 (Warrior Constructed) [Youtube]
"Dr. Balanced" [reddit]
2 Mana : Draw the exact counter to your opponents niche deck. This card costs (3) less. [reddit]
A recent opponent would like to be your friend' [reddit]
Did I just win Hearthstone? [reddit]
It wouldn’t be a night in the #Hearthstone Tavern without a good brawl! [reddit]
To the bitter end.. who needs Jaina or Gul'dan? [reddit]
I forgot to play around the Vol'jin Geddon unstable portal combo. [reddit]
Something is messed up when I can't even recommend one of my favorite games to friends. [reddit]
Hearthstone causing headaches, nausea, epilepsy because of screen shakes. Why is there still no option to turn off screen shakes? [reddit]
Hearthstone decks and their MTG Comparisons! [reddit]
What is the hardest deck to play ? [reddit]
Sometimes, Wisp really is the correct pick [reddit]
Celebrating 250,000 Subscribers! [reddit]
Selected Hearthstone app 1 star reviews [reddit]
This guy just pulled out the strongest Turn 1 play imaginable [reddit]
Unstable Portal Never Lucky [reddit]
Nefarian really flipped the game around! [reddit]
SKILL: Reynad's Unstable Portal / ESL Legend [Youtube]
Reynad Fail @ESL Legendary Series S2 LAN: Finals [Youtube]
Reynad's stream funny moments #3 [Youtube]
Reynad's Best ESL Moments (Hearthstone) [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Too Many Nefs [Youtube]
Reactions: Episode 4 - Kripparrian [Youtube]
[Kripparrian] Top 10 Most Overdue Changes [Youtube]
Hafu - 12-0 Priest Draft (Draft Only) [Youtube]
Hafu - Would you tap that? (Stream Highlight) [Youtube]
Amaz - 100% Lethal! [Youtube]
Amaz - ROFLStomp in Arena (Full Game) [Youtube]
LegendaryLea - Lucky Top Deck [Youtube]
Day9 and his Deathlord [Youtube]
Hot Trump's Communication [Youtube]
Hearthstone sandstorm board ! [Youtube]
Reasons To Play Recombobulator [Youtube]
Axe Flinger Combo [Youtube]
How to counter patron warrior [Youtube]
Always Frostbolt Your Face [Youtube]
Warrior OTK bullshit [Youtube]
When you want to try out a new deck [Youtube]
Leeroy Jenkins OTK [Youtube]
Aamunkajo vs Pingku highlight - Verkkopelit 2015 [Youtube]
Tournament Misplays #1 - Take a Chance [Youtube]
Eloise - sing songs [Twitch]
Eloise - songs [Twitch]
TIL that using Naturalize on Chromaggus allows him to copy the two cards it draws your opponent. [reddit]
Forsen reacts to the SMOrc Song [Youtube]
New Mage Hero Portrait leaked! [reddit]
普段とは違ったHearthstoneを楽しむ1つの方法 [すべ半]
Snowpiercer 2 movie poster revealed! [reddit]
Beyond legendary styled Sylvanas Windrunner [reddit]
More "Beyond Legendary" cards [reddit]
Beyond legendary styled Sylvanas Windrunner [reddit]
I heard you like Beyond Legendaries... [reddit]
Epic Animated Legendaries - Hearthstone #7 [Youtube]
Mage Prediction – Prince Kael’Thas [Disguised Toast]
Card Origins: Archmage Antonidas [Disguised Toast]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 111 [Youtube]
Headline News
新たなゲームモード『Tavern Brawl』がまもなくリリース! [◆ Official]HunterとMageの新Heroが公開。馬じゃなかった?! [◆ Official]
Battle.net appのフレンド登録数が最大200人へ増加 [◆ Official]
TempoStorm新メンバーは1万2000年に一人の美少女 [◆ Community & Team Transfers]
Youtubeがゲーマー向けの新たなストリーミングサービスを開始予定 [◆ More News]
TempoStormのカートゥーンアニメとSMOrcソングのクオリティは必見 [◆ Fan art , Other Topics]
ページ内リンク▼ Featured News
・ Official ・ Community & Team Transfers ・ More News
