Japanese Expressions,phrases,vocabulary

Basic Japanese Phrases
English Japanese
English Japanese
Hello Konnichi wa
How are You? Ogenki desu ka?
I'm fine Genki desu
Thank-you very much Arigatou Gozaimasu
You are welcome Do itashimashite

Japanese Phrases for Greetings
English Japanese
English Japanese
Good Morning Ohayo Gozaimasu
Hello Konnichi wa
Good Evening Konban wa
Good Night Oyasumi Nasai

Japanese Phrases for Eating
English Japanese
English Japanese
Let's Eat Itadakimasu
That Looks Delicious Oishii sou
Taste's Great Oishii
What is this? Kore wa nan desu ka?
Cheers Kampai
I'm full Onaka ippai
Thanks for the meal Gochisousama deshita

Japanese Phrases for Shopping
English Japanese
English Japanese
What’s this? Kore wa nan desu ka?
How much? Ikura desu ka?”
Just looking! Miteru dake desu!
Anything else? Nanika hokani arimasu ka?
That’s all! Sore de zenbu desu!
Anything Smaller? Motto chiisai no wa?
Anything Bigger? Motto ookii no wa?
Too expensive Taka sugimasu

Japanese Phrases for Introductions
English Japanese
English Japanese
How do you do? Hajimemashite
My name is Watashi no namae wa
I am a student Watashi wa gakusei desu
I came from America Amerika kara kimashita
It was nice to meet you. Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Japanese Phrases for Weather
English Japanese
English Japanese
It's sunny today Kyo wa hare desu
It's raining today Kyo wa ame desu
It's hot isn't it? Atsui desu ne
It's cold isn't it? Samui desu ne
It's nice weather isn't it Ii tenki desu ne
What's the weather tomorrow? Ashita no tenki wa

Japanese Phrases for Directions
English Japanese
English Japanese
Straight Masugu
Left Hidari
Right Migi
Here Koko
North Kita

Japanese Phrases for Love
English Japanese
English Japanese
I Really Like You Dai Suki Dayo
May I kiss You? Kisu shite mo ii?
I Love You Ai shiteru
Will You Marry Me? Kekkon shite kureru

Ten Favorite Japanese Expressions!!!
1.Yatta (I did it!)

2.Honto (Realty)

3.A, so desu ka (Realty)

4.Mochiron (Of course!)

5.A, yokatta (Oh, good)

6.Zenzen (Not at all)

7.Nani (What?)

8.Ooshiyo (What shall I do?)

9.A, bikkurishita (What a surprise!)

10.Ylappari (I knew it Would happen)
JLPT Level 4 Kanji List
一  - One

二 - Two

三 - Three

四 - Four

五 - Five

六 - Six

七 - Seven

八 - Eight

九 - Nine

十 - Ten

百 - Hundred

千 - Thousand

万 - Ten thousand

上 - Above, up

下 - Below, down, descend, give, low, inferior

中 - In, inside, middle, mean, center

人 - Person

今 - Now

休 - Rest, day off, retire, sleep

会 - Meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join

何 - What

先 - Before, ahead, previous, future, precedence

入 - Enter, insert

円 - Circle, yen, round

出 - Exit, leave

分 - Part, minute of time, segment

前 - In front, before

北 - North

南 - South

東 - East

西 - West, Spain

午 - Noon

半 - Half, middle, odd number

友 - Friend

古 - Old

新 - New

左 - Left

右 - Right

名 - Name, noted, distinguished, reputation

国 - Country

土 - Soil, earth, ground

外 - Outside

多 - Many, frequent, much

小 - Little, small

大 - Large, big

天 - Heavens, sky, imperial

女 - Woman, female

男 - Man,male

子 - Child

学 - Study, learning, science

安 - Relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful

少 - Few, little

山 - Mountain

川 - Stream, river

年 - Year, counter for years

店 - Store, shop

後 - Behind, back, later

日 - Day, sun, Japan

時 - Time, hour

書 - Write

月 - Month, moon

木 - Tree, wood

本 - Book, present, main, true, real

来 - Come, due, next, cause, become

校 - Exam, school, printing, proof, correction

母 - Mother

父 - Father

毎 - Every

気 - Spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood

水 - Water

火 - Fire

生 - Life, genuine, birth

白 - White

手 - Hand

口 - Mouth

耳 - Ear

目 - Eye, class, look, insight, experience

足 - Leg, foot, be sufficient

社 - Company, firm, office, association, shrine

空 - Empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum

立 - Stand up

間 - interval / between

聞 - Hear, ask, listen

花 - Flower

行 - Going, journey

見 - See, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible

言 - Say

話 - Tale, talk

語 - Word, speech, language

読 - Read

買 - Buy

車 - Car

週 - Week

道 - Road-way, street, district, journey, course

金 - Gold

長 - Long, leader

間 - Interval, space

雨 - Rain

電 - Electricity

食 - Eat, food

飲 - Drink, smoke, take

駅 - Station

高 - Tall, high, expensive

魚 - Fish
Basic Vocabulary
Numbers :

