Useful Japanese Phrases/Sentences: Eating and Dining Out
- Order
- Can I take your order?
- Gochuumon wa okimari desu ka?
- Order please.
- Chuumon wo onegaishimasu.
- 3 tendon please.
- Tendo wo mittsu onegaishimasu.
- About Ingredients
- What is in it?
- Nani ga haitte imasu ka?
- Fish is not in it.
- Sakana wa haitte imasen.
- Without wasabi please.
- Wasabi nuki de onegaishimasu.
- What's the taste like?
- Donna aji desu ka?
haitte iru : be contained
sakana : fish
wasabi : green horseradish paste
-nuki : without -
donna : how? , what kind of
aji : taste
amai : sweet
shoppai : salty
karai : hot, spice
nigai : bitter
- Vegetarian
- Do you have vegetarian dish?
- Yasai no ryouri wa arimasu ka?
- I don't eat meat and seafood.
- Watashi wa niku to shiifuudo o tabemasen
- Egg and dairy products are OK.
- Tamago to nyuu seihin wa daijoubu desu.
- Can you cook only with vegetables?
- Yasai dake de tsukutte moraemasu ka?
yasai : vegetables
ryouri : dishes, cuisine, food
niku : meat
shiifuudo : seafood
tamago : egg
nyuu seihin : dairy products
daijoubu : all right
tsukuru : to make, to cook
tsukutte moraemasu ka? : Can you cook?
- How about __ ?
- How about drinks?
- Onomimono wa ikaga desu ka?
- Yes, 2 coffee please.
- Hai, koohi o futatsu onegaishimasu.
- No, thanks.
- Iie, kekkou desu.
- All right, Please wait for a moment.
- Kashikomarimashita. Shoushou omachi kudasaimase.
nomimono : drinks
ikaga desu ka? : how about?, what about?, how is (polite)
koohi : coffee
koucha : English tea
orenji juusu : orange juice
Iie, kekko desu : No, thanks. ("kekkou" can mean both positive and negative response like English "fine". Better to put "hai" [yes] or "iie" [no] in front to make it.
- Extra arrangements
- Is take-away possible?
- Mochikaeri wa dekimasu ka?
- Is it possible to have extra large helping?
- Oomori wa dekimasu ka?
- Extra large helping costs 100 yen extra.
- Oomori wa hyaku-en mashi desu.
- We are sorry. We can not do the home delivery.
- Moushiwake gozaimasen. Takuhai wa dekimasen.
dekimasu ka? : Can you? Is it possible?
mochikaeri : take-away
oomori : extra large helping (of food)
-en : yen
-mashi : increase, extra
moushiwake gozaimasen : i'm sorry.
takuhai : home delivery
- Payment
- Can I use credit card?
- Kurejitto kaado wa tsukaemasu ka?
- Cash only.
- Genkin dake desu.
- Can I pay?
- Kaikei o onegaishimasu.
- Thank you. Please come again.
- Arigato gozaimashita. Mata okoshi kudasaimase.
kurejitto kaado : credit card
tsukau : to use
tsukaemasu ka : Can I use?
genkin : cash
kaikei : payment
Mata okoshi kudasaimase : Please come again (polite)