▼ Events
・ Completed events ・ Upcoming events
▼ Strategy
・ Meta ・ General Guide ・ Puzzle Time! ・ Deck Spotlight
▼ Fun
・ reddit hot topics ・ VoD Highlight ・ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
・ Fan art , Other Topics ・ Clip Video
Previous news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 5/31 - 6/6 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]
Featured News
◆ Official
Brace Yourself for Tavern Brawl [Battle.net]Hearthstone® May 2015 Ranked Play Season Final Rankings [Battle.net]
Champion's Corner: PHONETAP [Battle.net]
BlizzCon 2015 Contests Introduction [Youtube]
New Hearthstone Hero: Magni Bronzebeard [Youtube]
New Hearthstone Hero: Alleria Windrunner [Youtube]
New Hearthstone Hero: Medivh [Youtube]
Join your friends by the hearth! The Battle.net friends list limit has been increased to 200! [Official facebook]
The Battlenet friend list limit has been increased to above 100 [reddit]
Kripparrian Made Some New Hearthstone Friends [Youtube]
◆ Community & Team Transfers
Eloise Joins Tempo Storm [TempoStorm]中国最強の女性プレイヤーEloise(元アイルー/哀绿)選手がTempo Stormに加入 [Nemukejp]
Tarei Joins ROOT Hearthstone! [Root gaming]
◆ More News
Popular Decks of the Week, Versus Series - Rarest vs Raven, Heroes Diablo Event [Hearthpwn]New Main Button Being Added to Hearthstone [Hearthpwn]
ESL Legendary S2 Finals Decklists, Deck Spotlight: Elemental Spirit, Angry Chicken #86 [Hearthpwn]
Tavern Brawl - Hearthstone's New Gamemode! [Hearthpwn]
Medivh - New Mage Hero, Alleria Windrunner - New Hunter Hero, Tavern Brawl [Hearthpwn]
Medivh - New Mage Hero Video, Non-Obtainable Cards in Tavern Brawl Decks, Deck Slot Statistics, DreamHack Grand Prix [Hearthpwn]
Ben Brode & Kripp On Bad Cards [Youtube]
Ben Brode on Buffing Bad Cards, Popular Decks of the Week [Hearthpwn]
Hearthstone Patch 9166 - Tavern Brawls, New Heroes - Animated, New Card Backs [Hearthpwn]
YouTube Gaming announced, new streaming service [Youtube]
YouTube,ゲーマーにターゲットを絞った新サービス「YouTube Gaming」を発表 [4gamer]
These were the best players in Hearthstone last month [Dailydot.com]
Why 'free-to-play' is a blessing and a curse for Hearthstone [Dailydot.com]
Welcome to Archon's new website! [Archon]
Hearthstone does not have a presence at E3. [Twitter]
ESLJapan日本公式Twitter [Twitter]
カスタムルールで対戦する新ゲームモード「Travern Brawl」が6月中旬に実装 [Nemukejp]
新モード’Tavern Brawl’専用カード? [Read2Win]
Tavern Brawl [Hearthstone.exp]
Brawl Info Thread (constantly updated). [reddit]
Album with all brawl cards datamined today [reddit]
[Kripparrian] Tavern Brawl New Play Mode! [Youtube]
With the upcoming new game mode. It would be awesome to have a weekly sticky thread discussing that week's Tavern Brawl meta: General thoughts/questions as to what is better than/counters what. [reddit]
New Heroes Shop UI, Collection Manager, and Hero Picker - Hearthstone Patch 9166 [Youtube]
Tavern Brawl - Main Theme Background Music [Youtube]
Tavern Brawl - Main Title Background Music [Youtube]
Tavern Brawl - Victory Background Music [Youtube]
Magni Bronzebeard - Hero Background Music [Youtube]
Alleria Windrunner - Hero Background Music [Youtube]
Medivh - Hero Background Music [Youtube]
◆ Completed events
**PHONETAP:How I Won ESL S2 LAN Finals** [reddit]ベトナム人選手初の国際大会優勝か 「ESL Legendary Series Season 2 - Finals」でPHONETAP選手が優勝 [Nemukejp]
The ESL Hearthstone Legendary Series Finals: A Song of Meta-gaming and Players [ESL]