One - いち - ichi

Two - に - ni

Three - さん - san

Four - よん / し - yon / shi

Five - ご - go

Six - ろく - roku

Seven - なな / しち - nana / shichi

Eight - はち - hachi

Nine - きゅう / く - kyuu / ku

Ten - じゅう - juu

Hundred - ひゃく - hyaku

Thousand - せん - sen

Ten Thousand - いち まん - ichi man

Days :

Sunday - nichi-yoobi -にちようび

Monday - getsu-yoobi - げつようび

Tuesday - ka-yoobi - かようび

Wednesday - sui-yoobi - すいようび

Thursday - moku-yoobi - もくようび

Friday - kin-yoobi - きんようび

Saturday - do-yoobi - どようび

Every day Vocabulary :

Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss - 〜さん - san

This way, this person - こちら kochira

Am, is, are - です desu

Pleased to meet you - はじめまして hajimemashite

I, me - わたし watashi

You - あなた anata

Please favour me - どうぞよろしく doozo yoroshiku

Person from - 〜じん -jin

Yes - はい hai

No - いいえ iie

Japan - にほん nihon

Japanese (person) - にほんじん nihonjin

School - がっこう gakkoo

Student - がくせい gakusei

Company - かいしゃ kaisha

Employee, company employee - かいしゃいん kaishain

Station, train station - えき eki

Post office - ゆうびんきょく yuubinkyoku

Bank - ぎんこう ginkoo

Introduce - しょうかいします shookai shimasu

Thank you very much - ありがとう ございます arigatoo gozaimasu

Home - うち uchi

Clock, watch - とけい tokei

Book - ほん hon

Newspaper - しんぶん shimbun

Key - かぎ kagi

Car - くるま kuruma

Excuse me., I'm sorry - すみません sumimasen

Friend - ともだち tomodachi

Now - いま ima

Yesterday - きのう kinoo

Today - きょう kyoo

Tomorrow - あした ashita

Day (of the month) - 〜にち -nichi

Day (of the week) - 〜ようび -yoobi

Month (of the year) - 〜がつ -gatsu

Year - ねん nen

Who? (hon.) - どなた donata

Who? - だれ dare

What? - なに nani

Where? - どこ doko

When? - いつ itsu

Why?, how? - どうして dooshite

Japanese Writing Sysyem
Modern Japanese writing system uses three main scripts:

    Kanji - are the Chinese characters that are used in the modern Japanese logographic writing system along with hiragana , katakana and the Arabic numerals.
    Hiragana - are used for words for which there are no kanji.
    Katakana - katakana are most often used for transcription of words from foreign languages. For example, "television" is written terebi (テレビ). Similarly, katakana is usually used for country names, foreign places, and personal names.

Hiragana and katakana each consist of 46 signs

Hiragana - ひらがな

Katakana - かたかな


Basic Japanese Phrases


こんにちは。 Konnichiwa.

わたし。 Watashi.

  あなた。 Anata.

How are you?
 おげんき ですか。 O-genki desu ka?

Fine, thank you.
 げんき です。 Genki desu.

What is your name?
おなまえ は なんですか。 O-namae wa nan desu ka? 

My name is Pradeep
わたしの なまえ は Pradeep です。Watashi no namae wa Pradeep desu.

Nice to meet you.
はじめまして。 Hajimemashite.

Please. (request)
おねがいします。 Onegai shimasu.

Please. (offer)
どうぞ。 Dōzo.

Thank you.
どうもありがとう。 Dōmo arigatō. /ありがとう ございました Arigatō Gozaimashita.

You're welcome.
どういたしまして。 Dō itashi mashite.

はい。 Hai.

いいえ。 Iie.

Excuse me.
すみません。 Sumimasen.

I'm sorry.
ごめんなさい。 Gomen-nasai.

Goodbye. (long-term)
さようなら。 Sayōnara.

Goodbye. (informal)
それでは。 Sore dewa.

Good morning.
おはよう ございます。 Ohayō gozaimasu.

Good afternoon

Good evening.
こんばんは。 Konbanwa.

Good night (to sleep)
おやすみ なさい。 Oyasuminasai.

I Understood
わかりました。 Wakarimashita.

I don't understand.
わかりません。 Wakarimasen.

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