ESL Legendary Series S2 Finals Decklists [Hearthpwn]
Legendary Series Season 2 - Finals [Liquipedia]
The Nvidia Pro/Am tournament ends with a battle of unknowns as ViktorStay takes the trophy [GosuGamers]
06/12(金)開催 JCG Pro League グループステージ レギュレーションを発表! [JCG]
06/12(金)同日開催JCG HearthStone Open Season2 開幕!! [JCG]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Season1 グループステージ [Twitch]
◆ Upcoming events
The Road to Dreamhack Summer 2015 [TempoStorm]DreamHack Hearthstone Grand Prix Survival Guide [Hearthpwn]
Stream : DreamHack Hearthstone Grand Prix [Twitch]
ONOG Summer Circuit NA Qualifier #2 - June 16th [Liquid Hearth]
Hearthstone紅白戦#7 [niconico]
AfreecaTV International College Championship [afreecatv]
AICC Hearthstone Invitational Tournament [cstarleague]
◆ Meta
Meta Snapshot #18: From Warrior to Warrior [TempoStorm]Countering the Flavor of the Week #11 – Tempo Mage [Hearthstone Players]
Tournament Snapshot #4: WCA Finals, Viagame 3, ESL Legendary Finals [TempoStorm]
The 10 Blackrock Mountain Cards with the Biggest Impact on the Meta [Hearth2p]
◆ General Guide
Xixo Discusses the Conquest Format [Archon]あなたが相手ターン中にするべき事 [すべ半]
ガイド : シナジーを活かしたデッキの作り方(前編) [Read2Win]
Advanced Arena Guide: Achieving the Dream [Hearthstone Players]
An Introduction to Hearthstone Tournaments [Hearthstone Players]
Understanding Match-up Theory, Part Two: ‘Recognition’ & ‘Adjustment’ [Hearthstone Players]
◆ Puzzle Time!
Identity Enigma #7: Time for the Big Game! [BlizzPro]クイズタ~~~~イム!!Majordomo VS LETHAL! [すべ半]
Trump may have created the hardest hs puzzle so far. [reddit]
Kolento - Lethal puzzle [Youtube]
Animated Hearthstone Puzzles - Episode 9 [Youtube]
◆ Deck Spotlight
DruidIn Defense Of: Drakonid Crusher [Archon]
Hybrid Druid is new meta (Combo/Taunt) [Hearthpwn]
Koroneko - How to play No Combo Druid [Youtube]
Jab's Midrange Hunter - June 2015 [Metabomb]
Revenge of the Mech-Hunter: Top 50 Legend with a strange build. [reddit]
EU Legend Mryagut's Mech Hunter [Hearthpwn]
Trig Dtwo Tempo Mage Guide [Youtube]
Echo Giants Mage [Liquid Hearth]
Fun Deck: Hobo Echo Mage [Archon]
Kibler's Dragon Mage - June 2015 [Metabomb]
Rank 1 EU Echo Giants Mage ! Info + Guide [reddit]
StrifeCro's Aggro Paladin [Hearth2p]
Dominating the Ladder with Vigil Paladin [TempoStorm]
{Rank 5: Easy Climb} Troggzor Stick-a-din [Hearthpwn]
*Legend* Repair Priest by Emogirly [Hearth2p]
Rank #1 Legend EU Priest! [Hearthpwn]
StrifeCro - Tidesoftime's crazy Priest deck #1 [Youtube]
Superjj102's Malygos Rogue [Hearthpwn]
Malygos Rogue SEEMS more than viable [reddit]
Chinese Mech Rogue [Twitter]
[Spark] Elemental Spirit (S15) [Hearthpwn]
#4 Eu Loyan Shaman Deck. [Hearthpwn]
[S15] Top12 EU Argent Demonlock (Guide in progress) [Hearthpwn]
WWLOS Handlock Decklist [viciounshs]
Malygos Warlock - What is this deck's win condition? #3 [Youtube]
Just made legend rank 1 NA [reddit]
Patron top 20 eu [Thornstaff] [Hearthpwn]
Mech Warrior (s15 Legend) [Hearthpwn]
Fun Tech! — NO HEALTH, NO WORRIES! [Youtube]
Trump - Patron Boot Camp - Part 1 (Warrior Constructed) [Youtube]
Trump - Patron Boot Camp - Part 2 (Warrior Constructed) [Youtube]
Trump - Patron Boot Camp - Part 3 (Warrior Constructed) [Youtube]
◆ reddit hot topics
/r/hearthstone just hit 250k subscribers! [reddit]"Dr. Balanced" [reddit]
2 Mana : Draw the exact counter to your opponents niche deck. This card costs (3) less. [reddit]
A recent opponent would like to be your friend' [reddit]
Did I just win Hearthstone? [reddit]
It wouldn’t be a night in the #Hearthstone Tavern without a good brawl! [reddit]
To the bitter end.. who needs Jaina or Gul'dan? [reddit]
I forgot to play around the Vol'jin Geddon unstable portal combo. [reddit]
Something is messed up when I can't even recommend one of my favorite games to friends. [reddit]
Hearthstone causing headaches, nausea, epilepsy because of screen shakes. Why is there still no option to turn off screen shakes? [reddit]
Hearthstone decks and their MTG Comparisons! [reddit]
What is the hardest deck to play ? [reddit]
Sometimes, Wisp really is the correct pick [reddit]
Celebrating 250,000 Subscribers! [reddit]
Selected Hearthstone app 1 star reviews [reddit]
This guy just pulled out the strongest Turn 1 play imaginable [reddit]
Unstable Portal Never Lucky [reddit]
Nefarian really flipped the game around! [reddit]
◆ VoD Highlight
Reynad vs Lifecoach - Insane Unstable Portal (Hearthstone ESL) [Youtube]SKILL: Reynad's Unstable Portal / ESL Legend [Youtube]
Reynad Fail @ESL Legendary Series S2 LAN: Finals [Youtube]
Reynad's stream funny moments #3 [Youtube]
Reynad's Best ESL Moments (Hearthstone) [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Too Many Nefs [Youtube]
Reactions: Episode 4 - Kripparrian [Youtube]
[Kripparrian] Top 10 Most Overdue Changes [Youtube]
Hafu - 12-0 Priest Draft (Draft Only) [Youtube]
Hafu - Would you tap that? (Stream Highlight) [Youtube]
Amaz - 100% Lethal! [Youtube]
Amaz - ROFLStomp in Arena (Full Game) [Youtube]
LegendaryLea - Lucky Top Deck [Youtube]
Day9 and his Deathlord [Youtube]
Hot Trump's Communication [Youtube]
Hearthstone sandstorm board ! [Youtube]
Reasons To Play Recombobulator [Youtube]
Axe Flinger Combo [Youtube]
How to counter patron warrior [Youtube]
Always Frostbolt Your Face [Youtube]
Warrior OTK bullshit [Youtube]
When you want to try out a new deck [Youtube]
Leeroy Jenkins OTK [Youtube]
Aamunkajo vs Pingku highlight - Verkkopelit 2015 [Youtube]
Tournament Misplays #1 - Take a Chance [Youtube]
Eloise - sing songs [Twitch]
Eloise - songs [Twitch]
◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia
Survive Mistress of Pain + Auchenai Soulpriest combo?! [Youtube]TIL that using Naturalize on Chromaggus allows him to copy the two cards it draws your opponent. [reddit]
◆ Fan art , Other Topics
The Inn Crowd - Episode 1: The Fixer Upper [TempoStorm]SMOrc SONG - FACE NEVER TRADE [Youtube]
Forsen reacts to the SMOrc Song [Youtube]
New Mage Hero Portrait leaked! [reddit]
普段とは違ったHearthstoneを楽しむ1つの方法 [すべ半]
Snowpiercer 2 movie poster revealed! [reddit]
Beyond legendary styled Sylvanas Windrunner [reddit]
More "Beyond Legendary" cards [reddit]
Beyond legendary styled Sylvanas Windrunner [reddit]
I heard you like Beyond Legendaries... [reddit]
Epic Animated Legendaries - Hearthstone #7 [Youtube]
Mage Prediction – Prince Kael’Thas [Disguised Toast]
Card Origins: Archmage Antonidas [Disguised Toast]
◆ Clip Video
Epic Hearthstone Plays #67 [Youtube]Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 111 [Youtube]